Monday, June 14, 2010

Rockford Children's Museum & Follow up to Easter

Daddy took the day after Easter off for us to have a GREAT family fun day.

Ky and I had just gotten done studying DINOSAURS, and I wanted to take him to the Burpee Museum in Rockford that had Dinosaur fossils. The plan was to take the kids to the Children's Museum in the morning and then the Dinosaur Museum in the afternoon. Well--like all things, it did not go as planned.

We got to the Children's Museum mid-morning. The Rockford Children's Museum is a VERY impressive place. It had so many different exhibits. Very comparable to the Betty Brinn Museum in Milwaukee--if not better. This place even had an outdoor play area--which was HUGE!

So we pretty much spent the day at the Rockford Children's Museum.  I packed a picnic lunch and we ate on the playground.  It was a nice time.  (Though Ky's attitude towards the end was less than desirable.) 

When we returned home we then had our own little Easter Egg hunt (we didn't have time the day before) and let the kids open their gifts. 

The video below is from the Children's Museum.  They had this fun room that would project their image on the screen in various ways.  Ky and Alaina found it hilarious.

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