Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Sunday, June 1st

Wednesday was a normal Wednesday.  Ky was supposed to have baseball practice around dinnertime, but it was cancelled at the last minute.  I had the great idea to go for a family walk.  Family walks are usually a really nice time.  The kids pick some sort of vehicle to ride and Rob and I get a chance to talk.  Well, this time it didn't work so well.  Talia picked a trike that she INSISTED on pedaling herself--which she could--however she couldn't steer at the same time.  So if she was pedaling, she was getting stuck in the grass.  If she wasn't pedaling, her steering wheel was correct, but she wasn't moving.  EGADS!! And she wanted NO HELP FROM US!  And then she screamed when we tried to help.  Ky fell down on Alaina's scooter (I don't know why he didn't pick to ride his own.) He had a small scrape on his knee--but you know that it is ALWAYS a bigger deal to the child injured.  About 2 blocks from home I told Rob, "This is the WORST Family walk ever!"  A block later Alaina fell off her bike with training wheels (the only kid who had been fine the whole walk.)  Rob nor I saw her fall--we were each too busy with one of the other children having difficulties.  I looked up and she was in the grass face down on her hands and knees.  Honestly, I thought she was okay.  When we caught up to her and she stood up, I could tell something was wrong with her arm.  It wasn't hanging right.  She was crying about it as well.  At that point I told Rob that I thought she might have broke or dislocated her elbow.  We walked the remaining block home and I looked at it more closely. 

We called Urgent Care and they told us just to go to the ER.  They sounded pretty sure that it was broken and I guess the Urgent Care doesn't deal with fractures around the elbow.  At this point Alaina became upset.  She had been whimpering from the pain before but she did NOT want to go to the hospital.  It took some time to calm her down and get her in the van.

I took her to the ER while Rob put the younger two to bed.  Ky was upset that we were not paying attention to his injury and Talia was--Talia...

When we arrived at the ER it was CROWDED.  I knew we were going to be in for a long wait.  I especially felt bad for the pregnant mama behind us that held a 1 year old boy with a gash on his head.  He was somewhat listless and was vomiting.  It reminded me of Talia when she had a concussion and broke her leg.

After a 2 hour wait (and let me tell you--Alaina did GREAT during all this time.) We  finally were brought back.  By now it was 10:30 PM and Alaina was at very low energy and in pain.  After painful x-rays (she didn't want them moving her arm around), they confirmed that she had broke her arm and that she would need a cast. 

At this point it was 11:30.  Even I was foggy headed.  I didn't think to ask what bone.  I just knew it was one by the elbow.  They came it to cast it and she began to scream (around midnight.)  She had just fallen asleep.  Poor girl.  I am thankful that they have the Child Life helpers.  A lady came running with a stuffed puppy (named Sarah--by Alaina) a bracelet, and an IPAD.  Yup--she won Alaina over.  They gave Alaina an old school cast--you know--the white pinata type cast that is VERY heavy and a prescription for some heavy pain releivers.  They sawed two slits down both sides of the casts to allow for swelling.  They informed me that she would receive another cast in a week and that she would have it on for about 4 weeks.  They briefly mentioned the possibility of a doctor possibly needed to do surgery and put pins in it, but they thought that was very unlikely.  We got home aroudn 1 AM.  Daddy went to fill her prescription and we finally got to bed around 2. 

We were up multiple times with poor Alaina.  She could not get comfortable and was hurting at times.  Poor kid.

We got up around 7:30 with Kylan to get him off to school.  I am thankful for the carpool.  We simply waved him off and relaxed.  (Couldn't go back to bed since Talia was awake.) 

I also called our provider and got a referral started for Alaina to be seen at the orthopedic pediatric department for a follow-up appointment.  I then called the Ortho department and spoke with them.  They called back later in the morning to let me know that the x-rays looked fine and that they would like to see her next Friday as a follow-up.  They would take more x-rays then and put on a lighter fiberglass cast then.

It was a "lazy" morning.  I kept the tv on.  Alaina only slept until 9.  Rob went to work shortly after.  We tried to keep it easy, but Ky also had his music program at school and I had promised to help Ky's teacher out over lunch.  (She had a sub and I was just going to help with the students and do some paperwork she usually has for me.)  We went to Ky's music program and I came 15 minutes early to check in Ky's room and see if I could take the paperwork home and do it that evening.  Well--it turns out they were short subs and the teacher next door was also trying to watch Ky's class.  She saw me and instantly thought I could help.  Um--yeah...So I had the girls sit down and tried to get the kids cleaning up.  Yeah--that didn't go over so well.  I was too busy trying to keep an eye on the girls that it was hard to focus on the class.  Yeah--I tried to get out of there as quick as possible after that. 

We went to the music concert and watched a cute little production the music teacher had put together about overstressed overtested children.  VERY cute!

After that we "wagoned" home and I attempted to get the girls to nap for the afternoon.  Yeah that didn't work.  And when I finally fell asleep, Ky came home 20 minutes later.  So much for that.  We kept it low key for the remainder of the day.

The next day I got up early to get a job and sub.  It was Rob's day off.  None of us had slept well.  Too many children waking up and then getting up at 5:20 to get a job--bleh!  But it was my last sub job of the year, so I was bound and determine to do it.  I took an SEA job at a rougher elementary and was ready to go.  Rob was going to take the girls to the gym that morning and then if Alaina wanted to go to school he was going to take her. 

Around 9 AM I felt my phone ringing in my pocket, but I was busy with kids so I ignored.  I had a break shortly afterwards and was shocked to listen to the message.  It said something about a surgeon had reviewed Alaina's x-rays and wanted to see her as soon as possible--Monday morning for more x-rays and possible surgery.  SAY WHAT!?  Okay, I panicked...I tried calling the office back--after being put on a very long hold the receptionist could not connect me to the nurse at that time.  ARGH!  With the encouragement of some teachers standing nearby (yeah, I was getting pretty worked up---remember, yesterday my daughter was fine!), I told them to have her call me ASAP.  The teachers said they would cover for me so I could take the call and if I wanted to go home, I should just go.  What a great group of teachers!  (And they really are--you should see how well they are doing with this group of rough kids!)  So, I waited and waited...oh and I left messages for Rob.  He wasn't picking up his cell or the landline.  I wasn't sure if he should let Alaina go to school with this new info. 

At recess, I still hadn't gotten a call.  And I had recess duty.  So I checked my phone--missed call--of course!  So I called the clinic back while I was outside.  After being on hold AGAIN for a very long time, I finally told the receptionist that I just needed to talk to somebody--anybody because I wasn't going to play phone tag all day and at this point I was getting upset since I had no idea what was going on.  She found a nurse who could look at Alaina's chart and tell me what it said.  (This was kind of a help, and kind of not!)

She told me that Alaina had an appointment scheduled at 9:45 on Monday morning where she was to have new x-rays done.  And that she also had a possible surgery scheduled for Tuesday.  She couldn't tell me anymore.  She couldn't tell me why.  I asked if Alaina could go to school and she told me that would not be a good idea. 

Fine.  I hung up just in time for the kid I was supposed to be supervising explode.  So much for that.  Talk about feeling like a great teacher.  I dealt with him and then spent the next hour trying to contact Rob to tell him NOT to take Alaina to school.  About 20 minutes before school was supposed to start, I called the school and asked them to not let Rob drop Alaina off.  (I am sure that was an odd request.)

I decided to try to call Rob one more time and FINALLY got through.  WHEW!  Problem solved--sort of.  Now I get to spend the rest of the weekend wondering what they saw on Alaina's x-rays and why she was getting surgery.  And of course by sharing this story with others (the teachers) I was getting countless horror stories of "breaks in the growth plate" and "pins in the arm".  Yeah--not what I really wanted to hear--but I wanted something since the doc's office couldn't give me anything.

When I got home we got ready for Ky's b'ball game.  Rob said Alaina had been disappointed that she wasn't able to go to school, but she seemed in good spirits when I got home.  We made some sandwiches and enjoyed watching Ky make some good hits and plays.  That night I was out!  The exhaustion of the last few days took its toll.

Saturday, we got up late (yeah!  We were able to sleep the whole night through!) and went to the farmer's market.  We had originally planned to bike there before Alaina had broke her arm--and then just bike to Ky's game afterwards--well our plans were changed.  None-the-less, it was a nice time walking around.  We brought the wagon and had the girls ride in it--that way Alaina didn't have to worry about anyone jostling her arm.  We took Ky to his game afterwards and I took the girls home for a nap and rest time for Alaina.  Alaina actually ended up helping me plant cucumbers and kohlrabi in the garden.  She is such a wonderful helper.  We had a nice time together.

We went to Saturday church then so we could just stay home and relax on Sunday--and we knew we would need that since we were not sure what Monday would bring.

And Sunday was relaxing.  We did some housework in the morning, but after that we played with the kids.  I played some card games with Alaina, colored with Talia, and played ball with Kylan.  We walked to Culver's for ice cream and had to duck under a tree half way there and cover up Alaina's cast from a rainstorm.  When we got home we attempted to have another bonfire and cook our food over the fire--but more rain ended up putting it out.  It was definitely worth the try though--it smelled WONDERFUL!  We took our half-cooked dinner and threw it on the stovetop to finish it off it was good!  It was a nice Sunday.

Mark 2:27
And he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath."

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Tuesday, May 27

Friday, I was supposed to work with my friend Olesya, but she got sick :( so I took advantage of this blessing in disguise.  After driving Ky to school, the girls and I left for the West side to get Talia's 3 year pics taken.  Along the way, I noticed she had a black fingernail. (She had had them painted earlier in the week and each nail was a different color.)  Well the black REALLY bothered me!  REALLY!  I was just thinking it would look like her finger was dirty in a full body picture--so I did what any obsessive mom would do.  I stopped at Walgreens and bought remover.  Surprisingly, Talia took it very well.  And she did awesome in her pictures.  I put her hair in "Elsa" braids--since that is all she wants done with her hair.   

