Monday, October 01, 2007

Uncle Ricky (1950 -2007)

I think I mentioned in my last blog that my uncle passed away. He died on September 4th. It was not a surprise. He had been battling cancer for years and fought it much harder than anyone I ever knew. What a vicious disease. Anyway--I just wanted to make a small memoir. Uncle Ricky was a very prominent figure in my life. He was very much like a father to me. My mom and him were very close and his children were mine and Joel's age--so we got together a lot and played.

Uncle Rickly loved being outside. He took me on my first camping trip and many to follow. He taught me how to play ping pong (which I am still not very good at) and he put the first pool cue in my hand. He drove my family to Disney World in Florida in his RV so that we could have a first "Real" vacation and get the chance to see my grandma which we rarely saw. He helped us climb tower hill at the beach and helped teach me to swim. He taught me how to body surf waves. He and my mother spent hours discussing their diets and nutrition. I am sure he was a part of the multitude of vitamins I took as well as the nightly doses of cod liver oil (YUK!) He wanted what was best for us.

He attended my graduation, my wedding, and was ecstatic about the birth of Kylan. He helped me with my many car repairs (pre-Lance). In fact he helped me test drive multiple cars and finally pick out my red Saturn--Lance. Uncle Ricky had a great smile and shared it with everyone. He always was helpful to those in need and was always looking for new ways to serve God. I only just learned that he made weekly visits to the juvenile detention center so he could minister to teens.

With Jeff's wedding, I was able to visit him twice. He died two days after we left. I know he enjoyed us being there as well as Ky's presence. In fact Ky learned how to say "BABY" right in front of Uncle Ricky. I know Uncle Ricky hung on so Jeff's wedding and his death would not be associated. He was always thinking of others.

So here is to Uncle Ricky. He will never be forgotten--since he made too big of an impact on my life as well as others. I look forward to seeing him again in Heaven.


poetbutterfly said...

*softly* He sounds like a wonderful man, Jess....i can't wait to meet him in heaven too....*soft smile & a hug*

poetbutterfly said...

okay just realized you have no idea who "butterfly"'s Kim Betts....aka Kermit.... :)