Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Saving Money...Starting with Walgreen's

I was TOTALLY not a Walgreen's shopper.  In fact, I rarely step foot in Walgreen's.  However, Walgreen's is EVERYWHERE!  Which actually made my first step to saving money easy.  I go to the library every week.  Walgreen's is next to the library.  So now when I need to go to Walgreen's, I just park between the library and Walgreen's and do both runs at the same time.  AND I am in and out of the store usually within 5 minutes.  It fits perfectly in my schedule.

So why Walgreen's?  Walgreen's has a program called Walgreen's rewards.  You buy a product, they will then give you a coupon (good for 2 weeks) off your next purchase.  This coupon/reward is often worth the same amount as the purchase price of the product.  THIS is how I get a lot of my necessities for free--shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, feminine necessities, soap, shaving stuff, etc... All I actually pay for is the tax of the item.

What is so AWESOME about this is--you can take that reward and then use it at other stores (the store has to also carry that same product you purchased at Walgreen's to accept the coupon/reward).  I usually take the coupon to my grocery store and apply it towards my grocery bill.  If you reuse the coupon at Walgreen's--things can get complicated...Refer to this link to help you figure that out...(this is why it is just easier to apply the reward to my weekly grocery bill.)


There are also neat ways you can actually MAKE money at Walgreen's....Hello Coupon World!

For example, I purchased a razor this week at Walgreen's for $7.99 (See above pic).  The Rewards for this razor was $5.  However, I had a $5 coupon which I used.  Therefore with tax, I only paid $3.34 for the item and received $5 back in Rewards.  So I actually MADE $1.66!  --and it is a nice razor Rob will use.

There are often coupons out there for Walgreen's items that have Rewards--this is how you can "Make" money off the store.  Otherwise, there are plenty of items for free.  (For example, the shaving cream in the pic above is free this week--just pay tax.)

Other great deals (non-rewards) I see at Walgreen's include--dish soap.  You can always stack in-store coupons with Manufacturer coupons.  Often I will get my dish soap for around $0.50 with their in-store 0.99 coupon and a coupon I have.  HONEY!  We go through a LOT of honey.  The cheapest I have found honey is $3.69 for 20 oz at Aldi.  However, Walgreen's has a 32 oz honey that goes on sale about once a month for $3.99 with store coupon AND HERE is a coupon for $1 off that honey--so you can get it for $2.99! ( I will warn you that the coupon will probably not work at the register so the cashier will have to manually enter it in.  I have never had a problem with them accepting the coupon though.)  Computer Paper!  I see this on sale once a month for $2.99 for a ream of paper (with store coupon). Jello/Pudding --yeah--I am not a big fan either, but the kids like it.  Once a  month I see it for 4 or 5 boxes for $1 with store coupon. Sometimes I have also been able to get name brand diapers for around $4 a pack as well by using Rewards and coupons.

Those are the deals I enjoy at Walgreen's.  But like I said, I really just use the store for my freebies and then apply the Reward dollars towards my grocery bill.   This is how I have pretty much eliminated my monthly Walmart run saving us anywhere from $50 - $100 per month.  (And yes--I do stock up on things, because I don't always know when things will next go on sale.) 

Here is my favorite Walgreen's site.  I swear this lady makes a living off this store.  Anyway, she always has the current flier as well as future fliers (up to a month ahead).  She will point out the Rewards Freebies and often link coupons to the items to help you MAKE money.  I check this site once a week to see if I need to run to Walgreen's for the week and what to buy.  Oh yeah--one last thing...sometimes the reward does NOT print out after your purchase (this has only happened to me once in the last 3 months).  If it doesn't, be sure to let them know so they can get you your reward!  Enjoy!

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