I also stopped at the West Side Sears where I had shoes waiting for Kylan.  I LOVE their Shop Your Way Rewards program.  This is the fourth time since I have joined (at no cost or any commitment) that they have sent me FREE money to spend at their store.  So with my latest money, I was able to score shoes for Kylan for $3!  AWESOME!

Alaina's dress rehearsal was at night. Alaina was ELATED to be wearing her costume and to get to wear makeup.  Did I mention I had to go to the Dollar Store to get her makeup?  Yeah, I don't carry much of that around here.  I was VERY careful in explaining to her that this was JUST for being on stage.  And it helps the audience see her face better.  Yeah--I am pretty sure she didn't hear a word I said. 

Several of the other girls had their hair curled.  I asked Alaina if she wanted here curled.  Thankfully she said "no".  (Boy, I dodged a bullet there!)  I was able to record her dance at the recital and I loved every minute of it.  I am so proud of her.  She is the youngest in the class and has learned much. Her performance was FAR from perfect--but it was beautiful.  And she was smiling.  She LOVED it!  And she told me so.  "Mom--I love being on stage.  I'm not scared!  It's so much fun!" and then she said, "I want to keep doing ballet and I want to do tap!"  EGADS!!!  After all the whining this past year I have been ready to be done.  I reminded her of her whining and not wanting to go--and then she said that now that she knows how a recital goes she wants to keep doing it.  I don't know---I think Rob and I have some talking to do.  It kind of sucks that you have to do their program for a whole year before the recital  I think if they had 2 recitals (one per semester) it would help those kids that need the rewards of a recital AND parents from going through the agony of a full year with a child that doesn't want to be involved. 

Well--everything was fine and dandy and Alaina and I watched several more performances after hers before she decided she wanted to go.  I unlocked the car and got buckled and realized that I did not have the key to the ignition.  It fell off the key chain.  Now Rob's key had been broke for a LONG time.  And I have told him more than once that the key was going to fall off the chain.  And go figure it happens to ME!  The one who drives his car MAYBE once a week. 

After searching, retracing my steps, and asking anyone I could, I was close to giving up.  I called Rob on my dying cell phone.  Talia answered--yeah, I was not happy about this since my phone was dying.  After some yelling on my side and silence on the other side the phone was finally given to daddy.  (Yeah--I lost my cool...) So Rob drove all the way to the recital instead of putting the kids to bed.  We figured we should stay until the end of the recital when the lights went up and search for the key in the seats.  Little did I know--there was A LOT of rehearsal left.  It was almost worth the wait when I saw an older group of ladies (60's) dance to the song "It's Raining Men."  That was pretty funny. 

After all that waiting we did not find the key.  So if you find a Toyota key with duct tape on it--it's mine.  Thanks...

The next day we had a lazy morning until Nana came.  Nana, Alaina, and I then went to Alaina's first performance together.  I was the backstage mom, so I didn't get to see this performance, but Nana said it was good.  Alaina did not want to stay after that.  (Probably because I reprimanded her for asking her mentor for a present when I told her not to.  She's in this jealous phase where if she sees someone else get something she wants it too. She was literally in tears because she saw another mentor give her class a rubber duck.  Ugh!  I will be glad when this phase is over.)

Leaving early was pretty good though--it gave us more time to get some things done and relax (yes, we did both.)  We also looked at a house in our neighborhood that went on the market.  We aren't actively looking for a house, but we are keeping an eye out and thinking about our options.  At some point we need at least one more full bath--one shower is not going to cut it with teenage girls.  I love where we live, so it kind of bums me out to think that we may need to move at some point.  Anyway--I loved the house--however, not enough for us to put an offer or want to put our house on the market.  I'm just not ready--and there are a few things that didn't quite make it worth a move. 

Rob and I had a nice dinner out at Bunky's Cafe.  The hummus was FABULOUS!  We then went to a bar for some drinks and cards.  I beat Rob in 21 and won 2 chickens.  I'm just waiting for him to pick them up.  When we were leaving, I noticed a little local bar--called "Ideal Bar".  It advertised color tvs.  :P  I noticed the pool tables and challenged Rob to a couple rounds of pool.  It was fun.  He won a game and I won the second game--yup, scratching on the 8 ball always helps me out! We had a great time chatting and figuring out Ky's b'day. It sure is coming up soon!

On Sunday we went to help cleanup the highway with our church family.  It was nice to see everyone again.  It had been a while since our old church family (prior to our current church) had gotten together.  And I still consider them family after all the time we spent together.  We had a nice meal and Alaina loved that Mei was there and she was able to sign with her.  I loved catching up with my friends and finding out that one was pregnant with twins!  EXCITING!  What a blessing!

We left the gathering early enough to make sure the family had time to shower before Alaina's last recital. This one the whole family had picked up tickets for.  We were excited--and so was Alaina (especially about the make-up part!)  Once again she was just wonderful to watch.  It was kind of sad to see the whole thing end.  After the recital we came back in and watched the rest of the recital.  It was really neat to watch--and more enjoyable than Friday night when I had lost the keys.  Even Ky was into and wanted to watch until the end.  Rob had bought Alaina flowers and she was excited. 

When we arrived home we saw many families in the cul de sac. It turns out someone had stolen a tire out of a neighbors garage IN THE DAYLIGHT!  They simply rolled it away down the street!  CRAZY! 

Anyway--Ky ended up playing Ghosts in the Graveyard with the neighbor kids and Rob and I took Alaina and Talia home for bed.  I was excited for Ky--this was one of his first "late night outdoor play times".  He is finally getting to the age where he is big enough.  Then to make things even better he had a sleepover at their house.  How fun!

Monday was Memorial day and we enjoyed sleeping in and lazing around.  I was determined to relax and enjoy the day and that is what we did.  There were a few scattered showers so we carefully timed a bike to a new ice cream place in our area and played at a park on the way back.  I LOVE family bike rides.  Even when Alaina is continually chattering away when I just want her to pedal on the trail-a-bike. 

That night we had a nice bonfire on the driveway.  The kids made some s'mores (except for Talia who refused to eat her dinner--stubborn child!)  I was excited that we were able to break my fire pit in.  (It was a present from my last birthday.)  We will definitely need to do more fires this year, maybe it could be a Sunday night thing.  Hmmm...  The kids played baseball in the cul de sac.  Even the neighbor kids came out and play.  It was just a nice and relaxing day.  What a wonderful start to the week.  We should have 3 day weekends more often!

Ooh--before I forget--Alaina told Kylan that a girl in her class had a crush on a boy.  And Kylan said--"Well then they have to get married!"  He went on to inform Alaina that when you have a crush on someone then you have to marry them.  Yeah--I didn't correct him. It was too funny to listen to.  And perhaps they will be more careful about who they have crushes on if they really think this way!  HA! 

Tuesday morning it was back to business as usual.  After sending Ky off to school the girls and I went to a friend's house to watch her daycare kids while she went to an appointment.  Alaina was such a big help!  I was so proud of her.  We went on a walk and she held one little girls hand and talked to her the whole way.  She acted like a mommy--being so kind and loving and explaining to the kids how to share.  I was very proud of her.  When we left, I gave her some money (this was a paid gig) because she had been such a big help.  I told her I was so proud of her and felt she had earned the money as well.  WOW!  What a wonderful young lady she is turning into.  I am so blessed to have each of theses kids in my lives.  I am excited that someday I will be able to share this blog with them--but once again I am getting behind.  With summer coming, I am spending more time outside at night and less time on the computer.  I have to take advantage of it.  I will continue to update, but it may be more of a bi-weekly blog entry.  And boy--do I have a lot to catch up on in the next blog entry--Alaina breaks her arm!  Yes she did!  I hope to get that typed up tomorrow. 

But for now I want to remember how we ended Tuesday.  It rained and a beautiful rainbow came out.  I yelled at the kids to come outside and we played in the gutters as the water rushed down the curbs.  We had stick races.  We built dams.  We splashed.  It was wonderful.  Sadly, Talia did not join us.  She didn't want to get wet.  But Ky and Alaina and I had a blast and I hope I always remember Alaina in her soaked dress and Ky discovering how the shape and size of the stick matters when stick racing in the gutters.

John 15: 1-2
I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday, May 22


I can't believe it is May 22 already.

Today began with a good old fashioned meltdown from Alaina.  She wanted to play instead of get moving.  I am proud to say I kept my cool--however, she ended up walking into the gym barefoot because she kicked off her shoes and had 19 sentences to write during playgroup.  This actually worked out well since I or Talia wasn't punished by just skipping playgroup.  But Man, 19 sentences is a lot for a 5 year old.  I felt we had a good conversation afterwards.  I am hoping that she starts realizing that she needs to gain control of her emotions and not continue having bad behavior which leads to larger consequences.  (Seriously, she started with 10 sentences.) 

We had a nice jaunt to the library after that and then walk to school.

When I got home I was greeted by an email from Kylan that his teacher was pregnant (which I already knew.)  He was pretty excited.  I can only imagine how excited all his classmates are.  She is a really loved teacher!  Speaking of which...here is a link to Ky's classroom blog:


And here is Alaina's class blog.  BTW--Alaina's plant is the one in the front left corner of the garden (yeah--i know, there is nothing there! :P)


After school, I rushed Alaina to her ballet rehearsal.  Her recital is Saturday and Sunday and she has a rehearsal today and tomorrow.  She really enjoyed watching the other students danced.  And I was very impressed that she walked out with the other girls and got on stage.  I was concerned she might be scared. Her class was very cute.  The girls definitely show their maturity in their dance.  Before Alaina danced, I pointed out that I thought the best dancers were the ones with smiles on their faces.  It was pretty fun to see Alaina smiling the whole dance. I love that girl!  Tomorrow she gets dolled up for the dress rehearsal.  I know she will be excited.

When we got home we had dinner and then Talia and Alaina put on tap shoes and put on a show for the family.  I think watching all the dancers has gotten Alaina back in the dancing mode.  I am curious to see how long it lasts or if she will ask to dance again in the fall.  I have to admit, I really like seeing her dance.

