Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday April 29th Talia's b'day weekend

Wow!  What a crazy last few days!  And let me say crazy.

Saturday was just a hurried frenzy--and this is an example of why I don't want my kids in too many activities.  So Alaina is just finishing up ballet and starting t-ball.  But of course there is overlapping.  And Ky is wrapping up AWANAs and also starting baseball.

So here was our day Saturday. Rob ran the Crazy Legs Race and I took all the kids to Alaina's ballet--where I was supposed to have the time to finish all my meal planning for Talia's party the next day.  That didn't happen since the teacher wanted the kids to try on costumes and have parents help. Blah.  After that we rushed Ky to his AWANA's meeting (which he was late to--there was NO WAY we could be on time.)  And then the girls and I went to Hobby Lobby in desparation to find little ballet dancers to go on Talia's cake (because I was not about to mold them out of gum paste--I am just not that talented, nor did I have the time.) After scouring the store, we found some and got Alaina to t-ball just a few minutes late.  Of course we had to pout for a few minutes in the van first.

Her game went well.  It was cute to watch her at her first at-bats.  Rob also arrived with lunch food.  He then left early to pick up Kylan from AWANAs.  And then Grandma Mo arrived.  She met us at the game.  It was kind of funny, she came just in time for the game to end--isn't that how it always works?! 

So we went home and started cake baking and food prepping in the short hour we had.  Rob (who had already come home with Ky) then took Ky to his first game while us ladies waited for the cakes to finish baking.  When they were done we went to his game and got to watch him play.  He did really well.  I was proud of him. 

Afterwards we went back home and Rob and Ky went to church (he had to be there early since he was doing childcare.)  Us girls went to the store to get last minute party stuff.  I, then ended up being late to church since I could not find Rob's beer.  Oh, well. 

After church, Rob got his beer, and the ladies went home to shove pizza in the oven and start Talia's movie "Frozen". I watched a few minutes while eating and then Rob and I used the rest of the time to work on the cake.  After the kids were put in bed, we also did food prep.  Are you exhausted yet?  I'm exhausted just reliving the day through this blog.  AND the cake was not done.  It needed to be frozen because it was too crumbly to frost.

By the way--I should mention that Talia spent the WHOLE day in her Frozen dress carrying her new Anna doll around.  Very cute!

So the next morning I put together the cake while Talia watched Frozen.  WHEW!  But, no worries, it was finished in time.

Talia's b'day was a good time.  It was wonderful to have family there.  It was also a blessing to have my mom there (she helped with a lot of the party prep and bathing the kids.)  The kids loved that she was there with her dog.

Talia became a bit crabby around 1:00.  I think she was overtired--especially after being up so late with her siblings.  We powered through the day and of course she made it through present time and cake time.

We tried to hide her eyes for the cake reveal and when Uncle Ryan uncovered her eyes everybody started singing.  It was funny.  I don't even think she noticed her "ballerina" cake--just what she asked for.

After everyone left, I think we really felt too lazy to do much of anything else.  I feel bad--we did do a make-shift dinner, but I was exhausted and just done with rushing around AND the kids were becoming naughty.  I think my mom hung in well with us despite the exhaustion and just needing to be done.

And then Monday--back to school, but off-schedule since my mom was staying with us.  Normally its gym and store, but we ended up just running some errands.  It was quite an icky day.  The wind and rain--yuck!  But we went to the green house and I picked up seeds, veggie plants, and flowers.  We then introduced my mother to Costco.  She wanted to see where we had bought the coffee--and yup, she was sucked in and bought much more than coffee!  It happens to everyone!  I, however, escaped with just samples in my tummy!  (A VERY PROUD MOMENT!)  I swear Target and Costco--those places you always spend more than what you plan.

Lunch, nap, and more chaos ensued as Ky came home.  The kids were just off.  They were wild, naughty and crazy!  I don't know if it was the excitement of the party weekend or if it was Grandma Mo being there or what--UGH!  I was about done by the time Daddy got home.  After dinner (and more naughty  children), mom and I headed to Family Christian Bookstore and the Dollare store to pick up a few things.  She found some really interesting looking videos to give the girls called GiGi.  I hope they are really good.  I think they could really help the girls get beyond some of this princess crap.

