Friday, June 11, 2010


There it is...The scrape that kept Kylan from walking on his leg for the rest of the night.  The scrape that had (and I quote) "TOO MUCH BLOOD!  THERE IS BLOOD EVERYWHERE!"  The scrape that led to 30 minutes of incessant screaming and crying.  The scrape that Alaina laughed at  (yes the one year old found Kylan HILARIOUS during this traumatic event.)  And finally the scrape that had me laughing for the next several hours.

So how did this terrible thing happen to my little boy?  We were just leaving a friend's house and Kylan came running down their grassy hill (it had just rained.)  He took a little tumble in the grass and began sobbing.  I could tell by the cry that he wasn't hurt that bad and proceeded to put Alaina in the van (as well as everything else--my hands were full.)  By then my friend, Crystal, had gotten to him and picked him up and brought him to the van. 

Yeah--I noticed the little scrape.  I told him that we would clean it up at home.  On the 10 minute drive home I then listened to him scream and bounce around.  "TOO MUCH BLOOD!  THERE'S TOO MUCH BLOOD!  THERE'S BLOOD EVERYWHERE!"

Then Alaina began laughing at him.  (It was too much--I then began chuckling as well--but I think I hid it pretty well.)  What's really funny is that (and I know you aren't supposed to compare children but....) Alaina has scrapes all up and down her legs.  She has walked up to me before with blood dripping down her leg--and she doesn't care.  (Remember she is my climber.)  However, Ky has this tiny scrape on his knee and it is the end of the world.

I carried him in the house because he "COULDN'T WALK!"  I struggled with him to get a bandaid on (he didn't want me to touch it--because of ALL THE BLOOD!) be a parent.  These moments are just too funny.  I tried to take some video, unfortunately they aren't nearly as good as what he was actually doing during the drive.  Enjoy!

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