Yesterday was our busy day as usual.  However, reading the book "Breathe" before I started my day really helped to slow down a bit and just enjoy.  And I immediately remembered that we had forgotten to "tooth fairy" the night before.  It all worked out well.  I faked a snuggle to wake up Alaina and did the switch.  PHEW! 

Continuing with my slowing down and enjoying journey- I even went through the self-checkout at the grocery store and let the girls help ring up and bag.  We also went to the Dollar Store and the girls bought b-day presents for Kylan and we bought a slew of cards.  Alaina and Talia each picked out birthday cards and Father's Day cards.  Alaina loved talking to the cashier (Alaina calls cashiers' "Payers") about her recital and her present for her brother. 

After school, we had another busy afternoon.  Ky  had an early game and so I packed dinner for the ballpark and we left after doing homework.  The girls were very clingy and begg-y at the ballpark which makes  it hard to actually enjoy Ky play.  I have to say--it's wearing on me.  Seriously kiddos--go play at the playground or color or read books and just let me watch my boy play.  Even feeding them dinner didn't help--they didn't like the sandwiches I packed so they just complained more.  ARGH!  Seriously, I am struggling to figure out what to do with these girls at the games.  When I got home Rob knew I was done.  Really--having them crawl on me, choke me, whine and complain at me for 1.5 hours is just too much.  I need a new game plan for the next game.  There has got to be a better answer. 

I Corinthians 7:35
I say this for your own benefit, not to lay any restraint upon you, but to promote good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tuesday, May 20

I'm beat.  It's been a crazy last few days (the exception being Sunday which was a nice relaxing day.)

Today was a good stay at home Tuesday.  The girls and I made several breakfast items together. We also listened to the Frozen music together in Spanish.  It was fun watching the girls dance together.  Michele stopped by briefly while the girls were planting their flowers (some which have already died--yup, blame me...)  Alaina was ecstatic to see Lexi.  Even though it was only for a few minutes, it definitely perked up her day.  Mental note--more playdates with Lexi and Arianna soon!

I then fought with Alaina's bike for a while.  Seriously, Training wheels!  How hard can they be to put on.  We have had endless battles with putting training wheels on Alaina's bike.  I finally bought another pair that I thought would work for sure....well, I guess time will tell.  (Did I mention I had to watch 2 Youtube videos on how to put training wheels on a bike--seriously--they were not as intuitive as you would think.)  And I got injured putting them on.  I hit my knee with the wrench tightening the lugnut.  Seriously, you wouldn't think it could be that bad, but my knee is sore.  And I don't think I will be able to run tomorrow.  ARGH!

After our nice walk to drop Alaina off at school, Talia and I enjoyed lunch. She was being silly again at lunch and eating EVERYTHING except her leftovers from dinner (of course.) She kept telling me she was going to eat it tomorrow (which she told me yesterday.)  I then explained to her that today was tomorrow because yesterday makes today tomorrow!  Yeah--she was pretty confused.

The afternoon was pretty uneventful until I discovered that I had multiple calls made from my phone to 911.  And then the 911 people left messages that they were reporting it to the police and the police would investigate it.  Thankfully the police never came.  However, I spent quite a bit of time figuring out who I needed to call just to make sure that this was "stricken" from any record I may have.  (Or at least to show me I was responsible.)  I was already envisioning our first Home Intake with the Foster Care Agency--"And yes we see that on May 20 you had multiple calls to 911.  Could you explain that to us?" 

I am assuming Talia made the calls--but who knows.  After that adventure, the kids and I released Speckles the toad.  (Alaina found "speckles"-- or a Speckles-look-alike on Sunday near my garden.  He instantly became our pet again.  But boy this "Speckles" was much bigger than the Speckles we had last year.)  Ky was sad, but he didn't want to have the responsibility of finding bugs every day for him --and I think it didn't help that the day before Speckles escaped!   Yes ESCAPED!!!  We came home after running to the gym and errands and Alaina says, "Mom, where is Speckles?" 

Sure enough--empty tank sitting on top of the dining room table and no sign of Speckles.  While Alaina and Talia were panicked about being reunited with their beloved pet, I was panicked Speckles would find himself in a heating duct, die, and then we would be smelling Speckles for the next year!  Thankfully after a lot of searching, Alaina found him under the sewing desk.  Poor thing was covered in dust and material remnants.  We caught him and returned him to his tank.  I asked Alaina to get a book so we could set it on top of the cage so he couldn't jump out again.  Ironically, she picked "Frog Troubles".  HA!

Oh--I forgot to mention that Alaina lost her second tooth on Monday.  It came out as she was playing with it while doing her homework--EW!

Have I mentioned Alaina likes to pull my fingers.  No seriously, she just did it.  She read a Fancy Nancy book a few months ago and in the book Nancy gives her mother a manicure.  A part of the manicure she massages her mother's hands and that involves pulling her fingers.  I have to say, I giggle a little every time she asks if she can pull my fingers! HA!

Sunday was a wonderful relaxing day.  We went to church Saturday night so we were able to get up and have a leisurely morning.  Rob changed the oil in the car and we all played catch with Kylan.  I also took Alaina for a bike ride through the neighborhood.  It was nice.  I miss riding my bike everywhere.  Wendy came over for dinner and Ky practiced more baseball.  We even had a little game going in the front yard that was fun.  We love Wendy!  She gave us our yearly maple syrup supply.  MmmM!  Someday we have to make it up to her family's sugar shack and help out with the process.  

Saturday was a crazy day as usual.  We woke up and got moving.  Alaina had her LAST ballet class before the recital and then immediately following the practice she had her t-ball pics and game and then Ky's game started during Alaina's game.  We decided we should all just to to Alaina's ballet class and get to the games together.
I was pretty excited that we made it to Alaina's t'ball pics just in time.  And I enjoyed watching her play.  She was catcher--and watching her in that gear with her blue skirt was pretty funny.  Ky had a great game as well.  His hits are really hard and he even catches one or two fly balls each game.  After the games we returned for naptime and an opportunity to do some lawn work. 

During this time the prior owner's of our house actually stopped by and we were able to take the time to ask them some questions about the house.  Specifically our front porch bricks which are falling apart.  Well--they didn't have much for answers, but it was kind of neat to see them appreciate some of what they had done and what we had done to the house (i.e. new siding.)  I just kept praying the lady did not want to see the backyard.  I was pretty sure she would cry if she saw all the weeds and grass overcoming her flower beds.  Yup--I'm still working on taking those out...

Saturday ended with church and pizza movie night--and then I was pretty much done.  I feel bad I didn't keep Rob company.  I passed out on the couch.  I was tired.  I know I need to slow down a bit--I've been doing too much lately. 

I am still reading my book "Breathe" and it is a constant reminder of how much I am overdoing it.  I have been working on slowing my pace of life down and making sure that I am spending quality time with my kids.  It's hard.  My mindset is so busy all the time--and it does start to feel like you have to "show" that you are worth something, when really that is all a bunch of BS. 

This week I gave the kids jobs.  Kylan's job is to be responsible.  Alaina's job is to be loving.  (My job is to slow down and enjoy the interruptions--which are often times to minister to others.)  It has been working pretty well.  When I have had issues with Kylan--I ask him, "What is your job? And how can you make sure you are doing it?"  I have to say--for ALaina this week it has worked wonders.  Getting her to stop and think, "How can I be loving?" has really helped her resolve issues with her siblings. 

Anyway--just a little something I would share from my book. I gotta go now and "breathe".  Survivor Finale is tonight!  YEAH!  And I am going to make sure I am awake for the whole thing.

Psalms 119:15
I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Friday, May 16

It has been a LONG and EXHAUSTING week!

We have been working hard on straightening behaviors and making sure we are completing our responsibilities.  It has helped!  I have also been trying to make sure I have some one on one time with each of the girls each day.  (Ky has been harder since he is at school for much of the day.)  This week, Alaina has also been learning that it is not okay to be late to school.  She has had a very rough week by either not listening--getting ready for school.  Or by lolly-gagging on the walk to school and expecting me to stop for her every time she picks a flower--and let me tell you, she had a very large bouquet one day with A LOT of tears.  When we arrived at school (barely on time and with her face full of tears since she had to run to catch up), she through the bouquet on the ground when I asked her if picking all those flowers were worth the feelings she had now--ESPECIALLY when she knows she can pick many at home (they are just dandelions) or even on the walk home after school.  UGH!  She was late to school again today (with Daddy).  Hopefully things will be better next week.

So let's see...what happened this week?

Monday night, Nana came and stayed with us.  This was such a blessing not only for the kids, but for us as well.  Rob and I worked hard to finish all of our Foster care training and extra paperwork (yes, they gave us more!) for our meeting on Thursday.  I felt the meeting went really well and we are ready to move on to the next step.  Many of our questions were answered and concerns were addressed.  We were given great contact information for help in all sorts of areas.  It was also neat to see the many extra training options that would be available to us.  I think we will become better parents with the new resources.

Tuesday was a relaxing day at home.  Olesya came and helped me make curtains for the girls' room.  One curtain is done, and the other is close.  It is such a blessing to have her as a resource.  That evening I went with Olesya and Shannon to see the movie Mom's Night Out.  It was a good movie and really hit home with some different points.  It was very funny and clean!  YEAH!  When I came home, Rob told me that Alaina had lost her first tooth.  It fell out while he was brushing her teeth.  WOW!  She lost her tooth a full year before Ky lost his first tooth.  My little girl is growing up fast!

Wednesday was just CRAZY.  I had some pretty crabby kids that didn't want to run errands--but Wednesday is errand day!  DEAL WITH IT!  I was glad when it was naptime.  That night the Alaina had a ball game and Ky had his Awana Awards night so Dad and I had to split up.  I went with Talia to Ky's Awana's and Daddy took Alaina to t'ball.  I was very proud of Ky.  He received a book completion award.  Most kids complete a book in one year.  Ky was only in Awana's for half of the year and he rocked it.  Afterwards we enjoyed ice cream sundaes--except for Talia.  Talia refused to eat dinner and I had forewarned her that she would not be getting ice cream then.  Yup--it was quite the tantrum she threw at church.  The girl has got to learn.  The hammer has fallen and she is old enough to understand now. 