Speaking of which I am finally reading "Cinderella Ate My Princess".  That book has been on my "Need To Read" list for a long time.  My MIL recently reminded me of it, so I picked it up.

Finally TODAY!

Yup, crazy, chaotic, disobedient Tuesday morning.  I don't want to relive it, so I am not going to write about it.  My mom thinks that perhaps some behavior was due to the fact that Kylan did not get as much attention from her during her stay--but whatever it was, I don't care--it was unexcusable.  My mom left around 11.  We will miss her and really enjoyed having her here.  I hope I wasn't "too busy" to really enjoy her company--but it was a CRAZY weekend.  Once I sent Alaina off to school, Talia and I had a nice lunch together and I was excited to send her to bed.  I relaxed on the couch and finished my book.  It was wonderful!  (My fiction book--Not the Cinderella one...)  All too soon, they were home again, but not nearly as bad as before.  I muscled through and had wine with dinner and after dinner and then had some for a friend who was having a rough day--and as you can see, I am still typing--so "no" I didn't drink too much.  Oh--I am also thankful that Ky's b'ball game was cancelled today due to the weather.  I did not want to sit out in this could rain--and I just want to stay home tomorrow.

Tomorrow, everything will go back to our routine.  I think we all do best with routine.  And I have a 5 week break until the next birthday! YEAH!

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday, April 25th Happy Birthday Talia

My baby is 3!  My baby is 3!  She has been such a blessing in my life!  I love that girl.  I can't believe that she is already 3.  Wow!  Time has FLOWN by.  I am so thankful that she still likes to be held by me and loves to crawl in my lap and give hugs and kisses.  I will continue to cherish this time.  All too soon, I know she will be too big for all this.

This morning we woke her up in the traditional birthday song.  I have to say that she tried or pretended to be asleep for a long time!  I think that is a first.  She finally did get up after giving big brother a BIG hug.  She was quite excited that "I woke up and now I'm FEE!" 

I would like to say it was a smooth morning, but it wasn't.  I had been talking to Kylan about how he can help out in the morning like pour milk for everyone or get cereal out.  Well, he decided he was going to try to help out--and ended up dumping milk down the side of the refrigerator--OUTSIDE that is.  So we had to move the refrigerator out so we could clean behind.  Sounds easy enough, but the fridge wouldn't move.  Turns out we had TONS of toys stuffed under the fridge.  It took us 10 minutes or so to fish them all out.  When we finally moved the fridge--YUCK!  We haven't moved that fridge in 5 years.  There were more toys and TONS of dust.  It took some time to clean it up and by then the kids only had 10 minutes to eat before we had to leave for school.  That was when Ky told us his school was practicing a code red today so that no kids could get killed again.  ARGH!  The teacher talked to them about Sandy Hook!  ARGH!  We had kind of kept that quiet. I don't mind Ky knowing--I just wanted to talk to him one on one about it and not in front of Alaina.  AND Ky had some details wrong.  He thought that the Sandy Hook massacre had occurred at his school several years ago. 

So we had to correct that (remember 10 minutes to eat) and then explain what happened in kid terms and how his school is safe.  EGADS!  I think we did okay.  And we did make it out the door in time.  Phew!

I was a bit late getting to the gym, but it all worked out.  I had planned to work with Olesya on her house at 9:30.  I made it, but was a few minutes late.  Olesya and I have decided to do a "helper" swap.  Every week we go to her house or my house and work on a project together.  Today we worked on clearing out her basement.  We did really well.  I think her husband will be quite impressed and surprised to see things so clean!  Talia and Alaina had a good time playing dressup dolls with her daughters Charlotte & Elaina. (And watching Frozen of course.) 

After taking Alaina to school (Talia walked/ran all the way there and BACK!  So impressive, especially since last year Alaina would cry just about going one way!)  We then went to our friend Crystal's house to drop off a bike we aren't using for her daughter Mei.  Little Mei is such a ball of sunshine!  I love that girl!  It was great seeing her again.  And I LOVED seeing Crystal gush about her. This little girl has brought such joy to the family.

