Monday, October 01, 2007

Bubbles, Family, Friends, and Playtime

Kylan went on his second annual apple picking expedition. Unfortunately, I forgot the camera. He had fun though. We left him in the wagon to munch on apples while we picked. Nana then took Kylan to go look at the sheep. He enjoyed looking at the animals and playing with Nana.
Kylan has really been into bubbles lately too...Especially since he can say the word "bubble" really well. We have a big wand that makes big bubbles and he chases them around trying to pop them. He's cute.
For my Uncle's funeral we stayed at my mom's house. She has a kitten and Kylan thought the cat was hilarious. It was so funny. He would chase the kitten and then the kitten would chase him trying to grab his bottom. Something about those diapers. Kylan would shriek and scream. It was a good time. We got some on video camera....(mental note...Gotta look into finding out what I need to put the video online....)
We were blessed to have my good college friend Linda, her husband Mike, and newborn son, Noah stay with us for a night recently. We had a good time. Noah is so tiny and adorable. I got to hold him--yeah! I love little babies---but I am glad that Ky is beyond that stage. It is hard when babies are newborn--you just can't comfort them sometimes. You also don't always know what they need or want---yeah I am glad that Ky is older now--though I do miss those cuddle moments with him. Good thing he is a good hugger! Come back again Valentinos!
The other pics are of Kylan at the Children's Museum. WE went with our MOM's Club friends. Admission is expensive, but boy do the little kids have fun. Ky enjoyed all the drums in the music room. He also liked the water feature. Emily, Francesca, Evan, Holly, and Ky did a lot of splashing and boy did they get wet! There was also a construction room where Ky pretended to be a construction worker. He got to play in rocks and operate a crane. Upstairs in the museum there was a farm/garden/store room. Ky loved the cow rocker. In fact I had to make him share because he didn't want to give any of the other kids a chance. Then he threw a tantrum. Yes we are getting to that age! We are definitely going back to the museum soon! I think it will be a life-saver come this winter.
So...Ky's milestones....
LOTS OF WORDS!!! He continues to surprise me everyday. Like the other day we were walking out of the store and he pointed at the door and said "door". I never taught him that. He must have picked it up. WOW....
Other words include bike, hat (sounds like "at"), car (sounds like "ar", bible (this one is impressive), cow (sounds like "ow"), book (sounds like "bock"), hair, ear, uh-oh, peas and cheese...okay I am sure there are others but I can't think of them all...
he can blow bubbles using a wand, he can eat as many pancakes as me, he's doing better eating with a spoon, he can figure out all the shapes on his shape sorter (put the square in the square hole, circle in the circle, etc...), he can climb up on his rocking chair and rock by himself.
The biggest milestone is really the talking...I am waiting for him to say "Mother, I would like a bottle with ice water please." That will be crazy!!! Anyway that is all for now!

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