Thursday was our meeting with the Foster Care advisor as I mentioned above.  I am nervous and excited to move forward.  We will need to purchase smoke detectors and outlet protectors, but otherwise I think the next steps should be fine.  There will be house inspections and more interviews.  I also did some garage saling on Thursday.  I had some good clothing finds.  I bought Alaina  some things and Kylan as well.  I think he may be set for pants next year (let's keep our fingers crossed!) This time when I went garage saling I took the DVD player for the girls.  It worked out really well.  They stayed in the van while I went and looked and it saved a lot of time of getting them in and out of the van.

That night Ky had a ball game and the girls and I stayed home while Daddy took Ky.  We had a nice time having a leisurely dinner and then taking baths.  I was pretty proud that I had the girls in bed before Ky & Daddy got home.

Friday I subbed.  I took a special ed job purposely because I wanted to avoid having 20+ kids who are hyper since it is the end of the year.  However, the few students I had did not make my day easy.  I had "runners"  young kids that run out of the building and into the street without any regard to traffic.  Yeah....good thing I do try to stay in shape.  It was not an easy day.  And I really became frustrated when I was having problems with a student and my "lead" teacher walked by me without offering to help--and then did not come to my aid when I asked for help.  Yep--at that point I was done with my day.  After I got out, I garage saled briefly, but spent a lot of time just driving around.  I needed some time to vent--a little time to pray--and time to collect myself.  I struggle with the special ed program.  I feel that many of these students should not be put in a mainstream classroom.  They cannot function there and they are a disturbance to the regular classroom environment.  Well--that is my 2 cents on that.

After I came home, (I found our neighbors playing basketball with Kylan--very neat!), we had a nice dinner.  I wanted to have a family game night, but kid behaviors and a late meal prevented that from happening.  Oh well.  We will try again later.  I fell asleep immediately on the couch (I was quite pathetic company for Rob.)  Did I mention Ky had had nightmares that night and I was up with him?  He was in our bed for a bit and then I made a bed for him on the floor.  I am glad that he still comes to us for comfort.  Someday, he will feel he is too big for that.  Speaking of which, my boy is turning 8 in a few short weeks!  Where has the time gone?!   I am so proud of the young man he has become. 

So I am off on my blogging--I am not always able to blog every night with the baseball schedules and such.  So right now it is a game of catch up.  Hopefully I will get things back to speed in a few whiles.  (Quoting Talia.) 

Psalms 27:13-14
I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Mother's Day, May 11

Today was a nice day.

I woke up to Rob baking cherry chocolate scones. Mmmmm...

After church (we had 20 2 year olds!!! in Sunday school!), we went to Costco--my choice!  In the van, Ky said "Mom, you will always be 21 to me."  "But Ky, you didn't know me when I was 21."  "I know, but you always seem 21 to me."  Flattery will get you everywhere my boy!

At Costco everyone was happy.  There were lots of yummy samples and we walked away with a rotisserie chicken and a BIG bowl of humus for lunch.  Costco is the only store, the whole family enjoys and looks forward to.  (NEVER go there when they don't have samples!)

It was a good day to get some gardening done.  Rob mowed the lawn (it needed it badly!) I transplanted raspberry plants in hopes of bringing our patch back--it looks pretty pathetic this year.  Alaina and I had JUST planted the broccoli when it started to pour.  EGADS!  At this rate I won't have the garden all planted until the end of May. 

Since it was raining we decided (okay, I decided) we needed to enjoy some FABULOUS ice cream at the Chocolate Shoppe.  I love that place!   Even Rob made the comment that he didn't think he has ever had better ice cream.

Since we had large amounts of ice cream we ended up having a late dinner--Chinese food at mom's request!  Mmmmm!  I love Chinese!  The kids gave me their gifts during this time.  I had NUMEROUS envelopes to open from Alaina with beautiful pictures of her and I.  Ky made a clothespin butterfly and an original Mother's day Acrostic.  And Alaina helped Talia color a picture for me.  She is such a wonderful big sister.  I am so blessed to have her as a big sister.  Daddy then also revealed to me the present he had been working on with the kids.  He had them make stepping stones for me.  Unfortunately, the girls broke.  It was a beautiful heart that they had worked hard to paint and put their handprints on. The kit was not very good and Rob planned to return it.  Ky's was cement and was wonderfully decorated with pretty stones and his hand imprint.  I look forward to finding a special place for them.

Rob also bought me a box of delectable chocolates! mmmm!  Gail Ambrocious--you can't get much fancier than that.  I plan to eat one a night and savor the yumminess!

All in all it was a good mother's day.  The kids were much better behaved (though we still had a few issues here and there.)  They were forewarned, that starting tomorrow, Mama was not going to be so nice and there were going to be serious consequences for slackers or kids who misbehaved.

Saturday was a busy day.  Rob took Alaina to ballet and I packed up food for us to take to the kids' ball games.  Ky and Alaina had back to back games.  After Rob returned with Alaina, I lost it at one point with her.  I was so angry.  Her refusal to follow directions right away and then to continue to misbehave when I had already given her a consequence put me over the edge (along with Ky doing similar things.)  Yeah--I yelled--and yelled.  And then I cried.  I was done.  I was done feeling like a terrible parent.  I was done feeling like I had lost control of my kids andy myself.  I was done feeling like they did not respect me.  While I am embarassed and saddened by days like these, I am humbled.  Sometimes it takes these moments in order for me to get on my hands and knees and pray--just pray for guidance and help. 

We had a nice bike ride to the  ballpark.  I was quiet and it gave me time to think.  The kids played wonderfully.  I love watching them.  Ky had a double--which he was so proud of.  Alaina hit the ball harder than she ever had and I loved watching her smile as she ran.  These moments are what having children is all about.  I am thankful that God reminded me of this.

After biking back, I showered quickly and ran to get my haircut.  My bangs were cut much shorter--in fact I haven't had bangs cut this short since college.  It's a nice change though.  I also find that as I have gotten older, cutting my hair has not been as traumatic as it used to be. 

I rushed back and had a few minutes to chat with Rob before Julie came.  We had a girls night out planned!  I was excited.  I really don't get to see her as much as I used to.  We had a wonderful night out and I am thankful for that. Julie and I can do just about anything together and have fun.  A friend like that is one to treasure.  We went to the greenhouse and picked up some flowers and then I convinced her to come along with me to get my eyebrows threaded.  I had never done this before, but have wanted to and have been so nervous!  Julie was just the courage I needed!   It was wonderful--Sure it hurt a little, but it was so quick and seriously!  My eyebrows have never looked better!

After that we had a yummy dinner at the bowling alley (Seriously--the burgers are good!)  We then ran to a few different stores to pick up random items. 

My friend Olesya had gotten me an American Girl Doll for Alaina (Olesya volunteers their and can get them for a seriously reduced price.)  Anyway, I am planning to give it to her for her birthday or Christmas, but am collecting various outfits for the doll along the way.  Julie showed me that Walmart actually carries some $2 items for the doll.  And she educated me on getting a special brush for the doll.  (Good thing I have Julie for this--otherwise I would have had NO CLUE!) 

We had a great time and it ended all too soon.  I am thankful that we were able to enjoy this night out together and that we could just be women for an evening--not moms, not wives--just women.  We could just chat and enjoy each others company. These nights are rare and yet so treasured!

That's all for now--I know I am a few days behind, but I will catch up soon!  Happy Mother's Day!

Proverbs 31:10-12 and 25-31

A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
"Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all."
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Give her the reward she has earned,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

Friday, May 09, 2014

Friday, May 9

I am thankful for having the opportunity to help out and visit a friend this morning.  I am thankful for the garage sale that had a pair of pants for Kylan for $2!  I am thankful for the nice weather and beautiful walks I had with all the kiddos today.  I am thankful for the time I spent coloring Mr. Potato Head over and over and over with Talia today.  I am thankful for Ms. Mary and her kind words to me about Alaina.  I am delighted that my daughter is following in Jesus' footsteps and showing love and compassion to ALL of her classmates by being a good friend.  Ms. Mary told me that Alaina will often befriend some of the kids that are "loners" or who other kids do not want to play with.  I am so proud of her.  Ms. Mary also told me how smart Alaina is and what a fabulous reader she is.  I am very proud of my girl and enjoyed hearing each wonderful word about her.

I am thankful that the school year is ending.  The schedules and expectations have gone downhill with the kids and we need to start fresh.  I am trying to rescue our old processes, but they continue to sink, sink, sink into the pit of despair.  One more month!

I am thankful that my garden and strawberry patch are now rodent proof (for now until they chew or dig through.) I am excited to start planting. 

I am thankful that Rob came home early enough to accompany me and the kids to Alaina's ballgame.  It was meltdown time and I needed someone to rescue me.

I am thankful for the opportunity to watch my girl on the field.  It is wonderful to see her try new things and see them through. 

I am thankful for corn on the cob.  It was SO good!  And I am glad we have leftovers for tomorrow.  I am thankful that Rob and I have completed another module and we only have one more until we are done with our Foster Care training.  Whew! 

I am thankful for little girls that crawl in my lap or ride on my back or hug me around the neck.  I am thankful for the kids anxious to have me carry them upstairs to bed.  I am thankful for all these wonderful things that I know I will miss when they grow bigger. 

Psalms 90:12
So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Thursday, May 8

I have a headache and I am tired.  This is going to be a scattered-brain blog.

We just got back from Ky's b'ball game.  I'm so proud of him.  He is doing really well and continuing to improve. 

Alaina was ecstatic about the game because her classmate, Luke was there.  I told her that he probably wouldn't be there, but then she came running back to me so excited and whispered, "Lukey's here!"  Her crush on him is so cute. 