After that I took Talia to a famous local restaurant in Madison.  The place is character crazy with tables that have games and then characters of all sorts flying through the air.  I am always disappointed with the food--but it is more about the experience, and so it was once again.  I was disappointed in the food --a $12 salad of BLAH!, but Talia enjoyed every minute of it and loved getting a balloon and a free ride on the carousel. 

After that I brought her home for a VERY short nap, before I woke her up to pick up the kids.

For dinner we went to Red Robin, where ironically we ran into Crystal & her family.  They were there celebrating their son's Zac's b'day which is tomorrow.  Alaina was excited to see Mei again.  We really have to do another playdate again soon.  Ky & Zach were also excited to see each other.  It really has been TOO long since we have all gotten together.  T

Talia didn't eat much of her meal, but she ate plenty when the ice cream came.  Picky kid!  Things will be changing at home now that she is 3.  What's really odd is that she picked pizza to eat.  It doesn't make sense that she wouldn't eat it!

After dinner we came home to open presents.  Talia liked the funny glasses (though they dont' fit on her face) and puzzle that Ky got her.  I can't find the present (a tiara) that Alaina got her--my fault I know--I keep apologizing.  She then seemed to enjoy all the presents we got her.  We got her sparkly pink  kitty shoes (that ironically match Anna from Frozen), the book Go Dog Go (which she LOVES), the movie Frozen (let's be honest, that is for ALL the kids and now Ky can stop telling me that he is the only kid that has NOT seen the movie), and an Anna doll with a dress up dress that she ADORES!  Yeah, I think we did pretty good.

I had originally wanted to get her the 2 pack Anna and Elsa doll--but of course, when I went to order it they were suddenly out of stock EVERYWHERE!   And the few places that had it was selling the $40 set for over $100!!!!  CRAZY!  We finally decided on this doll--and not to wait.  (Yeah, I was calling Target every morning because they were "suppposed" to be getting a shipment--but it never arrived.)  I am glad that we ordered that doll when we did because the next day IT TOO was out of stock!  CRAZY--seriously the Frozen dolls are very hard to find.  I was even just trying to find the barbie type dolls and they are gone.  It's pretty frustrating that Disney does not produce enough of these toys.  I think they like the demand though--and they probably figure it helps  drive up the price.  ARGH!

Anyway--she loves the doll and the dress and loves that her shoes ironically match the dress.  She even went to bed with Anna tonight.  Totally worth it.  I am so glad she had a good birthday.  At the same time, I am a bit sad.  These years have gone by WAY TOO FAST!  I am so glad that I have this time with each of my children now.  I can look back and see that I spent a LOT of time with them when they were little and I can cherish each moment.  I am thankful for each moment God gives me with my kids.  Looking across the street at our neighbors who lost their daughter last year, constantly reminds me to really enjoy this time I have with them. 

Psalms 127:3-5
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

Thursday, April 24

So Wednesday was the usual CRAZY busy day.

Kids to school, grocery store, Menards for more mulch, gym, take Alaina to school, volunteer in Ky's class and then FINALLY get home just in time for Talia's nap! PHEW!!!  And half the day isn't even over!

It was nice to run in to my friend Olesya at the store and then to run with her at the gym.  I am glad that she was able to renew her membership. 

Volunteering in Ky's class is always fun.  I love working with one student in particular.  I think it's his smile and happy demeanor that just makes me want to come back. I have definitely noticed he has improved in reading over the past several months I have worked with him.  I also have noticed my Spanish has improved.  I am noticing more words that I understand and my pronounciation is better.

After Talia went down for a nap, I finished mulching the raspberry bushes and began making cupcakes for the Fancy Nancy party.  I worked on a lot of other preparations as well.  Then it was afterschool pick-up, snack and homework time, and then Alaina had t-ball practice.  (IT WAS A CRAZY DAY!)  And sadly the day was NOT done.  We left practice early to take Ky to AWANA's and we had our last marriage seminar.  Let's just say by the end of the night I was beat--but still had more Fancy Nancy party prep to do.  I ended up being kind of late with that, but it was all worth it!

