Friday, May 28, 2010


(Ice Cream the Best reward for pooping on the potty!)

SHE DID IT!  YES SHE DID!  20 Months old and initiated by herself...

So now you think I am crazy to be so excited by poop in the potty--but I have been changing diapers for almost 4 years now--wouldn't you be excited too?

So here's the background info...

The last few weeks Alaina has been telling me "I POOP!"  and then sure enough within the next 20 minutes she would poop.  I had pulled out the potty a few times and encouraged her to sit, but nothing ever happened. Since then, I have been showing her "Potty Power" (the video).  She loves it.  (Yes--I am fully aware this is against my NO TV for under 2 rule--but I figure this was a worthwhile exception.)

Today, she was eating snack and said once again "I POOP!"  So I asked her, "Do you want to go on the potty?"  She replied, "YEAH!"  So there you have it, I put her on the potty brought her some books.  She then bent over to grab a book and that is when I saw the beautiful creation she had made in the toilet. *SIGH*  

I was so astonished.  I didn't expect anything to happen.  I started shouting "You Pooped!"  (I think I scared her--she was looking at my like I had lost my mind.)  Then I was pointing at the potty yelling "Look at what you did!"  (Now she is looking at the potty FREAKED out like she made a mistake or something.)  I really hope I didn't scar her.  We wiped her bottom and then I let her call Daddy and tell him what she did.  She was pretty excited to talk on the phone.

After that she was rewarded with her favorite treat--ICE CREAM! 

So here is the weird thing--really, it's not that weird--after all Kate from Jon & Kate plus 8 takes pictures of her kids with their "creations".  --so it has been 2 hours since the incident and I haven't flushed it.  Yeah--I am saving it--FOR DADDY--that is.  I need him to come home and make a really big deal about it --just to emphasize how great she is for taking this big girl step. 

On a sappy note--my baby is growing.  *SIGH*  But I am looking forward to many more successful potties in the near future (hopefully I am not reading into this ONE incident to much.)

Way to GO Alaina!

(Video Clip is of her and her celebratory ice cream.)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Saving Money...Rebates & Class Action Suits

I always do rebates at Menard' is a part of the cycle of getting us home improvement items--and it saves us LOTS of money.  I recently discovered there is an array of rebates out there--in particular for groceries. 

In fact, I have to credit the last four bottles of lotions I purchased for FREE (actually I made $2.50) to rebates...and nice bottles--Olay!  In fact, many rebates you may be able to make money off of!  The rebates will ask you to purchase $xx in products and they will reimburse you--this means BEFORE coupons!  Just to break this down for you.  Olay has had NUMEROUS rebates for buying their lotion and to top that--they have had lots of coupons. 

The first rebate I did with them, I did not have any coupons (My precouponing days..).  The rebate simply said, buy 3 of their products and they will give you $15 rebate.  I purchased 3 lotions for $13.50 + tax and sure enough I received back $15.  Take tax and stamp into account--I got 3 bottles of lotion for free and made $1!    Their next rebate was to simply buy a bottle of lotion and receive a rebate for the bottle.  I bought another lotion for $4.50 and used a $1 coupon which I doubled (spent $2.50 + stamp for rebate) and I received a rebate for $4.50.  (I made $1.50 again!).  So do you see how this works???

So there are many items for free or close to free with rebates--How do companies do it?

Well, they rely on you, the consumer, to be inspired to buy the product via the rebate and then count on you to FAIL in sending in the rebate.  You can fail two different ways in sending a rebate in 1.)  You forget to send it in or 2.)  You don't fill out the rebate correctly.  Here is what I do to succeed. 

When unloading my purchases I either immediately fill out the rebate OR I put it on the counter where I won't miss it.  I then give the completed rebate to Rob to "proofread" & mail.  Remember failure 2 is not filling it out correctly.  If you forget to circle your item --you will not get your rebate.  If it is a larger rebate, I will scan the receipt and form.  I will then also put on my calendar when I expect to receive my rebate.  (For example, if it is 6 weeks from now I will mark "Olay Rebate" 6 weeks out.)  If I don't receive it, then I can look at my scan and give a call.  (So far I have NEVER had to do this.) 