During the game, Alaina came running back to me from the playground and was holding in tears.  I kept asking her what was wrong and she said "nothing".  Finally she broke down and told me that a little kid had walked in front of her while she was swinging.  She said he was crying and she tried to apologize, then she got scared and ran back to me.  I looked back by the playground and there was no little boy there.  Poor Laina!  What a delicate heart she has.  We talked about it and discussed, how it was just an accident, but next time she had the big girl responsibility of getting help right away. 

Talia had her 3 year well-child checkup today.  She did really well.  In fact the doc had NOTHING to say.  I think she tried to make small talk just so I felt like we were being well taken care of.  I am thankful that she is healthy. Talia has gained weight!  YEAH!  So that is no longer an issue.  She is in the 43% now.  And her height is about the same.  She is still the smallest of all my kids--and I like it that way, considering she is the baby of the family. 

For the last few days, Talia has insisted that I put her hair in 2 braids like Anna's from Frozen. It is very cute. And she gets mad if I take them out. I have to promise her that I will put them back in.

We received a phone call from the foster agency today.  All our paperwork is in.  Now they are just waiting on us to finish the online training and the new set of paperwork they gave us.  I guess we have to get moving on that.  I am thankful that the paperwork from others is all in and good!

Speaking of good calls--I also have been formerly accepted into Concordia's Masters of Education program.  I am just waiting to hear from my guidance counselor now.  Fall classes--here I come!  I am thankful for this opportunity to grow in education and prepare to go back to teaching.

I am ALMOST done bunny-proofing my garden.  As always, it is taking much longer than I planned.  I am hopeful I can begin planting this weekend.  I am excited to see the blessings this year's crops will bring. 

And with that, I am done blogging. I really need to just chill out.  I am tired and achey.  I am thankful that a good night of sleep will get me feeling good again.  Tomorrow is Friday and I have the opportunity to help a friend.  I am excited to work with her. 

Mark 12:31
The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Tuesday, May 6

I'm tired!
It was a good day and much was accomplished.  I started off by trying to get Alaina to rehearse her ballet dance.  Yeah--she REALLY didn't want to.  So--Talia and I danced to it.  I know the song better than Alaina--sad, but true.  I really want her to do well and have a good recital, but at the same time, if she feels bad, perhaps it is the kick in the butt she needs.  I don't know what to do.  I will continue to pull out the song and practice and talk with her everyday.  No matter what, I will enjoy watching her dance! She is my girl and I love watching her!  I just would like to protect her from awkward situations.

Olesya came briefly after that and we worked on painting the upstairs bathroom.  I am so thankful for Olesya.  We had it done in no time!  And her girls and my girls played REALLY well the whole time!  I love it! 

I have to say that I am glad it is painted, but I don't think it is the right color (slap me upside the head!)  Because the bathtub has grey surround and grey grout is on the floor tile with the blue counter--the tan seems a little out of place.  Hmmm...I am thinking white is what I would need to do, but I will not be doing that for a while....we will live with the brown for now.  Maybe when I hang the curtains it will help correlate the brown and blue....We will have to wait and see...

After Olesya left we were off to school.  I was a bit agitated with Alaina and her lack of motivation to practice her dance.  Lord, help me to not be mean.  Help me to just love her like you do.  And guide me to be a good supportive parent. 

Talia and I had a nice walk back from school.  It was then that I noticed her pants were too big and were falling down revealing her underwear.  I am thankful she is young enough that it is cute.  And yes we changed her pants when she got home.

During naptime, I touched up paint in the bathroom and started working in the garden.  I woke Talia to help me.  I enjoyed having her sit next to me and gab about the bugs she saw on the ground.  It was one of those "ideal" moments that I always dream of having with my kids (but of course rarely ever happens.) 

We had a really nice dinner.  Talia wanted tortilla chips, but could not have any until she cleared her plate.  So she would take a bite and ask for chips and I would tell her that she had to eat everything on her plate and she would then cry.  This happened several times--each time was funnier because you knew what was coming.  Oh kids.....gotta love them. 

After dinner the kids worked on cards for grandmas and treats for Ky's AWANA's tomorrow as well as Teacher Appreciation week.  Hopefully it will be a good bribe for letting me drop Alaina off at school 10 minutes early on Thursday.  I have to take Talia to a doc appointment and have been unable to work out having someone take her to school.  Oh, well, 10 minutes shouldn't be that big of a deal.

I almost forgot about Monday---

We had early visitors before and after school which the kids really enjoyed.  The neighbor kids came over while their parents went to doc appointments.  Once the big kids were dropped off at school the kids and I went to the gym and then the pet store (at Alaina's request.)  I love the petstore that opened so close to us.  GREAT entertainment for the kids FOR FREE!  They love it.  And we can easily spend an hour there looking and playing with the different pets.  After that we went home to do a puzzle (at Talia's request.)  I need to do better at asking my kids what they would like to do.  I had been doing it for a while and then I guess I just forgot.  This week I plan on bringing it back and listening to my kids a little more.  Monday was warmer, but windy.  The girls tried to eat lunch outside, but the wind just made it too cold.  However, once the big kids came home from school they seemed fine to be outside (I think moving around helps to stay warm!) 

After the playdate we were off to Ky and Alaina's double header game.  It was fun to watch them both (and convenient).  I just had to make sure that I saw each bat and then I picked and chose according to who was playing in the field.  It actually worked out really well because often when Ky's team was batting, Alaina's was on the field. 

We enjoyed a late "Cinco De Mayo" dinner of tacos afterwards.  Ky wasn't feeling well with a headache so he ended up going straight to bed.  Poor kid.  Despite that we had a really nice dinner talking.  Alaina told us that she made a card for Mom and picked flowers for Dad to show us God's love.  She is always showing others how she cares by coloring pictures or writing notes.  I love that about her. 

Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Sunday, May 4

Not the day I planned, but it was a blessed day despite it.

Daddy got up at 4:30 to go stand in line for tix to a beer festival.  I slept until 8 AM with the ladies.  Once we were up, the kids and I had a game plan to each complete a few tasks and then we would eat pancakes with a movie.

Well--it was past 11 when we ate pancakes.  Let's just say I don't have very speedy children.  I also had gotten so into completing several tasks, I didn't really want to stop to watch the movie.  Yes--that is a burden I bear.  I like to complete things.

I have to say that Ky also didn't help motivate me to enjoy the movie with the kiddos.  I let him choose the movie since he completed his tasks first and he chose....drum roll please.....dddddddddddd....Frozen!  Really?!  Are you sure?!  We have all these other movies and you have seen it many times already! *Sigh!*  Oh, well--the kids enjoyed it and that is all that matters.  I worked on my curtains and now ALMOST have 2 windows completed (ask me another day why it took so long...)

I am thankful for the new curtains that I got at a great price.  It was a wonderful blessing.  I am also thankful for the holdbacks I found at Family Dollar for 1/3 of the price elsewhere.  After the movie, Daddy came home and I ran to the hardware store to get the rototiller we rented.  It was wonderful!  Rob had our garden tilled in no time.  We were going to do our neighbors as well, but they were napping and we didn't want to disturb them.  Oh, well....another time. :)

It was a day of accomplishing things and the kids LOVED playing outside.  BTW--Rob gets Parent Of The Year Award.  When I returned with the tiller he came outside right away and tilled.  An hour later after he finished, he went in to check the time and realize he had left Talia on the toilet ALL THAT TIME!!! Poor kid!  And amazingly enough, she stayed on the toilet waiting!   And no, we don't forget to watch our children--it was naptime and she had gotten up to go potty....

I corralled the raspberries and weeded my rhubarb and asparagus.  The kids had a great game of baseball going with the neighbors.  I was impressed by Alaina who pulled out her shirt and t'ball hat to play.  Dad and I also tried helping her out riding a two-wheeler--however, she just didn't seem that interested.  I think next week I will have to make some effort to take her biking on the trailer.  We need to get this girl up and going...

Dinner, baths, and the day is over.  It ended TOO quickly.  We got lots done and chatted with several of our neighbors.  The warm weather brings everyone outside and I love it!  What a beautiful day that the Lord had made!

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Saturday, May 3rd

Another busy day!  This Mama needs a break!
Depite the busyness, I do feel that I had some breakthroughs today.

Today at ballet there were several women chatting and their voices became VERY quiet when I approached.  From what I heard, I believe they were talking about me--something along the lines of my child needing more practice and not doing well and me just leaving during class--which, yes I have a couple of times ran a quick errand, but have always been back on time to pick her up.  Really--what difference does it make if I am there or not--the girl is closed off in another room!  Wow!

Anyway--Alaina loves to dance.  However, I think her desire has lessened this year.  She is the youngest in her class and has not had the training that some of the other girls have (SHE IS FIVE YEARS OLD FOR GOODNESS SAKE!)  I have recorded her dance number, but she doesn't want to practice.  At this point, I think her performance at the recital will be a good lesson (and very cute!)  I know she will make mistakes and I am okay with that...SHE IS FIVE PEOPLE!!!! It's like t-ball--I enjoy watching it because the kids are all making mistakes.  It's cute and fun! 

I have to say I was very tempted to ask the ladies if they were saying nice things about the girls or were they being mean and saying things that would only hurt feelings....boy, sometimes I am SO CLOSE to speaking my mind it is scary.  (I apologize ahead of time for when I am old and senile.)

I suppose it hasn't helped that Alaina does not have any outside relationships with girls in the class.  I also think the fact that recital is only once a year is a bit much for a five year old.  Really--the should have a few performances so they can really see the payoff of their work.  Anyway--I am not sure I will take Alaina back there after this year.  Not because of the mom's, but because of her lack of motivation.  Unless she is asking, and then we will sign her up for the community classes. 