Thursday was the 3rd Annual Fancy Nancy Party.  It was great to have so many friends come (as well as 2 newcomers!)  Olesya and her twins Charlotte & Elaina, Lyn and her son Eli, Jamie & Arianna, Rachel & Ashton, Angela & Violet, Cindi & Teyla, Ann & Laura, Michele & Lexi and finally Talia, Alaina & Me. 

We were dressed in our finest--my dress was from a college formal.  Alaina insisted on wearing her favorite wedding dress (the best gift EVER from Aunt Julie--it has gotten A LOT of use!)  Talia wore a ballet recital outfit a friend gave us a few years back.  She was ecstatic to wear the bright yellow number with pink leopard print tights and red shoes.  She was the epitome of Fancy Nancy.  The kids were all dressed quite fancy and had a good time.  I had some refreshments (though not as much as years passed since it was in the morning.) I made cupcakes in the shape of a butterfly.  (Before Talia said she wanted a ballerina cake she had said she wanted a butterfly cake, so I figured she would appreciate the cupcake formation.)  We had a bead necklace table, make your own wand table, color Fancy Nancy, tattoo, stick on earrings & nail decal area.  It was fun to watch the kids just enjoy themselves.  I was able to read a book to the kids while they decorated and ate their butterfly cupcakes.  It was really nice.  At the end of the book the characters practiced balancing walking correctly with  bananas on their heads, so I pulled out the bananas for the kids.  It was fun to watch them walk around. 

We attempted to take a group picture.  I didn't get all of the kids in any of the pictures. Oh well!  The kids had a great time and that is all that mattered.

After the kiddos left--with jewelry and ring pops (of course!), Olesya was kind enough to help me clean up a little.  I love that lady! 

After taking Alaina to school and feeding Talia lunch, I noticed an email from a friend that my favorite garage sales were open NOW!  So we skipped Talia's nap and took off for the sale.  It was totally worth it, and I think Talia enjoyed doing something with just me (and getting out of her nap.)  I picked up a pair of ice skates for Rob, pants & snowpants for Ky, a dress for Alaina, and a few odds and ends for my friend Julie's girls.  We had great timing as well.  It was raining before we went to the sales and started raining as we left--but it did not rain on us as we were out. 

When we got back I suggested to Talia that we snuggle on the couch until Ky & Alaina got home.  Talia seemed to like the idea, but never actually followed through.  :(  She did however attempt to fix my hair. 

The remainder of the day was uneventful.  It continued to rain so Ky's ball practice was cancelled (yeah!)  We enjoyed a homemade dinner and a more relaxing evening, though Alaina did throw a fit about her bathwater being cold (it wasn't) and then after her fit proceeded to play for 20 some minutes happily.  Too often these kids don't make sense. 

I am thankful that we had the opportunity to have the Fancy Nancy Party and the kids enjoyed it.  I am thankful that my girls have the opportunity to be girly and feel grown up.  I am thankful that we have many good friends that could share the day with us.  I am thankful that  some day I will look back at Alaina's tantrums and laugh. I am thankful for my little girl Talia who will be 3 years old tomorrow!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday, April 22

Back to school....back to school...back to prove that I'm not a fool....

The kids went back to school today.  I am thankful for the time we had together, but am ready to get back to a normal schedule.  Sadly, Daddy was not back to his normal schedule since he had a stomach bug.  Since Daddy was sick, I took the ladies for some errands to give him some quiet rest time.  No stay at home Tuesday for us.

After we returned we attempted to begin Fancy Nancy Decorating.  We didn't get very far before we had to take Alaina to school. 

Today, during naptime I worked on weeding and mulching the raspberries. The bushes have been such a blessing.  What is really funny is that when we moved into our first house I had actually planted raspberry bushes.  When we moved I was sad that we were losing them.  However, at our new house we were blessed with a whole hedge of raspberries! MMMmmmm!!!  The past year they haven't been doing so well.  Hopefully with the extra attention and fertilizer they will do better.

