Sunday, February 13, 2022

Hoops, Friends & Funerals

 It was a very long saturday. It began with talia's basketball game at 8:00 a.m. . She played excellent. It's finally good to see her getting back to her old self with sports. She scored at least seven of the baskets for her team and they almost won for the first time.  I say almost because it was literally two points! Talia finally figured out how to position herself for rebounds and then to be more aggressive and get the ball. After that I took Talia out for a drink at Mercies coffee. We hadn't been there before. I always liked it as cool beans. This new place does not match cool beans, but it does have a good mission. With the loss of Alex it has been all the more important to spend time with the kids. So it was nice that Talia and I had this time to relax and have coffee/ hot chocolate before Alex's funeral.

When I got home it was time to get ready for the funeral. Ky wore some of dad's clothes because he wanted dark clothes. It's the first time he can wear and fit in his dad's clothes. This should be a joyful occasion as I remember putting him in Rob's shorts when he was a newborn, but it was sad. The funeral was hard. Alex's dad delivered a great eulogy, but the energy just did not match Alex's personality. It was also very hard to see Alex. It was an open casket funeral and it didn't look like him.  Ky and many of the kids struggled with this.  He went with his friends to the celebration ceremony afterwards. Rob and I dropped them off and had coffee nearby. I don't think I've ever had so much coffee in a day! 

That took up most of our day. I was exhausted. I took a very very brief nap before we headed out for our church Valentine's evening. We had signed up for it before knowing when Alex's funeral was. That was a nice time it was an opportunity to chat with other couples and get to know people better in the church. We played Family feud which was amusing. As much as I just wanted to go to bed that night, I needed that. I'm glad we went.

When we came home Ky was struggling. He wanted to go hang out with his friends, but it was already after 9:00 and we just needed to settle down for the evening.  Grief is such a long process. 

We were able to end the evening with some fun by playing Jeopardy. Rob won after claiming his controller wasn't working ( Rolling the eyes) 

It's Sunday morning as I'm putting this blog together. I'm exhausted. Weekends should be a time for relaxation and rejuvenation. Lately they just seem like a drain.  I'm not looking forward to the upcoming work week.  

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