On our way back from ballet I asked Alaina what she likes to do.  I really want her to have some things special to her and it seems she doesn't have anything she really wants to pursue (hence the --we sign her up and give her SOMETHING to try out.)  She then started telling me things that never happened that she LOVES to do.  i.e read a chapter book in her bedroom (hmmm...helps if you can read a chapter book), have me get her up in the middle of the night after she is naughty and watch a video downstairs together (she insisted I did this with her before---yeah, didn't happen...) 

I gotta admit I was getting pretty frustrated with her.

After our interesting ballet encounter, we were off for a double header at the ball park.  Ky had a game first--and wow!  He had a really great hit, unfortunately it went right at the pitcher and even he was dumbfounded that he caught it.  His other hits all got him on base--but wow!  That first one was pretty spectacular.

Alaina had a fun game as well.  I especially liked it when 2 kids mixed up which bases they were supposed to go to.  OH, and when Alaina accidentally clobbered the 2nd baseman when she was running to second base.  Ah!  Now that is childhood!

As we were driving home I had a good conversation with Alaina.  She did not want to go to her friend's b'day party because he was a boy--and there would be LOTs of boys there.  Rob and I had ultimately decided that it was not a valid excuse and to let her miss the party because "there were boys" would be affirming her "boys are icky" mentality (which I know all girls go through--but still--we are trying to shut that down as quick as possible.)  I talked with her about how Jesus made boys and girls and by being mean to them she was being mean to God's special creation.  It seemed to work.  She then said she would go to his party.  She even colored a race car picture for him!

She did well at the party.  My friend said she was quiet, but I know she had fun.  Plus there is one other girl that she got to know (who will most likely be in her class next year).  Well done Alaina!  I'm proud of you!

After we picked up Alaina we went to church.  Church was rejuvenating for me.  I needed it.  I am thankful that we have a church that we enjoy and can minister to us.

I am looking forward to tomorrow morning with the kids.  Daddy will be waiting in line for beer tickets and the kids and I are going to eat pancakes and watch movies AND Daddy will rototill my garden!  YEAH! 

Hebrews 2:9
But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone,

Friday, May 02, 2014

Friday, May 2nd

It's May!!!

And yet it feels like March :(.  Despite the coldness and cloudy, dark days- I am thankful for the rain.  The grass has really greened up and the plants are really starting to grow.  We haven't been out much due to the rain, but we have been VERY busy.

Wednesday was the usual grocery store, gym, volunteer at school day.  I lost my temper with the kids in the morning.  I did apologize later as I melted down when they returned home from school. I am not proud of myself and I am sorry for the yelling I did.  However, it was pretty funny that I was able to predict every naughty behavior before it occurred.  (Honestly, their behavior wasn't technically "naughty", they just were not being thoughtful of my limitations nor were they doing as I requestd.)  I told them I was done and that I was "laying down the law".  When they started doing the behaviors I had previously predicted, I think they finally realized that they were off-track!  Yeah!  Thursday was much better after this.

Ky went to Awana's Wednesday and came back sad (with 20 pieces of candy!!!)  They wouldn't let him recite any more verses.  (Probably because he recited 20 on Saturday--hence the candy he came home with.)  Ky is bankrupting the poor people out of candy.

I was thankful for when Wedneday was over.  It was a rough day from the beginning and continued.  I took a lot of phone calls that day as well that were a little stressful.  I am glad that I can be a blessing to others, by sometimes just listening.  I also know that God is challenging me to branch out in my relationships with others as well as teach me to talk to people on the phone...(Really...I am just not a phone person.) 

Thursday, I had made a game plan for garage saling (since I couldn't on Friday and city-wide sales were taking place.)  I even took Ky to school early so he could eat breakfast there so I could get started.  My big goal was getting a baseball bag for Ky--which I did!  YEAH!  We got a few deals here and there on clothes and such--but no real big scores otherwise.  The sales seemed really picked through even though I came out so early.  My friend, Lyn, was telling me that some of these sales actually started Wednesday night (seriously--I don't have time for this.)  Ah well,  there is still a good month of garage saling to go. 

On my way to the gym my friend, Michele, called to tell me that Dells passes (with free admissions) were being handed out downtown over lunchtime.  I honestly didn't think I would be able to get there with needing to take Alaina to school.  But, I ended up making it work!  :)  I dropped her off and drove.  I was so thankful there was not a line!  YEAH!  2 passes down and 2 to go.  Talia and I then wrapped up our garage saling and enjoyed a video together while we waited for the big kids to come home.

Ky had baseball practice that evening, so Rob took him and all the girls.  I was thankful he was willing to do that.  I had another ladies' meeting and I didn't want to miss it.  We were finising Lysa Terkeurst's book "Unglued".  I have really enjoyed this ladies' group.  They have been a blessing.  The ladies dress casually (which is AWESOME by me).  I don't feel I have to get gussied up.  It is small and friendly.  Everyone talks to everyone.  And even though I don't know much about these ladies I easily start conversations with them.  WONDERFUL!  I am so glad God directed me to this group and that he gave me the courage to go.

Friday, I subbed.  I almost overslept, but it was a REALLY good night of sleep.  I am thankful for that.  It was an easy day, which I am also thankful for.  I worked with this wonderful little boy that was autistic.  He was such a sweetheart.  At the end of the day, I had a great conversation with a CC teacher.  It was very insightful.  I am thankful for this opportunity and I continue to look forward to teaching again someday soon.

I came home to Uncle Ryan (or "Chicka-ryan" as Talia calls him).  He had stopped in for a visit before heading to base.  It has been a joy to be able to see him as much as we have.  We will miss him when he moves to St. Louis.  He left shortly after that and we had a family outing to get 4 more Dells cards and then free ice cream at a new shoppe that opened nearby.  You CAN'T pass up free ice cream!  MmMMM... And my favorite "Chocolate Shoppe!"  They are located right off the bike path.  Yeah--I am totally envisioning us eating lots of ice cream on bike rides.  This will definitely be new incentive for the kids!

When we returned home, Rob left with the bigger kids for Alaina's t-ball game and I spent the evening with Talia. We had a nice time.  She had a bubble bath and then we watched a movie together and snuggled.

Now it is bedtime and time for husband snuggle time!  Tomorrow will bring about more busyness--I look forward to Sunday when I get to have a relaxed morning with the kids.  I'm thinking--pancakes and movies!  Sounds like fun!

Hebrews 3:13
But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday April 29th Talia's b'day weekend

Wow!  What a crazy last few days!  And let me say crazy.

Saturday was just a hurried frenzy--and this is an example of why I don't want my kids in too many activities.  So Alaina is just finishing up ballet and starting t-ball.  But of course there is overlapping.  And Ky is wrapping up AWANAs and also starting baseball.

So here was our day Saturday. Rob ran the Crazy Legs Race and I took all the kids to Alaina's ballet--where I was supposed to have the time to finish all my meal planning for Talia's party the next day.  That didn't happen since the teacher wanted the kids to try on costumes and have parents help. Blah.  After that we rushed Ky to his AWANA's meeting (which he was late to--there was NO WAY we could be on time.)  And then the girls and I went to Hobby Lobby in desparation to find little ballet dancers to go on Talia's cake (because I was not about to mold them out of gum paste--I am just not that talented, nor did I have the time.) After scouring the store, we found some and got Alaina to t-ball just a few minutes late.  Of course we had to pout for a few minutes in the van first.

Her game went well.  It was cute to watch her at her first at-bats.  Rob also arrived with lunch food.  He then left early to pick up Kylan from AWANAs.  And then Grandma Mo arrived.  She met us at the game.  It was kind of funny, she came just in time for the game to end--isn't that how it always works?! 

So we went home and started cake baking and food prepping in the short hour we had.  Rob (who had already come home with Ky) then took Ky to his first game while us ladies waited for the cakes to finish baking.  When they were done we went to his game and got to watch him play.  He did really well.  I was proud of him. 

Afterwards we went back home and Rob and Ky went to church (he had to be there early since he was doing childcare.)  Us girls went to the store to get last minute party stuff.  I, then ended up being late to church since I could not find Rob's beer.  Oh, well. 

After church, Rob got his beer, and the ladies went home to shove pizza in the oven and start Talia's movie "Frozen". I watched a few minutes while eating and then Rob and I used the rest of the time to work on the cake.  After the kids were put in bed, we also did food prep.  Are you exhausted yet?  I'm exhausted just reliving the day through this blog.  AND the cake was not done.  It needed to be frozen because it was too crumbly to frost.

By the way--I should mention that Talia spent the WHOLE day in her Frozen dress carrying her new Anna doll around.  Very cute!

So the next morning I put together the cake while Talia watched Frozen.  WHEW!  But, no worries, it was finished in time.

Talia's b'day was a good time.  It was wonderful to have family there.  It was also a blessing to have my mom there (she helped with a lot of the party prep and bathing the kids.)  The kids loved that she was there with her dog.

Talia became a bit crabby around 1:00.  I think she was overtired--especially after being up so late with her siblings.  We powered through the day and of course she made it through present time and cake time.

We tried to hide her eyes for the cake reveal and when Uncle Ryan uncovered her eyes everybody started singing.  It was funny.  I don't even think she noticed her "ballerina" cake--just what she asked for.

After everyone left, I think we really felt too lazy to do much of anything else.  I feel bad--we did do a make-shift dinner, but I was exhausted and just done with rushing around AND the kids were becoming naughty.  I think my mom hung in well with us despite the exhaustion and just needing to be done.

And then Monday--back to school, but off-schedule since my mom was staying with us.  Normally its gym and store, but we ended up just running some errands.  It was quite an icky day.  The wind and rain--yuck!  But we went to the green house and I picked up seeds, veggie plants, and flowers.  We then introduced my mother to Costco.  She wanted to see where we had bought the coffee--and yup, she was sucked in and bought much more than coffee!  It happens to everyone!  I, however, escaped with just samples in my tummy!  (A VERY PROUD MOMENT!)  I swear Target and Costco--those places you always spend more than what you plan.

