Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A beautiful Spring weekend

The weekend after daddy's b'day Rob's Mom & Jan came to celebrate by taking us out to lunch.    We ate at Monty's Blue Plate Diner.  It is a favorite restaurant in Madison, so we had to wait 20 minutes or so for a table.  During that time, Nana & G'ma Jan entertained the kids by letting them walk outside.  Alaina collected as much sticks and pinecones and she could stuff in her little hands (one of her new obsessions).  After lunch, we discovered that Alaina had actually wetted through her pants ( joys of being a parent) and I did not have extra clothes for her on me.  However I did have some of Ky's clothes, so we simply rolled up the pant legs and let Alaina wear those.  (She looked pretty cute in oversized boy clothes.--but don't all girls?)  Afterwards, we walked around the neighborhood a bit, just enjoying actually being outside.  YEAH SPRING!  We then went home and Rob opened his gifts--$ for tix to a Brewers' game (what more could a boy want?)--well maybe he would like them to play better as well, but that's another story.  He also got assorted beers from Jan, which he is still enjoying tasting today. 

As you can see I posted one of my fun shopping trips again.  I know, I still haven't posted my coupon blog, but I will get there soon...I am so behind on a lot of things  (too many b'days lately, and then more recently Alaina getting sick--she vomited all over daddy on Father's day...but that's also another story.)  I am really having fun with my shopping!  Rob is actually putting together a spreadsheet to see what kind of savings we are making.  I am amazed to find our grocery bill (this includes Target/Walmart trips for toiletries, cleaning supplies, batteries, oil change supplies for cars, etc...) has actually only been anywhere from $250 (yes $250! to $400) the last couple of months.  (And the $400 was from the first couple of stock up months!)  He said that he calculated one of our b-4 coupon months and we spent almost $600!  And I am cheap--I have always shopped at Aldi's, but man the trips add up!  Anyway--when he gets the rest of his analysis done I will share.  (After all, I also want to see my results and feel proud of what I am doing!) 

The last pics are of Alaina and her graffiti.  I had taken her shirt off because I was starting to get her dressed--and then the phone rang.  When I looked back, she had written all over herself.  (Thank goodness I had taken her shirt off!)  This has become a new hobby of hers now.  IF she finds a pen (and yes I hide them), she will write all over herself.  Silly girl!

Well, once again, a short blog entry....I still have to get my May pics up!  And then of course JUNE!  You gotta see Ky and his cake!  He was so excited!  In the words of Ky, "Adios, Amigos!"

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