Finally, you can also receive money from class action suits.  (These suits usually come from false advertising.)  These lawsuits basically state if you bought such and such, fill out this form and you will receive money.  (Many forms are online, YEAH!)  Don't expect to see your money for a long time...remember this is a lawsuit settlement.  However, if you fill them out periodically as you discover them, you will eventually see some returns.  Some you don't even have to have proof for--but be sure to be honest.  I don't file a claim for products I know I don't buy. 

So let's get you started on some good rebates that are currently out there....Here are the forms.  (Actually there is only one online currently that I am aware of.  Boo-hoo--I will start hooking you up with other rebates soon!)


SC Johnson.  Buy 3 products get $5 back  (Potential money maker!!!)  And you can do this rebate up to 3 times!  Good until June 30, 2010.  Products include OFF!  Ziploc, Pledge, Scrubbing Bubbles, Glade, Mr. Muscle, Duck, Windex, Shout, Nature's Souce, Fantastic, Drano, Oust, Raid, Baygon, Autan,AllOut, Saran, and Grand Prix.  (I am excited about this one...I am going to stock up on bug spray for the summer and freezer bags for my garden produce!)

Class Action Suits

Did you buy any Tyson Chicken between June 19, 2007 and April 30, 2009?  Even if you don't have proof--You can still file a claim and receive anywhere from $5 - $50.  See this link for more info and to fill out a claim.

Did you purchase DanActive yogurt or Activia before April 23, 2010?  Receive $30 to $100.  No proof needed.

Did you purchase a lawnmower between 1994 - 2010?  You could get an extended warranty or up to $75 back.  See this link for details...

So in the future, I will let you know about cool rebates/class action suits as I come across them.  As you can see PYD lady does a lot of the work for me, but I sometimes find other ones.  (Not to mention your grocery store will often have ones.) 

Next Saving Money Blog will be the BIG ONE--that introduces you to coupons.  This is where you save BIG money!  Yippee!  Expect that one hopefully sometime next week.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Goodbyes to Bear

As a few of you know, we rehomed Bear a few weeks ago. This was a very HARD decision for me—and I am still having problems with it today.

We got Bear at 6 months old. We adopted him from the Humane Society—something I will never do again. We were given 15 – 20 minutes to visit with him, and then 15 minutes to decide if we wanted him. If we didn’t adopt, there was a whole SLEW of people behind us waiting to meet him. Dogs 6 months and younger did not last long at the Humane Society at all—and we wanted a puppy to train.

When we first met Bear he was very sweet and mild. He just leaned against you for pettings. He was rated an “average” energy dog that was shy. We soon learned that he was quite the abused and confused dog. We spent months working with him just to take walks on the leash—he was petrified of parked cars and would turn around if he saw them. He had serious separation anxiety, so we crated him. All in all he was my perfect companion in Milwaukee especially when Rob stayed overnight in Madison several days a week. He also got me out of the house and venturing the neighborhood.

He LOVED the park we lived next to. There were ponds in it and I would take him to swim. There was no concern for him off-leash, he would always come when called.

Then Kylan came. Bear ignored him. Literally, the first few months he pretended Ky did not exist. He was still a good dog just a jealous one. We moved to Madison, Ky’s first winter, and things got much rougher. I didn’t walk Bear like I normally did. I couldn’t take Ky out in those frigid temps. Bear acted out a little as all dogs, but he was still a great dog. We trained him to go to the bathroom in one area of the yard—he did a great job overall—however occasionally he did stray from the area. (And our one neighbor was sure to inform us if he went inches into her yard.) But overall he was a great dog.

Then came Alaina, poor dog. Yeah, he got very little attention once Alaina came along. There was less time for petting, playing and walking. Granted I was VERY good about walking him when the weather was warmer, but this past winter I think I only walked him a handful of times. Turns out Bear was actually a high energy dog. He would run laps in the house. He was OVERLY excited when people would come over. In fact it came to the point where we just started putting him away when someone would come over because he just WOULD NOT calm down—and he would jump (and a 60lb lab is the last thing you want jumping on him.)