Lunch, nap, and more chaos ensued as Ky came home.  The kids were just off.  They were wild, naughty and crazy!  I don't know if it was the excitement of the party weekend or if it was Grandma Mo being there or what--UGH!  I was about done by the time Daddy got home.  After dinner (and more naughty  children), mom and I headed to Family Christian Bookstore and the Dollare store to pick up a few things.  She found some really interesting looking videos to give the girls called GiGi.  I hope they are really good.  I think they could really help the girls get beyond some of this princess crap.

Speaking of which I am finally reading "Cinderella Ate My Princess".  That book has been on my "Need To Read" list for a long time.  My MIL recently reminded me of it, so I picked it up.

Finally TODAY!

Yup, crazy, chaotic, disobedient Tuesday morning.  I don't want to relive it, so I am not going to write about it.  My mom thinks that perhaps some behavior was due to the fact that Kylan did not get as much attention from her during her stay--but whatever it was, I don't care--it was unexcusable.  My mom left around 11.  We will miss her and really enjoyed having her here.  I hope I wasn't "too busy" to really enjoy her company--but it was a CRAZY weekend.  Once I sent Alaina off to school, Talia and I had a nice lunch together and I was excited to send her to bed.  I relaxed on the couch and finished my book.  It was wonderful!  (My fiction book--Not the Cinderella one...)  All too soon, they were home again, but not nearly as bad as before.  I muscled through and had wine with dinner and after dinner and then had some for a friend who was having a rough day--and as you can see, I am still typing--so "no" I didn't drink too much.  Oh--I am also thankful that Ky's b'ball game was cancelled today due to the weather.  I did not want to sit out in this could rain--and I just want to stay home tomorrow.

Tomorrow, everything will go back to our routine.  I think we all do best with routine.  And I have a 5 week break until the next birthday! YEAH!

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday, April 25th Happy Birthday Talia

My baby is 3!  My baby is 3!  She has been such a blessing in my life!  I love that girl.  I can't believe that she is already 3.  Wow!  Time has FLOWN by.  I am so thankful that she still likes to be held by me and loves to crawl in my lap and give hugs and kisses.  I will continue to cherish this time.  All too soon, I know she will be too big for all this.

This morning we woke her up in the traditional birthday song.  I have to say that she tried or pretended to be asleep for a long time!  I think that is a first.  She finally did get up after giving big brother a BIG hug.  She was quite excited that "I woke up and now I'm FEE!" 

I would like to say it was a smooth morning, but it wasn't.  I had been talking to Kylan about how he can help out in the morning like pour milk for everyone or get cereal out.  Well, he decided he was going to try to help out--and ended up dumping milk down the side of the refrigerator--OUTSIDE that is.  So we had to move the refrigerator out so we could clean behind.  Sounds easy enough, but the fridge wouldn't move.  Turns out we had TONS of toys stuffed under the fridge.  It took us 10 minutes or so to fish them all out.  When we finally moved the fridge--YUCK!  We haven't moved that fridge in 5 years.  There were more toys and TONS of dust.  It took some time to clean it up and by then the kids only had 10 minutes to eat before we had to leave for school.  That was when Ky told us his school was practicing a code red today so that no kids could get killed again.  ARGH!  The teacher talked to them about Sandy Hook!  ARGH!  We had kind of kept that quiet. I don't mind Ky knowing--I just wanted to talk to him one on one about it and not in front of Alaina.  AND Ky had some details wrong.  He thought that the Sandy Hook massacre had occurred at his school several years ago. 

So we had to correct that (remember 10 minutes to eat) and then explain what happened in kid terms and how his school is safe.  EGADS!  I think we did okay.  And we did make it out the door in time.  Phew!

I was a bit late getting to the gym, but it all worked out.  I had planned to work with Olesya on her house at 9:30.  I made it, but was a few minutes late.  Olesya and I have decided to do a "helper" swap.  Every week we go to her house or my house and work on a project together.  Today we worked on clearing out her basement.  We did really well.  I think her husband will be quite impressed and surprised to see things so clean!  Talia and Alaina had a good time playing dressup dolls with her daughters Charlotte & Elaina. (And watching Frozen of course.) 

After taking Alaina to school (Talia walked/ran all the way there and BACK!  So impressive, especially since last year Alaina would cry just about going one way!)  We then went to our friend Crystal's house to drop off a bike we aren't using for her daughter Mei.  Little Mei is such a ball of sunshine!  I love that girl!  It was great seeing her again.  And I LOVED seeing Crystal gush about her. This little girl has brought such joy to the family.

After that I took Talia to a famous local restaurant in Madison.  The place is character crazy with tables that have games and then characters of all sorts flying through the air.  I am always disappointed with the food--but it is more about the experience, and so it was once again.  I was disappointed in the food --a $12 salad of BLAH!, but Talia enjoyed every minute of it and loved getting a balloon and a free ride on the carousel. 

After that I brought her home for a VERY short nap, before I woke her up to pick up the kids.

For dinner we went to Red Robin, where ironically we ran into Crystal & her family.  They were there celebrating their son's Zac's b'day which is tomorrow.  Alaina was excited to see Mei again.  We really have to do another playdate again soon.  Ky & Zach were also excited to see each other.  It really has been TOO long since we have all gotten together.  T

Talia didn't eat much of her meal, but she ate plenty when the ice cream came.  Picky kid!  Things will be changing at home now that she is 3.  What's really odd is that she picked pizza to eat.  It doesn't make sense that she wouldn't eat it!

After dinner we came home to open presents.  Talia liked the funny glasses (though they dont' fit on her face) and puzzle that Ky got her.  I can't find the present (a tiara) that Alaina got her--my fault I know--I keep apologizing.  She then seemed to enjoy all the presents we got her.  We got her sparkly pink  kitty shoes (that ironically match Anna from Frozen), the book Go Dog Go (which she LOVES), the movie Frozen (let's be honest, that is for ALL the kids and now Ky can stop telling me that he is the only kid that has NOT seen the movie), and an Anna doll with a dress up dress that she ADORES!  Yeah, I think we did pretty good.

I had originally wanted to get her the 2 pack Anna and Elsa doll--but of course, when I went to order it they were suddenly out of stock EVERYWHERE!   And the few places that had it was selling the $40 set for over $100!!!!  CRAZY!  We finally decided on this doll--and not to wait.  (Yeah, I was calling Target every morning because they were "suppposed" to be getting a shipment--but it never arrived.)  I am glad that we ordered that doll when we did because the next day IT TOO was out of stock!  CRAZY--seriously the Frozen dolls are very hard to find.  I was even just trying to find the barbie type dolls and they are gone.  It's pretty frustrating that Disney does not produce enough of these toys.  I think they like the demand though--and they probably figure it helps  drive up the price.  ARGH!

Anyway--she loves the doll and the dress and loves that her shoes ironically match the dress.  She even went to bed with Anna tonight.  Totally worth it.  I am so glad she had a good birthday.  At the same time, I am a bit sad.  These years have gone by WAY TOO FAST!  I am so glad that I have this time with each of my children now.  I can look back and see that I spent a LOT of time with them when they were little and I can cherish each moment.  I am thankful for each moment God gives me with my kids.  Looking across the street at our neighbors who lost their daughter last year, constantly reminds me to really enjoy this time I have with them. 

Psalms 127:3-5
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

Thursday, April 24

So Wednesday was the usual CRAZY busy day.

Kids to school, grocery store, Menards for more mulch, gym, take Alaina to school, volunteer in Ky's class and then FINALLY get home just in time for Talia's nap! PHEW!!!  And half the day isn't even over!

It was nice to run in to my friend Olesya at the store and then to run with her at the gym.  I am glad that she was able to renew her membership. 

Volunteering in Ky's class is always fun.  I love working with one student in particular.  I think it's his smile and happy demeanor that just makes me want to come back. I have definitely noticed he has improved in reading over the past several months I have worked with him.  I also have noticed my Spanish has improved.  I am noticing more words that I understand and my pronounciation is better.

After Talia went down for a nap, I finished mulching the raspberry bushes and began making cupcakes for the Fancy Nancy party.  I worked on a lot of other preparations as well.  Then it was afterschool pick-up, snack and homework time, and then Alaina had t-ball practice.  (IT WAS A CRAZY DAY!)  And sadly the day was NOT done.  We left practice early to take Ky to AWANA's and we had our last marriage seminar.  Let's just say by the end of the night I was beat--but still had more Fancy Nancy party prep to do.  I ended up being kind of late with that, but it was all worth it!

Thursday was the 3rd Annual Fancy Nancy Party.  It was great to have so many friends come (as well as 2 newcomers!)  Olesya and her twins Charlotte & Elaina, Lyn and her son Eli, Jamie & Arianna, Rachel & Ashton, Angela & Violet, Cindi & Teyla, Ann & Laura, Michele & Lexi and finally Talia, Alaina & Me. 

We were dressed in our finest--my dress was from a college formal.  Alaina insisted on wearing her favorite wedding dress (the best gift EVER from Aunt Julie--it has gotten A LOT of use!)  Talia wore a ballet recital outfit a friend gave us a few years back.  She was ecstatic to wear the bright yellow number with pink leopard print tights and red shoes.  She was the epitome of Fancy Nancy.  The kids were all dressed quite fancy and had a good time.  I had some refreshments (though not as much as years passed since it was in the morning.) I made cupcakes in the shape of a butterfly.  (Before Talia said she wanted a ballerina cake she had said she wanted a butterfly cake, so I figured she would appreciate the cupcake formation.)  We had a bead necklace table, make your own wand table, color Fancy Nancy, tattoo, stick on earrings & nail decal area.  It was fun to watch the kids just enjoy themselves.  I was able to read a book to the kids while they decorated and ate their butterfly cupcakes.  It was really nice.  At the end of the book the characters practiced balancing walking correctly with  bananas on their heads, so I pulled out the bananas for the kids.  It was fun to watch them walk around. 

We attempted to take a group picture.  I didn't get all of the kids in any of the pictures. Oh well!  The kids had a great time and that is all that mattered.