After the kids got home from school we went to Cherry Berry.  They were having $1 fill your bowl day! MMMMmmmm!!!  Yes--we totally took advantage of this!  YUM!  Even Rob tried some despite his sensitive tummy.  The line was long, but totally worth it.  This was our dinner...sort of! :)

We had a late dinner in pj's and then off to bed.  Overall it was a good first day back to school with a rocky "get to bed" night. 

The Fancy Nancy party is Thursday.  Tomorrow will be a busy day with preparations as well as our marriage seminar, t-ball practice, and volunteering at school. 

Luke 16:10
He that is faithful in that which is least faithful also in much.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday, April 21

My baby is turning 3 in 4 days!!!  Can you believe it!  Where has the time gone!  No longer a toddler--officially a preschooler.  *Sigh*


Saturday--the day was beautiful.  We had so much we wanted to do and so little time that some things were sacrificed.  We all (except Ky) slept in a little.  Talia even curled up with us for a few minutes in bed.  Rob had put her in bed with me last night so I could get some late night snuggles. (I'm so sad my baby is almost 3!) It was really sweet, but then with all her thrashing we returned her back to bed.  So it was nice to have some awake snuggles with her in the morning as well. 

Rob had shaved his beard off the night before.  In the midst of our snuggles I asked her if she noticed anything about his face.  She said it looked "Sloopy".  I asked her what she saw on it.  She said that it was "mishmellow".  Hmmm....so now that is what I tell Rob about his face.  HA!

After a leisurely breakfast, I ran to the store to get some gardening supplies and presents for upcoming birthdays and babies.  Unfortunately this trip took FOREVER!!!  Seriously--it took 4 clerks to help me find the proper weed and feed.  And then I gave up trying to get a ticket for the red mulch and instead got gold mulch...The red would have looked much better, but at that point I didn't care. 

Once I returned, Rob had us all ready for a bike ride.  We packed a quick lunch and went out as a family.  Ky rode on his own, Alaina with me, and Talia with Daddy (Talia enjoyed all the space she had in the trailer!)

We stopped at a nearby park and picnicked and enjoyed each other before heading out.  We had a nice time.  It was just wonderful to be outside and enjoy time with each other.  Our outing was over all too soon though as we biked back home.  I had a cake to bake while Rob ran.  Together, the kids and I made carrot cake and a carrot & broccoli platter for Easter. 

After that we had an Easter egg hunt in the backyard with the kids.  It was fun. I think Alaina found all her stuff first.  We, of course, made things a little more difficult for Kylan. 

Pizza & Movie night came after that and the kids enjoyed the movie "The Incredibles" while I weed & feeded the grass.  I think this is the first time we have ever put the first application on!  We normally miss it.  I even went the extra measure and poisoned the thistles growing in the grass.

The Bunny Butt Carrot Cake was easy to decorate (yeah for easy cakes!)  And by then I was about ready for bed.

Easter morning we were up early for church.  After getting everyone ready we were off to church (which we were on time for!)  And being "on time" doesn't work on Easter Sunday.  The church was packed!  We were lucky to find 2 of the last seats in the sanctuary.  Lots of people had to sit in the atrium because it was so packed.  It is nice to see a large turnout at church, but kind of sad that it only happens like this on Easter and Christmas. 

After the service we were off to Milwaukee for Easter with the Schnake's.  It's always great to see the family.  I am so thankful that I have been so blessed with a great and supportive extended family.  They really love the kids and have taken me in as one of their own. 

Once again it was a BEAUTIFUL day.  We spent a lot of it outside on the deck just enjoying the sunshine.  I took pics of the kids in their fine Easter attire before having them change into play clothes (AND BOY!!  am I glad I did that!)  Pasta sauce all down Alaina's play clothes.  Go figure!

Talia was excited to open presents from Auntie Lisa.  I was excited that Debi had a large picnic table for the kids.  (Ky has outgrown our little one.  I feel bad for him when I have them eat outside--shoving his large legs under the table...) Woo-hoo!  I am so thankful that my hope for a bigger table was answered.  (I don't think I prayed for one--I did make a mental note that I should look out for one when I went garage saling...)