Anyway, the last year I could really tell that he love playing with Ky and Alaina (and he was very good with them) but at the same time he was getting annoyed with them. Ky would get some growls for pulling his tail. It was getting a little alarming. I know Bear would never bite out of viciousness, but at the same time I didn’t want Ky to continue to harass Bear and drive him to bite out of self defense or to just get Ky off his back.

This whole last year of having Bear I had been battling with the idea of rehoming Bear. Bear was my dog. Not Rob’s. Rob had little interest in him. Bear’s exercise and attention all relied on me—and with 2 kids and working part time, I just wasn’t finding anytime for him. I can’t find time for myself—how do I find time for him?!

So the final straw came a few weeks ago that cemented my plans to rehome Bear. I had just come back from a walk with the kids and Bear. Rob was home and I handed Bear’s leash off to him. Our neighbor girl (5 years old) comes running up to us from out of nowhere and Bear jumped up on her in excitement. We think he was going for a kiss or something, I am not sure, but he left marks on her. His teeth drug on her skin and she did bleed. It wasn’t a bite mark, but more like a scratch.

I am very blessed to have such wonderful neighbors who shrugged it off as no big deal, and “this should be a lesson to our daughter not to run up to people’s dogs!” But, I felt awful. What’s even worse was thinking about Ky’s friends and if their parents would have concerns with Bear being around (even if we kept him away). We had worked with him to try to calm him when people came over, but nothing we did seem to help. UGH!

So I put up my notice for Bear on the Humane Society’s Rehoming page as well as on Craigslist. This is what it said:

I am looking for a new companion(s) for my dog Bear. He is 5 years old. He is a black lab/water spaniel mix. He weighs 55 lb and is well trained. He has been trained to go to the bathroom in one area of the yard. He can sit, speak, lay down, stay, roll over, come, shake, hurry up (command to go potty), retrieve his toy (stick), and jump up. He does not get on furniture and has been trained to wait at the top or bottom of the stairs until you are up (we taught him that for the safety of our children on the stairs.) You could pretty easily teach him other commands as well—he will do anything for food. He walks well on a leash. He is neutered and up to date on all of his shots including Bordtella. Since he is mixed with water spaniel, he loves to swim and does well off leash. He also loves to play fetch. He is easy going and generally loves everyone.

He needs a home where he can get more attention and at LEAST a walk every day. I have had 2 kids in the last couple of years and he just doesn’t get enough attention anymore. Not to mention, I am not always able to walk him every day. He does well with kids, though I can tell he has been getting frustrated with mine lately—most likely jealousy. I would prefer he go to a home with no kids or older kids to ensure that he is more likely in a family where he will get exercise. He loves other dogs as well.

His bad behaviors are becoming very excited when people come over (jumping up, barking at the door). I am sure with the right owner who could spend time with him and teach him, this would be corrected. (Because I have young children and don’t want him jumping up when they are crawling on the floor, I have been removing him from the room.) Also, because he is a lab he can get mouthy when he gets excited (he may nibble or open his mouth). The best thing you can do for this is to always make sure he has a good chew toy so he is less likely to be that way. Also, when he gets proper exercise he is rarely mouthy.

He is currently on an eye medication that costs $10 every other month. He has an immune disorder and will need the medication for the rest of his life. It only affects one eye. It does not affect how he sees, or even appears to bother him –so this really isn’t a big deal—but I want to be up front about additional costs.

He is not an outside dog. He needs to live in a home with his owner. If you are an active person looking for a dog companion, please let me know. I am not happy about giving my dog away—but he needs a better living situation. I want to make sure he goes to the right home, so please don’t feel offended if I ask for references as well as some time to see how you and Bear get along. Thanks.

