Monday, June 28, 2010

It's a Slow Fade When You Give Yourself Away

Here it is ladies (and guys)....

Before you read my little blog, please listen to this song....

and take a minute to read the lyrics.

Be careful little eyes what you see
It's the second glance that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings
Be careful little feet where you go
For it's the little feet behind you that are sure to follow

It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away

People never crumble in a day
It's a slow fade, it's a slow fade

Be careful little ears what you hear
When flattery leads to compromise, the end is always near
Be careful little lips what you say
For empty words and promises lead broken hearts astray

It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day

The journey from your mind to your hands
Is shorter than you're thinking
Be careful if you think you stand
You just might be sinking

It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
Daddies never crumble in a day
Families never crumble in a day

Oh be careful little eyes what you see
Oh be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above is looking down in love
Oh be careful little eyes what you see

So I have some friends who think I live in a bubble.  To those friends I would like to say, I have seen much more of this world than I have wished to have seen and much more than you probably have. 

Growing up, there was one important thing I credit my mother doing for me.  She sheltered me, as much as she could from what she could.  Granted--there were many things she did not, or maybe I should say she could not--but she made the attempt and also SHOWED me the attempt--SHOWED me that certains things were UNACCEPTABLE. 

(I learned a lot more than I wish I had at a young age--and no, I am not going to go in specifics, however, if you would like to talk to me, I would be more than happy to share a lot of those things one on one with you.)

As mothers, we attempt to shelter our children from seeing violent circumstances or sexual scenes.  May I ask "Why?"  Before you read on, please take a minute to think of why you don't let your children watch these things.

Seriously think about it...

I have realized, throughout the years, that as you continue to let yourself watch or become involved in things that are UNACCEPTABLE, you slowly start to become numb to it and not fight it as it becomes a part of your "normal".  Is it any wonder why so many kids grow up so cold and heartless?  They are so used to seeing and experiencing this behavior, that that is simply what they are accustomed to.

Did you know that the average American child will have watched 100,000 acts of televised violence, including 8000 depictions of murder, by the time he or she finishes sixth grade (approximately 13 years old)?  Isn't that INSANE?  A child should NEVER see someone murdered, acting or real.  Many of these children are seeing these murders before they are 5!  And kids at this age often see tv as reality.

How about sexual scenes? Can you remember the last prime time tv series that did not show people in bed?  How about unmarried people in bed?  Are you trying to teach your children the sanctity of marriage?  How can we do that when we are watching people exposed on tv--and often casually or in an affair?  Marriage is something that should be treasured, but when tv spews it as something different, doesn't that make it seem like societal norm? 

Now, if we take the time to protect our children from this societal TRASH, I would like to ask, "Why aren't we also protecting ourselves?"  Aren't we our child's example?  If we don't want our child involved in that trash, so why are we watching it?

Being in a devoted marriage-one that I am committed to make work (and yes if you look at Rob and I both coming form divorced families, statistically we are not supposed to make it) and having children, I have quickly realized that I need to make sure I don't allow anything to enter my household that could interfere with our standards.  I also need to represent to my children, the type of person I want them to become.  I don't want to be a hypocrite.  I don't want to say to my children "stay loyal to your spouse" and yet watch shows full of cheating and sexual affairs. 

Did you read the lyrics?  It is a slow fade when you make those decisions.  Do you really think someone who murdered another person did it out of the blue?  Don't you think it took a LIFETIME of being unsheltered and being continually exposed to things that brought them to that point?  Do you see how much of their life, their innocence was MURDERED before they then acted in the same way?

I realize that example is extreme, but think of it this way.  When a little girl plays house, does she play house with multiple daddies in the picture?  Of course not, but isn't that often today's reality.  Over time, many of these little girls will watch the adults around them, tv, and their friends and then slowly fade over time to that dream of house with one devoted daddy.  She will most likely give herself away instead of choosing to devote herself fully to that one man.  She will settle for something less.

