Thursday, June 10, 2010

Flying with Fly Lady

Yes...This is me vacuuming my garden...But I had good reason!  This utility guy came and STOMPED through my garden with his muddy boots!  Do you see all the dirt he trafficked on my carpet!  My beautiful clean carpet that I loved sitting on while weeding is now stained by his muddy grubby feet!  AND he trampled some of my pea plants!  UGH!  Anyway..this seemed like the most appropriate photo for this blog...Rob took the pic thinking it was too hilarious!  NOT FUNNY!  I can't believe he ruined my carpet!

BLEH!  I really don't care for cleaning.  It's my job & responsibility though, so I do it.

I have gone through many different methods of cleaning.  I did the "each day has a list of assignments" method.  (Yeah--you know that with kids and varying schedule, this didn't last...).  I did the "only do it when it needs it" method.  That became a real mess--because everything appeared to need attention at about the same time.  I also did the "focus on one room at a time" method.  This method was  probably the biggest joke!  Yes...I never did finish the first room I started. 

A friend introduced me to Fly Lady about 7 or 8 months ago.  This woman knows how to clean and manage your house.  She has really helped me to get control of not only my cleaning, but also maintaining other parts of my life.  For example--she taught me how to do meal planning.  I LOVE IT!  Every week I sit down for about 10 minutes and plan out all the meals for the week.  This SAVES me SO much time.  Instead of wondering all day long, "what should I make for dinner?"  My question is already answered.  It also makes me look forward to cooking dinner more.  (I think Rob likes it the most.  I notice him peeking at my meal plan to see what's for dinner in the morning.)    Anyway enough on that...

So Fly Lady points out the fact that there are weekly cleaning chores you should always do such as vacuum, clean sinks, laundry, etc....But what I most like about her is that every day she has an additional task for you to do which can take anywhere from 5 - 15 minutes.  These tasks are the things you don't think to do until it is so gross that you HAVE to clean it.  For example, the other day my task was to clean the fronts of my kitchen cabinets.  Now prior to Fly Lady, I think I cleaned the fronts of my cabinets twice a year.  Now I do it about once a month.  And let me tell you--it makes a BIG difference.

 Other little tasks you wouldn't normally do are things like cleaning your baseboards or the ceiling fan blades (and yes this is really disgusting the first time you do it--but now since I do it once a month mine are never that bad.) 

The website is  
This site is FREE!  (BONUS!)  And I ONLY get the emails from her that I request.  (NO SPAM!)  (Scroll down to the work zone of the week to see what I do...or click on this  )

I sign up for the daily emails that give me the "Flight Plan of the Day".  (This is that extra chore that I mentioned.)  There are also other parts to this email for cleaning ideas from other people.  I usually browse the subject titles to see if there is something interesting, but mostly just stick to the "Flight Plan of the Day."

When looking at her site you will see that she has daily rituals.  Honestly, I don't follow these.  I am not going to shine my sink every day (even though this is nice in theory).  Realistically, it is not possible for me to have that shiny sink.  However, I really like her "swish n' swipe" in the morning (quick sink & toilet cleaning)--though honestly I only do this every couple days. 

I have to say one of the best things about her is I keep picking up her sayings.  For example, a load a day keeps the laundry piles away!  (Though that also doesn't happen in our house.)

If you are looking for something to help you with your cleaning, check out this website.  If you aren't--keep it in mind because I KNOW you know somebody who could use this site.

Happy Cleaning!



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