Friday, May 28, 2010


(Ice Cream the Best reward for pooping on the potty!)

SHE DID IT!  YES SHE DID!  20 Months old and initiated by herself...

So now you think I am crazy to be so excited by poop in the potty--but I have been changing diapers for almost 4 years now--wouldn't you be excited too?

So here's the background info...

The last few weeks Alaina has been telling me "I POOP!"  and then sure enough within the next 20 minutes she would poop.  I had pulled out the potty a few times and encouraged her to sit, but nothing ever happened. Since then, I have been showing her "Potty Power" (the video).  She loves it.  (Yes--I am fully aware this is against my NO TV for under 2 rule--but I figure this was a worthwhile exception.)

Today, she was eating snack and said once again "I POOP!"  So I asked her, "Do you want to go on the potty?"  She replied, "YEAH!"  So there you have it, I put her on the potty brought her some books.  She then bent over to grab a book and that is when I saw the beautiful creation she had made in the toilet. *SIGH*  

I was so astonished.  I didn't expect anything to happen.  I started shouting "You Pooped!"  (I think I scared her--she was looking at my like I had lost my mind.)  Then I was pointing at the potty yelling "Look at what you did!"  (Now she is looking at the potty FREAKED out like she made a mistake or something.)  I really hope I didn't scar her.  We wiped her bottom and then I let her call Daddy and tell him what she did.  She was pretty excited to talk on the phone.

After that she was rewarded with her favorite treat--ICE CREAM! 

So here is the weird thing--really, it's not that weird--after all Kate from Jon & Kate plus 8 takes pictures of her kids with their "creations".  --so it has been 2 hours since the incident and I haven't flushed it.  Yeah--I am saving it--FOR DADDY--that is.  I need him to come home and make a really big deal about it --just to emphasize how great she is for taking this big girl step. 

On a sappy note--my baby is growing.  *SIGH*  But I am looking forward to many more successful potties in the near future (hopefully I am not reading into this ONE incident to much.)

Way to GO Alaina!

(Video Clip is of her and her celebratory ice cream.)

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