Several years ago, I made a choice to really reduce tv watching out of my life.  I have never been happier.  I have never felt more secure and loved.  Yes, loved.  I love myself enough not to expose myself to those evils of the world.  My thoughts are not focused on how Jenny could have cheated on Bruce, or the horrible knife fight in the latest action movie.  I watch 2 prime time tv shows-Survivor and Amazing Race.  Rob and I also watch Food Network or HGTV.  Seriously, I have never been happier.  And my outlook on life has become all the better. 

So there you go.  And yes, for now my children are going to grow up in a lovey, dovey, fuzzy world--my bubble.  And if that makes them more happy, confident and secure adults where they don't need to lower their standards and settle for less, then my job as a parent has been done.  If you still think I am a kook--so be it.  But I challenge you to take all of the "TRASH" out of your life for one month and see if you become more of a content person.  If you don't take on the challenge, I feel you have no right to "pop" my bubble.  So let me be where I can fully enjoy the pleasures God has given me. Speaking of which, here are 2 of them...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

May Flowers

We started off May with walking with some friends through Olbrich Botanical Gardens.  It is such a beautiful place where you can just let the kids roam and enjoy the beautiful plants.  However, with Alaina, you can never have a leisurely stroll as she is trying to trample the flowers or jump in the small stream or touch the golden Thai building...but I manage :).  BTW--if you have not had the experience of being with Alaina in the last 6 months or so, you would quickly discover that she is a BUSY bee!  She does not stop.  She climbs, runs, jumps, and destroys.  Watch out!  She is the kid that will not stay with the other kids--she sees something and she wanders to it.  I gotta keep my eye on her 24/7.  Often she runs out of my sight and I have to chase after her.  I figure she is helping me to keep in shape.  At the same time, I am waiting for when she begins to be more responsive to me.  Right now, if I hold her hand to keep her from running off, she "rag dolls!"  (Meaning collapses her body so I am literally holding her up.)  Well at least she makes up for all this crazy behavior with her cuteness--oh and her kisses!  She is so affectionate!  Gotta love those kisses...ooh and her songs.  I will put up some videos of her singing soon, I promise.  She however, likes to run when I pull out the camera.  ARGH!  Anyway...back to my story...

Ky took a ceramic class with me April through May.  We really had a great time together creating different things and decorating them.  I do know that I enjoyed it a little more than Ky, but hey the idea is introducing him to different things.  The first day we were there Ky created the turtle.  He worked really hard on that little guy--and then enjoyed painting him.  After that he had the great idea to trace his hand.  We glazed that and poked a hole in it.  We plan to turn it into a Christmas ornament.  He also made the vase mostly on his own.  He saw a mom making it and pretty much copied her.  He is definitely pretty crafty, but I think the hour long class was just a bit much for him.  Alaina did not enjoy the ceramics class, I dropped her off in childcare when we went, and I could hear her screaming from down the hall every class.  Poor girl, but she got through it (well, let's be honest, she didn't really have a choice.) 

For Mother's day, Ky & Alaina painted pots and planted herbs in them.  They were quite creative little presents!  We also gave out personalized mother's day cards to our mother's.  It was really neat actually--as I am discovering more and more about saving money, I am also learning that cards DO NOT have to be $4 a pop if you preplan.  If you check out sites like shutterfly several weeks before a holiday, they will often have stellar deals.  You can then create your own cards with your own pics and the pay anywhere from $1 -$1.50 for three!  How awesome is that!  And of course grandma's LOVE showing off these personalized cards to all their friends! :)

Mid-May we made a short trip to Indiana to see my brother Joel, and to take my mom out for a belated Mother's day gift.  The trip there was long (well it always is...).  We were looking for a Bob Evans to stop at for lunch (Bob Evan's does not exist in Wisconsin).  And well, we ended up in the middle of nowhere--and ate at a very smokey Denny's.  (Living in Madison, all restaurants are smoke-free.  It's a hard readjustment when you walk into a smokey restaurant.)  It was a frustrating trip...