I have to say I was surprised by the number of responses we got and how quickly we got them. The first response I had was from a man named Rick. He and his fiancee were looking for a dog that they could take walking several times a day. They manage an apartment complex that is blocks away from the lake as well as a park with several ponds. The lady—Ellie—in particular was the one who was excited about Bear. She stays at home all day (to manage the complex) and really wanted a walking companion. I met Ellie several days later at the park that was just blocks from their place. I was very happy to discover this was an older couple (kids are grown). They had had several dogs before and had vast knowledge about them. (Rick was at one time married to a dog trainer.) Ellie had previously had a dog that looked similar to Bear and was really looking for a companion.

I met Ellie at a park several days later with Bear. Bear was very distracted by the pond there, but he did well and Ellie thought he was beautiful. She even got to watch him swim. We were unable to meet Rick because he was called out of town on business.

I really liked Ellie and asked her and Rick for some references. When I called, the references had nothing but good things to say about them both and their love of animals. I contacted Ellie once again and told her that I would like Rick to meet Bear and would like Bear to see her place. I was a bit concerned about Bear being in an apartment building and how he would take to all the smells & people. I was also a little concerned about how Ellie’s cats would do with Bear. (Bear loves cats, but it can be questionable if cats love him.) Several days later we were able to meet them. We walked to their apartment (from a nearby park.) It is a beautiful area with lots of parks and people (a very pet friendly area). Their apartment complex was 2 buildings with 4 -6 apartments in each. Next to the apartments was a giant greenspace (bigger than our backyard) that Bear would be able to run. In fact we let Bear off leash for a while and let him play fetch. He really enjoyed it. Their apartment was very nice and very accommodating for a dog his size. Ellie’s cats ran and hid, but that was expected. The visit was great and I could tell that Rick & Ellie were both taken by Bear. I also knew that he would be a great fit for the both of them. The visit was perfect UNTIL….

Ellie was walking Bear as we were heading back to the park when a neighbor of theirs came home. They were holding a little 10 lb dog named “Mitzy”. (Yeah, doesn’t the name say it all?) Well they put Mitzy down to meet Bear and Mitzy lunged at Bear. Bear yelped and stepped back and began barking at the dog. The neighbors quickly picked up Mitzy and made a comment like “She’s not good around other dogs.” And walked off. It wasn’t until a few minutes later that we noticed Bear’s ear was bleeding. Mitzy had bit his ear.

The bite was not bad we cleaned it up figuring for the best. Then Bear shook his head—blood splattered everywhere. All over me, Rob, Ky, Alaina—YUCK! In fact every time he shook his head he would make it bleed all over again. We ended up loading him into the van (and yes he shook in there too—blood all over the new van) and heading to the nearest Walgreen’s. We bought some liquid bandage—but even that was not strong enough for Bear’s shaking.

By then it was bedtime for the kids. We didn’t feel that going to the vet was warranted since it wasn’t bleeding a lot. Rob and I made one last attempt at cleaning his ear and putting corn starch on it. Then I put an old onesie (of Alaina’s) on his head and “Gated” him in his bed for the night. We were hoping that by keeping him laying down for 8 hours or so, the cut would clot enough to withstand his shakes.

The next morning we discovered that it was still bleeding. Rob stayed home from work while I took Bear (onesie and all) to the vet. The vet cleaned his ear up and discovered that it was slightly torn. She then used surgical glue to close it, then bandaged his ear, then bandaged his ears to his head (yes she put the bandage around his head), and then put a cone (or e-collar) around his neck. She said to keep the bandage on for a week and the e-collar on for 2 weeks.

At that point we had already decided on giving Bear to Ellie and Rick, however, with Bear being all bandaged and coned, the last thing I wanted to do was add to his trauma. I called Ellie and asked to do the exchange the following weekend. She happily agreed and asked to pay for his vet bill. This was very nice and reassuring. It was also reassuring to find out that Mitzy was given to someone else and would not be living in the complex with Bear.

Our last week with Bear was a sad yet humorous one. Bear ran into everything with that cone. Poor Alaina. She was the perfect cone height so she was often hit by his big cone head and fell down. He was only upset about the cone for the first day. Following that he seemed to pretty quickly adjust to having it on him. The bandage around his head did not last long at all. It kept falling over his eyes and then we had a blind cone-headed dog. I quickly took that off. The pic you see of him above was shortly before I took the cone off his head. You can see he wasn’t that ecstatic about it being there.

