Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Babies, bball & glaciers


What a busy Saturday! Talia had a basketball game in the morning. Since it was the last game of the morning they decided to make it a full court game. The other team did not have very many players show. This gave Talia's team an advantage. She didn't get as much playing time since they had to do 3v3, she still played well and scored several baskets. 

After her game, I went to go see one of my students wrestle. He was in sectionals. Seeing the smile on his face when I showed up was worth it all. I have really enjoyed watching him learn and grow in the sport. And I had no idea that wrestling was so complicated. I definitely have way more respect for the sport and anyone who does it. Unfortunately, his match did not go so well and he ended up injured. Still was worth it to watch him do something he loves. 

After that Rob and I took Alaina out for a special lunch. She received straight A's on her report card and we wanted to reward her for that. We let her pick any restaurant and she picked cheesecake factory. It's a long drive but it is good food. When we got there at 2:00 they told us it would be a 45 minute wait. That was crazy! Thankfully we were able to get a seat in the bar and get served a little quicker. It was yummy food. 

We brought cheesecake home for Ky and Talia to enjoy and had a nice snack as a family. That evening Rob and I went out for a short date. I had the worst old fashioned ever at Old sugar distillery. That was very disappointing since I've always loved Old sugar distillery. On our mini date We out we figured out our Airbnb for our next trip which will be to Washington DC. This was not on our bucket list of trips. Since we had to cancel our skiing trip after the death of Alex, we decided we wanted to do something special with the kids and get out of the state. We still had a flight credit and with our ski trip canceled, we are actually paying not very much to go to DC. We still have to figure out what all we're doing there, but we do have an Airbnb for now and we can start planning that out.

That night our new niece was born. Charlotte Marie made her entrance into the world. The next day Rob and I did some hiking along the Lakeshore. If you don't understand glaciers, looking at the lake really explains how glaciers are formed and how they move. It was pretty cool. And it was 50°! What a fabulous day. I can't wait until spring!

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