Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Building my Cathedrals...

I have had a really rough last couple of weeks. In fact, I have been an emotional wreck the last couple of weeks. Last night was my last MOPs (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting (until next year starts.) I honestly did not want to go. I just felt so burnt. However, I am a table leader, and so really I had no choice but to go. I am SO glad I went. Our meeting began with the video above. WOW! What a new, wonderful perspective I have been given.

After the video, we talked about focusing on the big picture as a mother and not getting hung up on the small things. We talked about creating a few big goals and always working towards those--In other words, we talked about not being perfect, but being focused on a few things we want our children to have. My load sure lightened at that meeting. It also gave me new perspective on all moms as a whole.

Rob and I plan to talk in the next week about making a few "BIG" goals for our children. One that we agreed on immediately was to create a home that our children would always want to come back to--and to bring their friends to. We want our home to be overflowing with love and support--a retreat away from the burdens of the world. We want our kids' friends to see us (Rob & I) as parent figures. I had several of these in my life (Thanks Papa & Mama Vander Heyden & Bill & Cheryl Kambs). I can tell you that these couple parents really took me under their wing and have always shown me a tenderness that only a parent could. Their love for me is forever sewn into my heart and for that I will always see them as ones who helped to guide me to become the person I am. And what did they do--what did they ultimately do?--always welcomed me into their home and treated me with the same love they showed their own children.

This video and blog is dedicated to all mothers who have built beautiful cathedrals! May I continue to grow from your architechtural knowledge and create magnificent cathedrals under yours & God's guidance.

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