Saturday morning taking Bear to Ellie's was hard.  You can probably tell from the pic above that I had been crying.  We took Bear over late morning with all his stuff.  Ellie & Rick were both excited to see their new companion.  They made him a special name tag with their phone number and bought him some new toys.  Silly Bear had no idea what was going on and was just excited to be out and about. 

We left Bear and he noticed we were going without him as we pulled away.  I can still see him pulling at his leash and yelping after us.  *Heartbreaking*

I talked to Ellie later that afternoon and she said that her and Rick took Bear for multiple walks that day and he seemed to be doing fine.  A week later I called again and she said that he seemed to be settled in.  She said they would go for 2 -3 walks a day and he seemed to already know his way home.  He was great with people walking through the building and was not whining or anything--he seemed to be comfortable with them and not depressed at all.  This was quite a relief to me. 

I had called and talk to the Humane Society before rehoming Bear.  They told me that dogs live in the "now".  While Bear might be sad that we left him, he will quickly readjust to his new family and forget any sad feelings towards what happened.  (Makes me think I wish I could often live in the "NOW"--might be easier.)  This was also reassuring when homing Bear.

Ellie has said that we may contact her whenever we like to see Bear--which I am really grateful for.  I told her we would at least wait 1 month before we contact her because I want to make sure Bear gets settled in. 

So how are our lives without Bear?

Quiet.  It is really weird coming home to an empty house.  No one is excited to see you.  No one is running into the kids and wagging tails in their faces.  It is funny how you really don't know how much you will miss a person until they are gone--and how much their normal everyday behaviors have become a part of your life.  For example, every night I get into bed, Bear (within about 5 minutes of crawling into bed) will come and sniff at me just to make sure I am fine--and then will go lay down on his bed near me.  He also loved to lick my feet (yeah--I know--gross...), but it was his way of showing me affection.  He would also follow me where ever I went.  He was my shadow or almost like a visible guardian angel.  I would clean one room and then go to the next--and he would follow me.  I didn't realize how comforting it was just to have him in the same room as me--until he was gone.

Selfishly, I also really miss his cleaning up after the kids--while he left a lot of hair on the carpet--he would clean up all the food Alaina threw or Kylan dropped.  Now I find myself manually picking it up after each meal--missing him.  Another thing--what do I do with left overs, or the scraps of food on the kids plates?  I am throwing it away now--and that makes me feel guilty (Yeah--I am one of those people who hates throwing food away.)  Bear always got the scraps.  He was like the last piece in our family puzzle.

I have to say most surprisingly--Ky and Alaina have adjusted very quickly to not having Bear with us.  I had a lot of talks with Ky before we rehomed Bear.  He met Ellie and formed an instant bond with her (he drew her pictures and everything.)  And when the day came to give Bear to Ellie, he was just fine with it.  He hugged Bear and then marched to the van to leave.  I think this surprised me the most since I expected to be dealing with Ky's emotions and instead I ended up dealing with my own.

I was quite the mess the first week without Bear--often crying, and quite frankly withdrawn.  I am doing much better now.  I KNOW that I made the best decision for him, and it would have been selfish for me to keep him.  I do hope to visit him this summer and occasionally in years to come (Ellie & Rick welcome our visits.)  I know that my visits will only validate my decision.  Bear was a WONDERFUL dog, that I could not appreciate due to the busyness of little ones.  I know his new owners see his beautiful heart and love him more than I was able.  I am glad that I was strong enough to see this and let him go.  It is true what they say--If you really love something (someone) you have to be able to let them go. 

Bear--here's to your new life full of walks, pettings, love, attention, swims, and boat rides (did I mention they own a boat--Bear is going to LOVE that!).  May your second family be all that you ever dreamed of and more.  I love you!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Building my Cathedrals...