The kids had a blast with Debi's Easter hunt (aka candy hunt!)  Most of the candy wasn't even in eggs this year, just out in the open.  Handfulls of jelly beans in the grass.  Amusing!  Very AMUSING!  It was fun watching them run around.  And then afterwards the kids picked up sticks for Grandma Debi for quarters.  (She's one smart lady--I am going to have to remember this when I have grandkids!)

Around this time, Rob noticed he had a missed call from Grandma Jan.  It turns out there had been a pretty bad incident at his Mom's work and emotionally she was just drained and having a rough time.  We made an unplanned visit to her house then to help cheer her up.  (The grandkids really do that---all they have to do is look at her! :) )  It was nice to see them.  And how blessed we are to get to spend Easter not just with the Schnake's, but with Rob's mom as well.  She has such a great heart and her work is so difficult, I don't know how she does it.  She has such a great compassion in helping others.  It is sad when things like this happen that are out of her control. 

Anyway, it was a late night journey home for the kids. In fact I think Talia cried for the last 45 minute car ride.  Poor kid--so overtired.  (And poor us for having to listen to her...)  It was to bed IMMEDIATELY when we got home.

Today was Easter Monday and Rob took the morning off to spend with us, since he was unable to on Friday.  We attempted to go for a bike ride despite the impending rain.  We stayed in the neighborhood for the most part and then when it started pouring we returned home.  (I made Alaina walk the last 4 or 5 blocks--her attitude was just not acceptable so I figured she needed to walk it off.) We then went out for brunch.  The walk really helped Alaina's attitude!  We went to a new place called Heritage Bakery. The food was pretty good.  Awesome cinnamon rolls.  I think we were most impressed by the fact that this lady was running the store on her own.  INCREDIBLE!  She was very nice and impressive.  After we got home, Daddy took a shower and got ready for work while I caught up on cleaning.  Not the most exciting afternoon. 

I did receive a phone call from the Grad school I am applying to.  After talking to the admissions guy (I don't know exactly who he is), he informed me that I may not be able to take their grad courses because I received my certification too long ago.  SAY WHAT?!  (I'm trying not to get upset.)  He said he would need to talk to someone else and get back to me. 

Okay--trying to remain calm and optimistic--but seriously.  I went through this whole app process--wrote you an essay, updated my resume, filled out the app, got people to write reference letters, talked with your office numerous times on the phone about what I wanted AND NOW YOU ARE TELLING ME THIS!!!???

Really?!  It makes no sense.  The brochure doesn't say anything about these stipulations.  Anyway--trying to remain calm until they get back to me.  Nothing is for sure right now--but seriously, this doesn't make sense to me....

Anyway, my friend Kelly stopped by right at the end of this conversation.  I am so thankful for the distraction.  She brought her newborn little girl and 3 boys for a playdate.  It gave us some time to chat and get to know each other better.  All of my kids also held baby Abby--so precious!  Yes, I miss babies that small! 

The kids had a great playdate.  I am glad it worked out so well and look forward to having her over again soon. 

From there we went to pancake making--Ky helped me out AND we played Scrabble while trying to fry the pancakes.  (This was amusing--especially since we burnt 3 or 4 pancakes.)  It was Ky's first try at Scrabble (he wanted to play) and he did pretty good (with help.)  I personally am not a big fan of Scrabble (probalby because Rob beats me every time!)

We had a nice family dinner and walk and now the kids are in bed.  Tomorrow, everything returns to normal.  The kids go to school and I begin Fancy Nancy Party Plans and start preparations for Talia's b'day.  Busy Busy week ahead! 


Acts 4:11-12
Jesus is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’
Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.     

Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday, April 18

I know, I know...I haven't blogged!  But I haven't been home at my designated time TO blog!  It has been a busy week.

