Tuesday, February 08, 2022

A case of the Mondays

 Well time does heal, but it was a hard Monday. I planned to take Ky out after school to help him get focused and caught up on some school work. He wasn't so focused. Neither was I. But he was quite hungry since it was hamburger day at school and Alex always ate his hamburgers. Kylan hates hamburgers.  He would trade for Alex's tater tots.  As you can quite imagine, he didn't eat much of anything.

We went to Monty's Blue plate and he had a nice big chicken sandwich. I noticed how swollen and purple his finger was so we went to the doctor afterwards to get x-rays.  I wanted to make sure it wasn't broke. Ky did not want to go and insisted it was jammed. I had to make sure I did the right thing as a parent this time so I took him anyway. The doc said I did a good job. He was told to put on a splint and wear it until we got results from the x-rays back. We later discovered it was just severely jammed.

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