Saturday, November 20, 2010

11 weeks


Well it turns out I am a bit further along than thought--actually, I kind of figured I had to be with the timing of things....Anyway, the ultrasound today confirmed it.  I am at least 11 weeks.  Well baby Moe you were very cute and wonderfully entertaining at the ultrasound today.  We watched your little heart flutter and you kept jumping around--your whole body would just lift and float back down.  Very entertaining.  You also waved to us.  Your tiny little fingers--BEAUTIFUL!  Aren't you just God's Amazing Creation!  We also saw your tiny little feet.  And of course your oversized head filled with SCHNAKE brain!

How blessed we are--and how blessed I am.  I also just found out that another friend is expecting at about the same time we are.  YEAH! 

So the due date was May 8, but I guess that will be moved up to May 1st or something around that.  I guess I will wait for the doc to tell us.  Anyway it is seeming VERY likely we will have an April baby!  YEAH!

17 week update---

Well this kiddo is dancing and moving.  Food is always a motivator.  We have dubbed this kid as "Moe" declaring Ky our "Larry", Alaina our "Curly", and so as you can see "Moe" just fits.  (That and Rob and I ran out of name combinations...)

When we told Ky there was a baby in our tummy, he was in disbelief.  He told me that my tummy wasn't big enough.  Since then we have convinced him that the baby is in there and growing (and he can tell now by the bulge that is beginning.)  As you can see from the top picture, one of the kids new favorite games (initiated by Ky of course) is to shove a baby doll up their shirt and declare they are pregnant.  I am pretty sure Alaina is really clueless in the whole thing.  We have tried to explain the concept of a new baby to her--but well--she has other things to focus on.  Right now, I think she is convinced that she has a baby in her tummy...Hmmmm...Hopefully we can get this situation rectified before April.

We told the kids first that way they could tell the relatives.  We were not planning on telling anyone yet, but Mom & Jan were moving and we volunteered to help--and then they wanted me to help paint.  Well there was no way to "weasel" out of that except to 'fess up.  So Ky got to tell the news--and of course everyone was excited.

We then had Ky share it with Pops & Debi, who "already knew?"  Bummer....

My mom had known instantly.  Around 6 weeks or so she had called and woke me up during a nap (in the middle of the day) and accused me of being pregnant.  It says a lot about how much that woman knows me--she KNOWS I would not be sleeping during the middle of the day--and there had to be a good reason.  I didn't even have a definite answer for her then.  But, of course, she knows now.

Ky has spilled the beans to a few other people.  I did a FB post hoping to inform the rest--but I suppose there are probably some people that still don't know.  Well soon enough they will figure it out (or Ky will tell them.)  We are excited.  And yes we are finding out the gender--and no we are not telling you--you will just have to wait.  I need to start getting rid of those bins of clothes in my basement though--so once I find out what we are having, I will start sorting and setting aside the clothes I can get rid of.  (I will wait until after birth though--because the last thing I want to do is get stuck with a bunch of the wrong gender clothes because they didn't see things correctly in the ultrasound.) 

As of now, I believe the official due date is May 2.  I meet with the Dr. this week to have that confirmed.  Since April 24th is Easter--we will either aim for a few days before or after to have the baby.  April 27th--might be too late, so I think there is a better chance of having the baby prior to Easter.  Either way is fine by me.

My cravings have changed now from meat to salad and carbs.  Buttered Noodles and Olive Garden salad have been serious WANTS (though I have yet to try out the OG--but SOON!)  We are going to the Melting Pot this weekend with some friends who are expecting at the same time as us.  I am so excited for the food!  (oh yeah and the friendship too! :) ) 

Well that is all for preggo posts for now.  I have to get back to my general family posts....which I think I am doing pretty well on...Hopefully I can get caught up in the next couple weeks or so.  Until then!

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