I have had a really rough last couple of weeks. In fact, I have been an emotional wreck the last couple of weeks. Last night was my last MOPs (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting (until next year starts.) I honestly did not want to go. I just felt so burnt. However, I am a table leader, and so really I had no choice but to go. I am SO glad I went. Our meeting began with the video above. WOW! What a new, wonderful perspective I have been given.

After the video, we talked about focusing on the big picture as a mother and not getting hung up on the small things. We talked about creating a few big goals and always working towards those--In other words, we talked about not being perfect, but being focused on a few things we want our children to have. My load sure lightened at that meeting. It also gave me new perspective on all moms as a whole.

Rob and I plan to talk in the next week about making a few "BIG" goals for our children. One that we agreed on immediately was to create a home that our children would always want to come back to--and to bring their friends to. We want our home to be overflowing with love and support--a retreat away from the burdens of the world. We want our kids' friends to see us (Rob & I) as parent figures. I had several of these in my life (Thanks Papa & Mama Vander Heyden & Bill & Cheryl Kambs). I can tell you that these couple parents really took me under their wing and have always shown me a tenderness that only a parent could. Their love for me is forever sewn into my heart and for that I will always see them as ones who helped to guide me to become the person I am. And what did they do--what did they ultimately do?--always welcomed me into their home and treated me with the same love they showed their own children.

This video and blog is dedicated to all mothers who have built beautiful cathedrals! May I continue to grow from your architechtural knowledge and create magnificent cathedrals under yours & God's guidance.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Saving Money...Starting with Walgreen's

I was TOTALLY not a Walgreen's shopper.  In fact, I rarely step foot in Walgreen's.  However, Walgreen's is EVERYWHERE!  Which actually made my first step to saving money easy.  I go to the library every week.  Walgreen's is next to the library.  So now when I need to go to Walgreen's, I just park between the library and Walgreen's and do both runs at the same time.  AND I am in and out of the store usually within 5 minutes.  It fits perfectly in my schedule.

So why Walgreen's?  Walgreen's has a program called Walgreen's rewards.  You buy a product, they will then give you a coupon (good for 2 weeks) off your next purchase.  This coupon/reward is often worth the same amount as the purchase price of the product.  THIS is how I get a lot of my necessities for free--shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, feminine necessities, soap, shaving stuff, etc... All I actually pay for is the tax of the item.

What is so AWESOME about this is--you can take that reward and then use it at other stores (the store has to also carry that same product you purchased at Walgreen's to accept the coupon/reward).  I usually take the coupon to my grocery store and apply it towards my grocery bill.  If you reuse the coupon at Walgreen's--things can get complicated...Refer to this link to help you figure that out...(this is why it is just easier to apply the reward to my weekly grocery bill.)

There are also neat ways you can actually MAKE money at Walgreen's....Hello Coupon World!

For example, I purchased a razor this week at Walgreen's for $7.99 (See above pic).  The Rewards for this razor was $5.  However, I had a $5 coupon which I used.  Therefore with tax, I only paid $3.34 for the item and received $5 back in Rewards.  So I actually MADE $1.66!  --and it is a nice razor Rob will use.

There are often coupons out there for Walgreen's items that have Rewards--this is how you can "Make" money off the store.  Otherwise, there are plenty of items for free.  (For example, the shaving cream in the pic above is free this week--just pay tax.)

Other great deals (non-rewards) I see at Walgreen's include--dish soap.  You can always stack in-store coupons with Manufacturer coupons.  Often I will get my dish soap for around $0.50 with their in-store 0.99 coupon and a coupon I have.  HONEY!  We go through a LOT of honey.  The cheapest I have found honey is $3.69 for 20 oz at Aldi.  However, Walgreen's has a 32 oz honey that goes on sale about once a month for $3.99 with store coupon AND HERE is a coupon for $1 off that honey--so you can get it for $2.99! ( I will warn you that the coupon will probably not work at the register so the cashier will have to manually enter it in.  I have never had a problem with them accepting the coupon though.)  Computer Paper!  I see this on sale once a month for $2.99 for a ream of paper (with store coupon). Jello/Pudding --yeah--I am not a big fan either, but the kids like it.  Once a  month I see it for 4 or 5 boxes for $1 with store coupon. Sometimes I have also been able to get name brand diapers for around $4 a pack as well by using Rewards and coupons.

