Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Writing his numbers....

Ky was writing his numbers today.  He wrote 10, then 20, and then wanted help with 30, 40, I told him 3 then 0, 4 then 0....  We finally got to 70 and I overestimated him thinking that he had figured the number out.  So when he asked me, I said "SEVEN- TY, What do you think Ky?"  He then proceeded to write "7T".  What a SMART KID!  I guess he hadn't quite figured out the pattern yet! :)

I am not exactly sure how the schools teach kids to count, but here is what I did with Kylan.  (He can count to 100 with minor help.)  After we established 1-20 (through repetition), I taught Ky how to count by 10's.  And like all things I taught him with a song.  Even if he didn't want to sing it with me, I would just keep singing it around him until he finally got it (and I heard him sing it for himself.)  I have also been known to reward with Jelly Beans when he correctly learns a song.  :)

After that I just taught him how the 10's fit in and how then you count from 1-9 with each stage.  For example 20 then goes 20 -1, 20-2, 20-3.  I emphasize the 20 and then just have him count from 1-9 with it.  Then he remembers the next "10" that comes after 20 is 30, so he starts out all over. 

He isn't perfect as sometimes he counts too fast and forgets where he is at or he forgets which 'ten" comes next, but it is pretty awesome for a 3-year-old to count to 100.  Way to go Ky!

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