Anyway, we got to Bristol and enjoyed spending the evening with Joel & Jamie.  Joel, who is currently working towards becoming a pastor, has so much knowledge about the history of the Bible and the movements.  He also is discovering how different biblical interpretations change the context.  He really blew our minds away with a lot of the new things he has learned.  As well as raised up many good questions, that I have no answer to.  Being around a 4 year old and a 1 year old all the time, it is good to have some heavy conversation that really gets your brain working. 

Anyway--the kiddos had a blast with Uncle J & Aunt J.  There was a lot of reading and coloring and caterpillar catching.  Ky's favorite part was feeding Mr. Turtle.  In fact I think Mr. Turtle has never eaten so much food.  It is funny to think that that turtle used to be the size of a quarter 10 years ago.  He sure has grown. 

Saturday, I had a nice lunch with my mother.  She then came back for Jamie's yummy lasagna and some Uno game playing.  On Sunday we attended church with my brother and got a closer look on the kind of pastor he wants to be.  I have to say, I am really excited for him.  He has clearly found his passion in life.  I know that he will make a difference and will help many come to Christ as well as help to promote relationships with God to grow.

As always, the trip was too short.  We left Sunday afternoon.  No Bob Evans on the way out either....Bummer.  I guess we will just have to go back so we can get some good biscuits & pancakes.

May was definitely a hot month.  I pulled out the kids' pool many times and they enjoyed splashing around.  Alaina is a bit hesitant of actually getting in the pool, but hopefully with time she will learn to enjoy it.  I also finished the deck to the kiddo's play structure.  I am pretty proud of myself.  It looks good and is functional.  (Actually, it is not quite done, but it is functional & safe.) 

With the garden planted, I was able to start harvesting radishes and spinach!  YUM!  Sure signs of summer (as well as a relief to our grocery bill!) 

We have gone to the Farmer's market once.  (It was actually funny because we ran into people from our church on every side of the capital building.)  It was a good time and as always there are just so many yummy things to eat.  Stella's Cheese Bread is by far the best, and I am determined to figure out her recipe this winter. (Not a fan of baking in the summer.)

Alaina is now talking in sentences.  It all happened really fast for her.  Just today she said "Can you help me, Please?"  Blows my mind when these full and complete sentences come out--and with manners included!  She is just too cute and is always keeping Rob and I laughing.  I remember Ky being the same way at this age. 

Potty training is come and go.  We have pretty much let her take control.  She has peed on the potty 3 times and pooped once.  Right now we are in a dry spell.  She is telling me that she has to go, but not wanting to go on the potty.  I haven't pushed it.  However, I have let her watch Potty Power many times.  Anything to help encourage...

Alaina's hair is really long now as well.  I just don't even have the heart to take her in for a trim though.  For now, I just want to enjoy her beautiful curls and see how her hair grows.  She still appears to be strawberry blond and her hair is lightening with the summer.  Ky's hair is doing the opposite.  It actually appears to be getting darker now.  He reminds me a lot of my brother Joel--who started out as a blond and is now as dark as me.  Ky also has some of U. Joel's facial features.  I see it in his smile.  (This is good--it means Ky does have some of my genes!) 

Ky took a 6 week Spanish class in May.  He did well and REALLY enjoyed it.  I may have to look into getting him some other lessons or something.  It appears he is starting to understand that Spanish is actual words, not just gibberish.  Though my neighbor said he started speaking gibberish to some Hispanic men when she took him to the store--EEKS!  But he is getting better!

--one more thing that I have no pics of (b/c it wasn't allowed.)  I took Rob to the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit for his birthday.  It was really neat seeing 2000+ year scrolls written out.  It was also neat to see how consistent the copies were.  The amusing part of this exhibit was the special lighting & cases that these scrolls were encased in.  Yet the original people who found the scrolls and put them together were smoking cigs with bare hands as they did it!  It is so funny how time changes things. (I am willing to bet that some of the missing scroll parts were due to cig ashes falling on it and burning it.)  Anyway, it was a really neat exhibit and we enjoyed it.  If it comes to your local museum, you should check it out. 