Those are the deals I enjoy at Walgreen's.  But like I said, I really just use the store for my freebies and then apply the Reward dollars towards my grocery bill.   This is how I have pretty much eliminated my monthly Walmart run saving us anywhere from $50 - $100 per month.  (And yes--I do stock up on things, because I don't always know when things will next go on sale.) 

Here is my favorite Walgreen's site.  I swear this lady makes a living off this store.  Anyway, she always has the current flier as well as future fliers (up to a month ahead).  She will point out the Rewards Freebies and often link coupons to the items to help you MAKE money.  I check this site once a week to see if I need to run to Walgreen's for the week and what to buy.  Oh yeah--one last thing...sometimes the reward does NOT print out after your purchase (this has only happened to me once in the last 3 months).  If it doesn't, be sure to let them know so they can get you your reward!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Writing his numbers....

Ky was writing his numbers today.  He wrote 10, then 20, and then wanted help with 30, 40, I told him 3 then 0, 4 then 0....  We finally got to 70 and I overestimated him thinking that he had figured the number out.  So when he asked me, I said "SEVEN- TY, What do you think Ky?"  He then proceeded to write "7T".  What a SMART KID!  I guess he hadn't quite figured out the pattern yet! :)

I am not exactly sure how the schools teach kids to count, but here is what I did with Kylan.  (He can count to 100 with minor help.)  After we established 1-20 (through repetition), I taught Ky how to count by 10's.  And like all things I taught him with a song.  Even if he didn't want to sing it with me, I would just keep singing it around him until he finally got it (and I heard him sing it for himself.)  I have also been known to reward with Jelly Beans when he correctly learns a song.  :)

After that I just taught him how the 10's fit in and how then you count from 1-9 with each stage.  For example 20 then goes 20 -1, 20-2, 20-3.  I emphasize the 20 and then just have him count from 1-9 with it.  Then he remembers the next "10" that comes after 20 is 30, so he starts out all over. 

He isn't perfect as sometimes he counts too fast and forgets where he is at or he forgets which 'ten" comes next, but it is pretty awesome for a 3-year-old to count to 100.  Way to go Ky!

The first steps to saving grocery money

I have learned so much in the last few months about saving money.  This is not one of my best purchases--however I will say that this is becoming an average purchase for me.  I have a lot of friends who have been asking me for tips and advice--so I thought I would use my blog to help update people on what I have learned so you can save money as well.  So what did I buy for $12.42... 

2 ice cream (1/2 gallon)
3.5 lb broccoli
3.5 lb apples
20 oz brats
2 boxes of organic cereal
1/2 gallon organic milk
1 gallon whole milk
1 dozen eggs
1 package shredded cheese
1 package sliced cheese
1 gallon apple juice
1 bag fresh salad mix
1 box of juice boxes

Not too shabby.....And the most outstanding thing is that I am buying organic food for cheaper than I buy regular food at Aldi's.  The cereal was 0.80/box.  Both milks were free (yes the organic one too!). The juice boxes were free. The eggs were free.  And the sliced cheese was free.  Now this is how I like to shop!

I have become a coupon shopper the last several months and it has paid off.  Previous to this we shopped at Aldi's every week (cheapest place to get food) and spent $60/week.  We would also make one Woodman's run (the big cheap store) for all the necessities that Aldi's does not carry.  That run would cost us $100.  Our monthly grocery bill was then $340/month.  I have now cut our grocery spending by more than half!  I am very excited by this!  This month I am looking at a grocery bill of $160--and the fabulous thing is--we are eating healthier than ever and enjoying new foods we get for FREE.  I also need to add that I have virtually eliminated our "Walmart" run.  Usually I spend $50 - $75 at Walmart/month for cleaners, toiletries, etc....Last month I spent $10.  This means we are saving over $200 a month!  Yeah Coupons!

