Monday, November 28, 2022

Lucy turns 5


Of course we celebrated 5 years of Lucy!  Alaina made her a special carrot dog cake!

Lucy is a necessary companion in our family.  Ky likes to commentate Lucy's thoughts with a special voice, which always keeps us laughing.  However, we have been unable to teach her that food in the counter is off limits.  She will sneak and grab things on the counter if they are left unattended.  Last night she has 10 pancakes!🤯 ( A kid forgot to put the lid on the container.  This year she has also enjoyed 1.5 lbs of pork loin (our dinner), a loaf of bread and other things that I can't think of right now.  After she sneaks the food, she punishes herself by going into her kennel!  😂

Even with these naughty behaviors, I wouldn't trade her!  She is mellow, yet just goofy enough to fit in.  

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