Sunday, February 27, 2022

Daddy's back, Funny Guy & End to BBall season

 It was a long week! But I managed all the single parenting. Rob went on a business trip to Jacksonville florida. This is the first business trip he has been on since covid began. He was happy to be able to get out of the house and meet co-workers he's never met. In the meantime, I handled the homefront. Things were still a little sketchy at home due to the turbulence of the last month. I managed the kids fine. It was nice that Tuesday was an ice day and school was cancelled.  The kids baked lots of yummies and Talia had a friend over.

Kylan and I celebrated the return of daddy by continuing our chicken sandwich competition. We had Chick-fil-A versus Burger King's Chic-king. Chick-fil-A was much better. Burger King's meat was chewy. It was a little dicey. And it was more expensive than Chick-fil-A! Kylan and I have been having this chicken sandwich competition over the last several months. We're determined to find the best chicken sandwich. So far Hardee's chicken sandwich is the best. That has surprised us both.

Saturday morning, we got up early for Talia's last basketball game. We were excited to see her do awesome. However, a mom came in right before the game and shared that her daughter just tested positive. She had her daughter tested on Thursday right before practice. And she let her go to practice anyways. She got the results this morning and found out her daughter had tested positive for covid. This meant our team now had to quarantine because she let her daughter practice. Which then meant the last game was canceled. Tally was pretty bummed. Thankfully her friend/teammate, Maya, invited her over for a playdate.  Saturday then became a lazy day for us which was really nice.

I saw that Sal Vulcano was at the Barrymore performing on Saturday night, so I checked to see if there were still tickets and there was! Rob and I bought some tickets and decided to have an evening out. It was a nice time and Sal was pretty funny.  It has been a long time since we've been to a show. It was also nice that we went out for drinks prior. I find it really funny that Rob, the blonde, bought blonde drinks and I, the dark haired girl, bought dark drinks.  

Sunday, we ended up getting distracted by lots of things and did not make it out for a hike. Rob and I took a nice long walk in the neighborhood. We are gearing up for the upcoming week knowing that we have lots that will be keeping us busy.  

Anything to note was... At church I met another kylan! On new mother and her son came in and I greeted them. She told me her son's name was kylan. I was astounded! Spelled the same and everything. She said her mother had suggested the name and that it sounded nice. Her six year old boy was quite a cutie! I was excited to have Kylan meet him

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