Just to make myself clear, I do NOT buy things just because I have a coupon.  (I have a lot of people assume that because I am a coupon shopper I buy things anytime I have a coupon.)  The first step I laid down for myself was never to buy anything I wouldn't normally purchase unless it was FREE.  For example, the Melt Downs in the picture above are cheese slices.  I always buy cheese slices, however these are processed cheese slices (something I would not normally buy).  However, they were free (and in fact I got a 0.40 credit towards my other groceries with the coupon I had).  --the kids will enjoy it and it will be a fabulous treat. 

One may argue that I don't normally buy Organic cereal--however, when I was purchasing our cereal at Aldi's I was spending $1.79/box.  Here I am buying Organic cereal and I only spent $0.79/box.  Good tradeoff! :)  That was step 2, only make substitutes for your normal products if they are cheaper and you know you will eat them!  Which brings me to Step 3, figure out what you are normally spending on certain items and aim for lower!  Now this will include you occassionally looking at the per ounce price.  (Welcome Math people!)  If you normally shop at Aldi, they will break this down for you on their price sticker--when you compare prices at your local super store, you will need to do the math yourself. 

And for my last step of this intro lesson to saving Step 4  Start making a "ROCK BOTTOM PRICE LIST".  Basically this list will consist of your basic grocery items and the lowest price you have been able to find for them.  This will help you to have a shopping "goal"  as well as tell you when to stock up on an item until its next sale.  As you look at fliers you will start to notice a trend.  For example, 3lb of frozen boneless chicken breasts go on sale once every six weeks for $4.88  (this is my rock bottom price!)  I will then make sure I purchase enough packages of chicken to last me the next 6 weeks until the rock bottom price comes around again.  WOO-HOO! 

Not to overwhelm you, I am going to end this blog here and leave you my current ROCK BOTTOM PRICE LIST (which I am still working on--remember I am new at this too.)  If you have any questions, feel free to email or comment.  Otherwise, I will blog again soon with the next steps to saving money!

Jessica's Rock Bottom Price List

Shampoo/Conditioner: Free ( just pay tax)

Soap/Body Wash: Free ( just pay tax)

Kid/Baby Shampoo: ?

Lotion: ?? (Last 4 bottles have been free…)

Pads: Free (just pay tax)

Tampons: Free (just pay tax)

Floss: Free ( just pay tax)

Toothpaste: Free (just pay tax)

Deodorant: <0.50 or free (just pay tax)

Diapers: $4.00 for jumbo size
Toilet Paper: Less than $4.00 for 12 rolls

Dish Soap: 0.50

Cereal: Less than 0.50 a box--though often will get free

Crackers: $1.00

Pasta: Free

Pasta Sauce: $1/jar

Canned Veggies 0.40 can

Frozen Veggies: ??

Stock (Chicken/Beef): $1 / carton

Frozen Pizza: $2 for a fancy pizza (Digiornos, Tombstone, Freschetta)

Bread: 0.75 for whole wheat

Bagels: $1.00

Cheese: $1.25 for 8 oz

Peanut Butter: $1.39

Vinegar: 1 gallon $1.99

Apples : 0.99/lb

Oranges : 0.50/lb

Cantaloupe: $1.50 each

Pineapple: $1.50 each

Bananas: 0.39 lb

Carrots (baby, peeled): $1.00/lb Aldi’s has them 0.49/lb every 1-2 months and I stock up then! Though it doesn’t last until the next sale

Flour: $1.39 5lb bag

Sugar : $2.35 5 lb bag

Fruit Snacks: $1.00
Chicken boneless breasts frozen: $5.00 3 lb bag

Chicken boneless breasts fresh (no hormones): $1.99 lb

Frozen ground beef: $5 for 3lb

Pork ribs/loin/roast: $1.79 / lb

Lunch meat:  (nice shaved real meat): $1.50/ 9 oz

Ice Cream $1.50 / 0.5 gallon

yogurt: $1.45 / 32 oz or $0.30 per multipack (4 cups)