Monday, November 14, 2022

Hail & Indiana

We went to visit my family in Indiana this past weekend.  Before we left it began hailing and hailed for 5 minutes.  This picture is from the 3rd floor.  24 minutes later there was still remnants of hail on the ground.  Not sure if the car is damaged yet, but we have to look today now that it is dry and daylight.  

We only were really able to get 1 full day in at home with my mom due to all the traveling, but it was good to see her and my brother.  I was also able to visit my Aunt, cousin and 2nd cousin on the way home.  I haven't been to Aunt Chars house in years.  Its funny how not much changes from how you remember it as a child.  

My mom's birthday was the 7th so it was a way to be with her and celebrate.  We had a scrumptious meal and played games and talked.  

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