Well, that is all for May.  On to June--the busy month!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A beautiful Spring weekend

The weekend after daddy's b'day Rob's Mom & Jan came to celebrate by taking us out to lunch.    We ate at Monty's Blue Plate Diner.  It is a favorite restaurant in Madison, so we had to wait 20 minutes or so for a table.  During that time, Nana & G'ma Jan entertained the kids by letting them walk outside.  Alaina collected as much sticks and pinecones and she could stuff in her little hands (one of her new obsessions).  After lunch, we discovered that Alaina had actually wetted through her pants ( joys of being a parent) and I did not have extra clothes for her on me.  However I did have some of Ky's clothes, so we simply rolled up the pant legs and let Alaina wear those.  (She looked pretty cute in oversized boy clothes.--but don't all girls?)  Afterwards, we walked around the neighborhood a bit, just enjoying actually being outside.  YEAH SPRING!  We then went home and Rob opened his gifts--$ for tix to a Brewers' game (what more could a boy want?)--well maybe he would like them to play better as well, but that's another story.  He also got assorted beers from Jan, which he is still enjoying tasting today. 

As you can see I posted one of my fun shopping trips again.  I know, I still haven't posted my coupon blog, but I will get there soon...I am so behind on a lot of things  (too many b'days lately, and then more recently Alaina getting sick--she vomited all over daddy on Father's day...but that's also another story.)  I am really having fun with my shopping!  Rob is actually putting together a spreadsheet to see what kind of savings we are making.  I am amazed to find our grocery bill (this includes Target/Walmart trips for toiletries, cleaning supplies, batteries, oil change supplies for cars, etc...) has actually only been anywhere from $250 (yes $250! to $400) the last couple of months.  (And the $400 was from the first couple of stock up months!)  He said that he calculated one of our b-4 coupon months and we spent almost $600!  And I am cheap--I have always shopped at Aldi's, but man the trips add up!  Anyway--when he gets the rest of his analysis done I will share.  (After all, I also want to see my results and feel proud of what I am doing!) 

The last pics are of Alaina and her graffiti.  I had taken her shirt off because I was starting to get her dressed--and then the phone rang.  When I looked back, she had written all over herself.  (Thank goodness I had taken her shirt off!)  This has become a new hobby of hers now.  IF she finds a pen (and yes I hide them), she will write all over herself.  Silly girl!

Well, once again, a short blog entry....I still have to get my May pics up!  And then of course JUNE!  You gotta see Ky and his cake!  He was so excited!  In the words of Ky, "Adios, Amigos!"

Friday, June 18, 2010

Out of the Spin Cycle by Jen Hatmaker

“Motherhood is like a pitcher with a hole in the bottom: A constant drain on our energy, patience, and tolerance.” (Hatmaker, pg. 36). Isn’t that the truth! And this past week (and my dealing with a cold) my hole has been EXTRA Large. Thank goodness I have a loving God, husband, and ME time to help keep my pitcher filled just enough!

Jen Hatmaker did a wonderful job in writing her devotional “Out of the Spin Cycle”. She related to the endless battles that mothers go through—not only with their children, but also with their friends, husbands, and themselves. Having all the knowledge of being a mother herself, Hatmaker kept her daily devotionals to a five minute read. She ends each devotional with one or two questions for the reader to answer as well as a goal for the day.

This book fit into my lifestyle so well. I was able to pick it up in those short free moments and read through a devotion. I was then able to continue on with my day feeling that I had not only invested in myself, but also in my relationship with God and my family. I loved the goal of the day. It gave me something to aim for each day, as well as affirmed that I was investing in my children.

