Saturday, November 20, 2010

It's Official!

A new "favorite" game of the kids--shoving babies up their shirts and declaring themselves pregnant.
I peed at the doc and they declared it official--I am preggo.  They gave me a due date of May 10/11--I think they are wrong.  I will talk to them later.  (BTW--I had not taken a pregnancy test at all--I figured my intuition was enough.  Rob was getting frustrated with me though---and basically said--you need to just get this done so we know for sure.) 

I don't think the doc was too happy that I waited so long to come in (at almost 8 weeks).  They couldn't schedule me until 9.5 weeks and they like to see you by 8.  My argument is that nothing is going to change during that time, and if it did--it would be nothing they could do anything about.   Anyway--this time during the "call" they told me that I couldn't eat any lunchmeat of any kind.  In the last 2 pregnancies neither of my docs said anything about lunchmeat.  This makes it rough for me since all I crave is MEAT!  (Can you sense this is a boy?)  I don't know what I am going to do.  The ham in the fridge looks SOOOOO GOOOD!  ARGH.  I am going to have a rebuttal with this at my first appointment.

October 8--

I had my first "appointment".  It was very frustrating.  They were running an hour behind.  This appointment was supposed to be our chance to ask all sorts of questions, some tests run, and have the ultrasound.  Well--it didn't turn out that way...UGH!  It was rushed and we left winded.  I felt bad and was ready to hurry home to pick up the kids (we didn't bring them because they aren't allowed in the ultrasound room--well turns out we could have brought them anyway...) ARGH!

And then on the way out we saw an accident...Okay I have to vent a minute here so hear me out...

We are the third car behind 2 cars turning left.  I was angry because of the appointment and then I also realized I turned on the street without a light so it was going to be hard to turn left.  That is when the car in front of me turned into the right lane and turned right.  That was when I saw the sign--"No left turn 3 - 6 PM" and of course it was 5.  I then started turning right to get into the right lane.  The truck in front of me either didn't pay attention to the sign or disregarded it.  They charged forward into the traffic.  That is when we saw the motorcycle.  Yeah, there was no way for that motorcycle to stop.  It ran right into the back of that truck.  The guy came flying off the bike.  (REALLY PEOPLE--I am so against motorcycles now!  How dangerous!)  Anyways at this point I am freaking out.  I start yelling--"We have to call 911.  Get your phone!"  And then my whole first aid class (which I had taken the week before) came flying into my head.  Oh my--I have to help.  I parked the van and dialed 911 as I ran to the motorcyclists.  He was sitting up.  The guy in the truck was yelling at him.  (CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!  THIS DUDE JUST FLEW OFF HIS BIKE ONTO THE GROUND AND HE IS BEING YELLED AT!!)  The truck driver is picking up his bumper off the ground yelling at the motorcyclist for hitting his car!  Why isn't he making sure he is okay??!!  Seriously...

Anyway, I yelled at the truck guy to stop and said something along the lines of "he could be seriously hurt" or "now is not the time"  I honestly don't remember.  At this point I handed the phone off to Rob and went over to the cyclist.  I got to the motorcyclist and did my whole First Aid line of "Hi, I am trained in First Aid, can I help you?"  (Ari should be very proud of me.)  I spent some time talking to him.  I found out his name was Bob and he was consious.  He knew the date and all those fun questions.  I then checked him from head to toe.  He was wearing his helmet (Thank you God!).  I took off his sun glasses and checked out his vision. It seemed fine.  With my check we confirmed that he had pain in his right chest and tail bone (he landed hard on his butt.)  I was concerned at this point with a spinal cord injury so I then spent the remainder of my time trying to keep his head still.  Another man was there on the scene as well.  He said he was an ex-EMT and began removing his helmet.  I was adamantly against that and I stated so, but I wasn't about to fight over an injured man's head.  I had Rob call Bob's wife and they chatted briefly on the phone letting her know that he was in an accident.  I have to say--I am so relieved I had my First Aid training.  When the EMT's got there I was able to give them a rundown of the situation and they immediately put him in a neck brace. 

I guess I am writing all this stuff of checking him out as more of a reflection to myself.  CRAZY to think that my First Aid training would so quickly come into use.  I do realize now that I probably should have checked on the other driver as well--and at least showed some compassion there.  I was a bit worried about the motorcyclist though and a bit miffed at the truck guy for yelling at the cyclist--but whatever, it is not my place to judge, but to show compassion.

Anyway, afterwards we gave our account to the officer and left.  Talk about a "Disaster" of an appointment.  We pray for Bob though and hope that he has a full recovery.  We also pray for the other driver to be humbled by this accident and to take it as something to learn from--we need to show compassion to everyone, no matter what the situation.

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