Saturday, November 20, 2010

Finishing August! (Yes I am that far behind!)

After our vacation--we didn't do a whole lot.  I think we were recovering :)!

I had my "summer" list of activities that I chugged away at finishing--and I think I almost did everything!

We went to Ella's Deli with some friends and got ice cream and rode the carousel.  Alaina was not too happy about being on the horse that went up and down.  Thank goodness the ride was only 2 minutes long! :)

Rob and I celebrated our anniversary (low key).  Rob had class, but we still managed to have a nice family dinner.  Rob had planned a trip for us (no kids!) to San Francisco in September to celebrate.  (Isn't he wonderful!?)  So we really just focused on our get away!

The kids and I also spent our last day at Sandy Beach.  Really--there is nothing better than a day at the beach--even with all the effort it takes to lug everything from your car to the beach.  Aaaahhhhh...However Alaina has thrown a wrench into the enjoyment just a tad with her new found boldness to go into the water up to her neck.  EEKS!  But when she was playing in the sand--it was all good!

We also rode our bikes from our home to the Farmer's Market with Rob's Mom & Jan.  It was so nice and fun!  We had a blast.  I know we will be doing this more in the future.

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