One of my favorite devotions was entitled “Tequila Sunrise”. It was about a girl who interpreted a Bible verse based on her own life experience. Hatmaker shows mothers how to introduce their children to Jesus based on what they know. I had never really thought about it that way. And honestly, I often struggle explaining to my son who Jesus is. However, when you put Jesus into metaphors (i.e. Jesus is like an umbrella—he protects you from those uncontrollable rainstorms. He covers you and takes (or has taken) the pelting rain for you), he becomes more identifiable. It is also a way to show him how Jesus is involved in EVERY ASPECT of his life! What a neat idea!

I have to say I was most impressed to find out that not only was Jen Hatmaker a mother, but a pastor’s wife. It showed me that even pastor’s wives have the same battles that I do, and they struggle. (For some reason, I have this fantasy that if you are a pastor you just KNOW how to bring up your kids.) She had devotions that reached me from every level. I highly recommend this book to include in your devotional collection. Whether dealing with friends of high baby fashion or your own need to be seen as perfect, Hatmaker reveals to the reader what God wants of us.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Rockford Children's Museum & Follow up to Easter

Daddy took the day after Easter off for us to have a GREAT family fun day.

Ky and I had just gotten done studying DINOSAURS, and I wanted to take him to the Burpee Museum in Rockford that had Dinosaur fossils. The plan was to take the kids to the Children's Museum in the morning and then the Dinosaur Museum in the afternoon. Well--like all things, it did not go as planned.

We got to the Children's Museum mid-morning. The Rockford Children's Museum is a VERY impressive place. It had so many different exhibits. Very comparable to the Betty Brinn Museum in Milwaukee--if not better. This place even had an outdoor play area--which was HUGE!

So we pretty much spent the day at the Rockford Children's Museum.  I packed a picnic lunch and we ate on the playground.  It was a nice time.  (Though Ky's attitude towards the end was less than desirable.) 

When we returned home we then had our own little Easter Egg hunt (we didn't have time the day before) and let the kids open their gifts. 

The video below is from the Children's Museum.  They had this fun room that would project their image on the screen in various ways.  Ky and Alaina found it hilarious.

Friday, June 11, 2010


There it is...The scrape that kept Kylan from walking on his leg for the rest of the night.  The scrape that had (and I quote) "TOO MUCH BLOOD!  THERE IS BLOOD EVERYWHERE!"  The scrape that led to 30 minutes of incessant screaming and crying.  The scrape that Alaina laughed at  (yes the one year old found Kylan HILARIOUS during this traumatic event.)  And finally the scrape that had me laughing for the next several hours.

So how did this terrible thing happen to my little boy?  We were just leaving a friend's house and Kylan came running down their grassy hill (it had just rained.)  He took a little tumble in the grass and began sobbing.  I could tell by the cry that he wasn't hurt that bad and proceeded to put Alaina in the van (as well as everything else--my hands were full.)  By then my friend, Crystal, had gotten to him and picked him up and brought him to the van. 

Yeah--I noticed the little scrape.  I told him that we would clean it up at home.  On the 10 minute drive home I then listened to him scream and bounce around.  "TOO MUCH BLOOD!  THERE'S TOO MUCH BLOOD!  THERE'S BLOOD EVERYWHERE!"

Then Alaina began laughing at him.  (It was too much--I then began chuckling as well--but I think I hid it pretty well.)  What's really funny is that (and I know you aren't supposed to compare children but....) Alaina has scrapes all up and down her legs.  She has walked up to me before with blood dripping down her leg--and she doesn't care.  (Remember she is my climber.)  However, Ky has this tiny scrape on his knee and it is the end of the world.

I carried him in the house because he "COULDN'T WALK!"  I struggled with him to get a bandaid on (he didn't want me to touch it--because of ALL THE BLOOD!) be a parent.  These moments are just too funny.  I tried to take some video, unfortunately they aren't nearly as good as what he was actually doing during the drive.  Enjoy!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Flying with Fly Lady

Yes...This is me vacuuming my garden...But I had good reason!  This utility guy came and STOMPED through my garden with his muddy boots!  Do you see all the dirt he trafficked on my carpet!  My beautiful clean carpet that I loved sitting on while weeding is now stained by his muddy grubby feet!  AND he trampled some of my pea plants!  UGH!  Anyway..this seemed like the most appropriate photo for this blog...Rob took the pic thinking it was too hilarious!  NOT FUNNY!  I can't believe he ruined my carpet!