After the kiddos left--with jewelry and ring pops (of course!), Olesya was kind enough to help me clean up a little.  I love that lady! 

After taking Alaina to school and feeding Talia lunch, I noticed an email from a friend that my favorite garage sales were open NOW!  So we skipped Talia's nap and took off for the sale.  It was totally worth it, and I think Talia enjoyed doing something with just me (and getting out of her nap.)  I picked up a pair of ice skates for Rob, pants & snowpants for Ky, a dress for Alaina, and a few odds and ends for my friend Julie's girls.  We had great timing as well.  It was raining before we went to the sales and started raining as we left--but it did not rain on us as we were out. 

When we got back I suggested to Talia that we snuggle on the couch until Ky & Alaina got home.  Talia seemed to like the idea, but never actually followed through.  :(  She did however attempt to fix my hair. 

The remainder of the day was uneventful.  It continued to rain so Ky's ball practice was cancelled (yeah!)  We enjoyed a homemade dinner and a more relaxing evening, though Alaina did throw a fit about her bathwater being cold (it wasn't) and then after her fit proceeded to play for 20 some minutes happily.  Too often these kids don't make sense. 

I am thankful that we had the opportunity to have the Fancy Nancy Party and the kids enjoyed it.  I am thankful that my girls have the opportunity to be girly and feel grown up.  I am thankful that we have many good friends that could share the day with us.  I am thankful that  some day I will look back at Alaina's tantrums and laugh. I am thankful for my little girl Talia who will be 3 years old tomorrow!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday, April 22

Back to school....back to school...back to prove that I'm not a fool....

The kids went back to school today.  I am thankful for the time we had together, but am ready to get back to a normal schedule.  Sadly, Daddy was not back to his normal schedule since he had a stomach bug.  Since Daddy was sick, I took the ladies for some errands to give him some quiet rest time.  No stay at home Tuesday for us.

After we returned we attempted to begin Fancy Nancy Decorating.  We didn't get very far before we had to take Alaina to school. 

Today, during naptime I worked on weeding and mulching the raspberries. The bushes have been such a blessing.  What is really funny is that when we moved into our first house I had actually planted raspberry bushes.  When we moved I was sad that we were losing them.  However, at our new house we were blessed with a whole hedge of raspberries! MMMmmmm!!!  The past year they haven't been doing so well.  Hopefully with the extra attention and fertilizer they will do better.

After the kids got home from school we went to Cherry Berry.  They were having $1 fill your bowl day! MMMMmmmm!!!  Yes--we totally took advantage of this!  YUM!  Even Rob tried some despite his sensitive tummy.  The line was long, but totally worth it.  This was our dinner...sort of! :)

We had a late dinner in pj's and then off to bed.  Overall it was a good first day back to school with a rocky "get to bed" night. 

The Fancy Nancy party is Thursday.  Tomorrow will be a busy day with preparations as well as our marriage seminar, t-ball practice, and volunteering at school. 

Luke 16:10
He that is faithful in that which is least faithful also in much.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday, April 21

My baby is turning 3 in 4 days!!!  Can you believe it!  Where has the time gone!  No longer a toddler--officially a preschooler.  *Sigh*


Saturday--the day was beautiful.  We had so much we wanted to do and so little time that some things were sacrificed.  We all (except Ky) slept in a little.  Talia even curled up with us for a few minutes in bed.  Rob had put her in bed with me last night so I could get some late night snuggles. (I'm so sad my baby is almost 3!) It was really sweet, but then with all her thrashing we returned her back to bed.  So it was nice to have some awake snuggles with her in the morning as well. 

Rob had shaved his beard off the night before.  In the midst of our snuggles I asked her if she noticed anything about his face.  She said it looked "Sloopy".  I asked her what she saw on it.  She said that it was "mishmellow".  Hmmm....so now that is what I tell Rob about his face.  HA!

After a leisurely breakfast, I ran to the store to get some gardening supplies and presents for upcoming birthdays and babies.  Unfortunately this trip took FOREVER!!!  Seriously--it took 4 clerks to help me find the proper weed and feed.  And then I gave up trying to get a ticket for the red mulch and instead got gold mulch...The red would have looked much better, but at that point I didn't care. 

Once I returned, Rob had us all ready for a bike ride.  We packed a quick lunch and went out as a family.  Ky rode on his own, Alaina with me, and Talia with Daddy (Talia enjoyed all the space she had in the trailer!)

We stopped at a nearby park and picnicked and enjoyed each other before heading out.  We had a nice time.  It was just wonderful to be outside and enjoy time with each other.  Our outing was over all too soon though as we biked back home.  I had a cake to bake while Rob ran.  Together, the kids and I made carrot cake and a carrot & broccoli platter for Easter. 

After that we had an Easter egg hunt in the backyard with the kids.  It was fun. I think Alaina found all her stuff first.  We, of course, made things a little more difficult for Kylan. 

Pizza & Movie night came after that and the kids enjoyed the movie "The Incredibles" while I weed & feeded the grass.  I think this is the first time we have ever put the first application on!  We normally miss it.  I even went the extra measure and poisoned the thistles growing in the grass.

The Bunny Butt Carrot Cake was easy to decorate (yeah for easy cakes!)  And by then I was about ready for bed.

Easter morning we were up early for church.  After getting everyone ready we were off to church (which we were on time for!)  And being "on time" doesn't work on Easter Sunday.  The church was packed!  We were lucky to find 2 of the last seats in the sanctuary.  Lots of people had to sit in the atrium because it was so packed.  It is nice to see a large turnout at church, but kind of sad that it only happens like this on Easter and Christmas. 

After the service we were off to Milwaukee for Easter with the Schnake's.  It's always great to see the family.  I am so thankful that I have been so blessed with a great and supportive extended family.  They really love the kids and have taken me in as one of their own. 

Once again it was a BEAUTIFUL day.  We spent a lot of it outside on the deck just enjoying the sunshine.  I took pics of the kids in their fine Easter attire before having them change into play clothes (AND BOY!!  am I glad I did that!)  Pasta sauce all down Alaina's play clothes.  Go figure!

Talia was excited to open presents from Auntie Lisa.  I was excited that Debi had a large picnic table for the kids.  (Ky has outgrown our little one.  I feel bad for him when I have them eat outside--shoving his large legs under the table...) Woo-hoo!  I am so thankful that my hope for a bigger table was answered.  (I don't think I prayed for one--I did make a mental note that I should look out for one when I went garage saling...)

The kids had a blast with Debi's Easter hunt (aka candy hunt!)  Most of the candy wasn't even in eggs this year, just out in the open.  Handfulls of jelly beans in the grass.  Amusing!  Very AMUSING!  It was fun watching them run around.  And then afterwards the kids picked up sticks for Grandma Debi for quarters.  (She's one smart lady--I am going to have to remember this when I have grandkids!)

Around this time, Rob noticed he had a missed call from Grandma Jan.  It turns out there had been a pretty bad incident at his Mom's work and emotionally she was just drained and having a rough time.  We made an unplanned visit to her house then to help cheer her up.  (The grandkids really do that---all they have to do is look at her! :) )  It was nice to see them.  And how blessed we are to get to spend Easter not just with the Schnake's, but with Rob's mom as well.  She has such a great heart and her work is so difficult, I don't know how she does it.  She has such a great compassion in helping others.  It is sad when things like this happen that are out of her control. 

Anyway, it was a late night journey home for the kids. In fact I think Talia cried for the last 45 minute car ride.  Poor kid--so overtired.  (And poor us for having to listen to her...)  It was to bed IMMEDIATELY when we got home.

Today was Easter Monday and Rob took the morning off to spend with us, since he was unable to on Friday.  We attempted to go for a bike ride despite the impending rain.  We stayed in the neighborhood for the most part and then when it started pouring we returned home.  (I made Alaina walk the last 4 or 5 blocks--her attitude was just not acceptable so I figured she needed to walk it off.) We then went out for brunch.  The walk really helped Alaina's attitude!  We went to a new place called Heritage Bakery. The food was pretty good.  Awesome cinnamon rolls.  I think we were most impressed by the fact that this lady was running the store on her own.  INCREDIBLE!  She was very nice and impressive.  After we got home, Daddy took a shower and got ready for work while I caught up on cleaning.  Not the most exciting afternoon. 

I did receive a phone call from the Grad school I am applying to.  After talking to the admissions guy (I don't know exactly who he is), he informed me that I may not be able to take their grad courses because I received my certification too long ago.  SAY WHAT?!  (I'm trying not to get upset.)  He said he would need to talk to someone else and get back to me. 

Okay--trying to remain calm and optimistic--but seriously.  I went through this whole app process--wrote you an essay, updated my resume, filled out the app, got people to write reference letters, talked with your office numerous times on the phone about what I wanted AND NOW YOU ARE TELLING ME THIS!!!???

Really?!  It makes no sense.  The brochure doesn't say anything about these stipulations.  Anyway--trying to remain calm until they get back to me.  Nothing is for sure right now--but seriously, this doesn't make sense to me....

Anyway, my friend Kelly stopped by right at the end of this conversation.  I am so thankful for the distraction.  She brought her newborn little girl and 3 boys for a playdate.  It gave us some time to chat and get to know each other better.  All of my kids also held baby Abby--so precious!  Yes, I miss babies that small! 

The kids had a great playdate.  I am glad it worked out so well and look forward to having her over again soon. 

From there we went to pancake making--Ky helped me out AND we played Scrabble while trying to fry the pancakes.  (This was amusing--especially since we burnt 3 or 4 pancakes.)  It was Ky's first try at Scrabble (he wanted to play) and he did pretty good (with help.)  I personally am not a big fan of Scrabble (probalby because Rob beats me every time!)

We had a nice family dinner and walk and now the kids are in bed.  Tomorrow, everything returns to normal.  The kids go to school and I begin Fancy Nancy Party Plans and start preparations for Talia's b'day.  Busy Busy week ahead! 


Acts 4:11-12
Jesus is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’
Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.