BLEH!  I really don't care for cleaning.  It's my job & responsibility though, so I do it.

I have gone through many different methods of cleaning.  I did the "each day has a list of assignments" method.  (Yeah--you know that with kids and varying schedule, this didn't last...).  I did the "only do it when it needs it" method.  That became a real mess--because everything appeared to need attention at about the same time.  I also did the "focus on one room at a time" method.  This method was  probably the biggest joke!  Yes...I never did finish the first room I started. 

A friend introduced me to Fly Lady about 7 or 8 months ago.  This woman knows how to clean and manage your house.  She has really helped me to get control of not only my cleaning, but also maintaining other parts of my life.  For example--she taught me how to do meal planning.  I LOVE IT!  Every week I sit down for about 10 minutes and plan out all the meals for the week.  This SAVES me SO much time.  Instead of wondering all day long, "what should I make for dinner?"  My question is already answered.  It also makes me look forward to cooking dinner more.  (I think Rob likes it the most.  I notice him peeking at my meal plan to see what's for dinner in the morning.)    Anyway enough on that...

So Fly Lady points out the fact that there are weekly cleaning chores you should always do such as vacuum, clean sinks, laundry, etc....But what I most like about her is that every day she has an additional task for you to do which can take anywhere from 5 - 15 minutes.  These tasks are the things you don't think to do until it is so gross that you HAVE to clean it.  For example, the other day my task was to clean the fronts of my kitchen cabinets.  Now prior to Fly Lady, I think I cleaned the fronts of my cabinets twice a year.  Now I do it about once a month.  And let me tell you--it makes a BIG difference.

 Other little tasks you wouldn't normally do are things like cleaning your baseboards or the ceiling fan blades (and yes this is really disgusting the first time you do it--but now since I do it once a month mine are never that bad.) 

The website is  
This site is FREE!  (BONUS!)  And I ONLY get the emails from her that I request.  (NO SPAM!)  (Scroll down to the work zone of the week to see what I do...or click on this  )

I sign up for the daily emails that give me the "Flight Plan of the Day".  (This is that extra chore that I mentioned.)  There are also other parts to this email for cleaning ideas from other people.  I usually browse the subject titles to see if there is something interesting, but mostly just stick to the "Flight Plan of the Day."

When looking at her site you will see that she has daily rituals.  Honestly, I don't follow these.  I am not going to shine my sink every day (even though this is nice in theory).  Realistically, it is not possible for me to have that shiny sink.  However, I really like her "swish n' swipe" in the morning (quick sink & toilet cleaning)--though honestly I only do this every couple days. 

I have to say one of the best things about her is I keep picking up her sayings.  For example, a load a day keeps the laundry piles away!  (Though that also doesn't happen in our house.)

If you are looking for something to help you with your cleaning, check out this website.  If you aren't--keep it in mind because I KNOW you know somebody who could use this site.

Happy Cleaning!



Wednesday, June 02, 2010

A couple Random videos...

(I guess she didn't like dancing on camera...)

How we taught Ky the days of the week

How we taught Ky the months of the year

Ky playing Imaginary SuperWhy with Daddy--(this video has a slow start...)

I had a gardener's dream....

In the beginning....

was my VERY weedy & grassy garden.  And no rototiller this I needed a new plan.  A plan to keep the weeds away -- a natural plan an earth-friendly plan.  I don't have all the time in the world to weed.  So I began Phase 1 of BAN THE WEEDS!

I started one section at a time.  I used scrap wood pieces I had between the rows to help keep the weeds away.  But Alas...this was what I did last year...The weeds still had too much territory to grow through.  (And I did not have enough wood scraps to cover between all the rows.  I needed something better!  (Spinach & Sugar Snap Peas pictured above.)

Radishes & Sugar Snap Peas above. 

So came Phase 2 of BAN THE WEEDS!

So I brought out the newspaper.  Newspaper is great for the soil--and shouldn't it also prevent weeds from growing?  I began by fully burying the newspaper, but quickly discovered the weeds just grew over the paper.  That was when I just laid the newspaper down and then put a little dirt on top (enough to hold it down.)  While this looked tacky, it actually has worked pretty well.  When I see weeds starting to poke through, I simply put another layer of newspaper down.  Not to mention I now have entertainment while gardening--comics anyone?  (Pepper plants poking through the newspaper holes.)

So every year I take from the soil, so it is just as important to put stuff back into the soil.  I call this poor man's composting.  I use old food containers in the house to collect my compost and then I just bury it in between the rows of my plants (and of course put newspaper over it!) 

And then the ultimate tragedy happened--not for me--but to a friend.  My neighbor's water heater burst open flooding her basement.  All of her carpet was RUINED.  I loaned her some fans to dry the area, but the damage was too much.  She sadly ripped up her carpet. 

That is when it hit me.  Hmmmm.....
Yes I did!  I took her carpet and carpeted my garden. 
I cut out holes for my tomato plants and then cut pieces to place between the rows AND I put newspaper underneath.  Okay..seriously..what a great idea!  It retains the moisture.  And it is SO COMFY to sit on and garden.  I LOVE MY CARPETED GARDEN!  And I plan to do this EVERY YEAR (not with the same carpet, but someone else's tossed carpet).  I imagine this carpet will be pretty nasty by fall, but it has been out in my garden for a month now and is holding up REALLY WELL!

Seriously, how cool does this look....Now that I am saving all that time from WEEDING, I will have time to vacuum my garden!  (And yes, I am serious!)  Happy gardening!

(I dedicate this blog entry to all of my gardening friends, may the fruit of your labor be bountiful this season. I also cannot forget my friend Jillene--without her, my garden would have been hopeless this year.)

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Daddy's Birthday & Easter


I am truly embarrassed that it is June and here I am publishing a blog for the beginning of April (*blush*). But hey--- At least I got around to it!

So Rob's birthday fell on Easter this year. Of course I had the wacky idea to celebrate his last 31st day instead. On April 3rd--We baked a whole wheat blueberry chocolate cake. (I know sounds kind of funny--but it won Better Homes and Garden recipe of the year!)  It was a pretty good cake.  I would not put it at the top of my lists for cakes, but the combination of blueberries and chocolate actually went  together pretty well.  Anyway--back to the details. 

Boy it happened so long ago--I honestly don't remember what I made Rob for dinner--(Man do I feel bad!)  Anyway, I did make him cinnamon rolls for breakfast (his favorite!)  For Rob's birthday, the kids had painted him pics (see pics above), and I had purchased him a Brewer's long sleeved shirt and told him I was taking him to see the "Dead Sea Scrolls" exhibit at the Milwaukee Public Museum and dinner.  It was a fun prebirthday.  We really did sing "Happy last 31st birthday" to him. 

The next day we got up early for our church brunch and service.  What a glorious day! 

From there we headed to Grandpa & Grandma's house for Easter dinner with the family.  Debi had a fun little Easter Egg hunt with the kiddos.  Alaina really enjoyed carrying around the basket--which doubled as a purse for her.  (That girl and hand bags---she DOES NOT get that from me!)  Ky loved searching the trees for fun prizes.  I tried to get some nice pics of the kids, but they did not cooperate---I should specify that Alaina did not cooperate.  She just does not have the patience for pictures.  Getting a nice picture of her is a battle!  Perhaps when she is a bit older...

Anyway--that was most of our Easter celebration...though on Monday we did a little egg hunt at our house after a wonderful trip to the Rockford Children's Museum.  Stay tuned for that adventure (including dancing video of Alaina & Ky!)