Let's see.  Tuesday...oh man this week is such a blur.  YES, now I remember.  Tuesday, I received a phone call first thing in the morning from my mom's husband Terry.  He instantly had me worried that something had happened with my mom. I hope I wasn't too abrupt with him, but I needed to know the purpose of the phone call.  Sadly, my cousin's wife had passed away.  While I didn't know her well, I know she was a kind woman who loved the Lord.  I also know that she meant the world to my cousin.  Her death was expected, since she had been battling cancer for some time.  My mom had also given me a heads up earlier letting me know that her time was coming soon.  My thoughts and prayers go out to him and her family. 

Well, after that depressing start to the day I was fortunate to meet up with my good friend Julie at the pool.  Our kids had a WONDERFUL time playing together.  It was also good to see that Talia still LOVES jumping in the water and attempting to swim.  I had fun with both girls jumping in the pool and then challenging Ky to a game of water basketball. 

After the pool, we all returned to my house for some lunch and downtime.  Our kids play togethe so well.  And I had fun just chilling with Julie.  It was good to know that she was there, because I felt a little off from the phone call.  My heart really goes out to my cousin and I wish we were closer.

Tuesday night, Nana came to stay over.  Unfortunately my beans (that I had presoaked the night before and then had in the slow cooker ALL DAY) were still hard.  So I googled it and learned that dry beans don't rehydrate well with tomatoes.  THEN WHY DOES THE RECIPE HAVE ME DO IT THIS WAY?  AND IN THE SLOW COOKER!  Can you tell I am still annoyed?  So I had to have a plan B for dinner and thankfully Rob helped me with that.  We did eggs and potatoes and fruit.  It was a good dinner, but a late dinner.

After dinner I had a brief escape with my best friend to Orange Leaf.  Fill your bowl for $4.15. YUM!  We had a big bowl of yumminess and some time to chat.  It was nice. 

On Wednesday, I took all the kids grocery shopping.  And it went FINE!  Yeah!  I was a little curious how things would go.  After that I dropped the girls off at a friend's house so I could take Ky to the dentist to get sealants put on.  After that we had a nice lunch at McD's--just the 2 of us.  I always enjoy one on one time with my kids.  They act SO much more mature, and I am able to give them my full attention.  We had a nice time. 

We had a lazy afternoon at home.  We planted my blueberry bushes and then took Alaina to her first t-ball practice.  She did pretty good.  She may have screamed and shouted she wasn't going, but when she saw her friends there she was a happy camper and really trying hard.  I am proud of my girl.  Ky also wanted to help "coach" so he offered his services to the coach--very cute!  Though Daddy then came to get him and take him to AWANA's.  I then picked him up afterwards and took him to the Dollar Store so he could pick out birthday gifts for Talia.  What a great big brother!  I didn't get home until late so no blogging for me!

On Thursday we had an unusual day.  My friend Olesya volunteers at American Girl and mentioned she could get some dolls for me.  I guess I haven't been too keen on getting one.  The hype and the cost just seem outrageous.  However, when she told me she could get me one for $13, I figured--hey, why not.  It will be a nice gift down the line for the girls.   But, first we were off to Playgroup at McD's.  (The weather was not good this week for outings.)  The girls and I had a nice time chatting while the kids played.  It is amazing to see how big our oldest ones have gotten and to think that 7 years ago?!  we were getting together for our first playgroups.  Where has the time gone??? 

After playgroup we stopped at the library and then ran to Olesya's to pay her back for the doll she picked up for me.  WOW!  I have to say, I was/am impressed. She picked up the historic "Julie" doll for me.  (I asked her to get one that looked like Alaina--and Julie is pretty darn close!)  She is a beautiful doll--and only $6!  I couldn't pick up a crappy doll for that much.  She has one minor defect in her hair, that you don't even notice.  I am excited.  Alaina is going to lover her.  In fact, I have already purchased an outfit and shoes for her.  I think I will just keep picking up outfits and make this doll her 6th birthday gift.  Now, I need one for Talia. 

So Olesya and I had a great time.  We are so alike, I am happy we found each other.  We discussed blueberry bushes and blackberry bushes.  I saw her seedlings that she is growing for her garden downstairs.  She was baking some awesome apple cake--and she gave some to me! MMMMMMM!!!!  She also watched the kids (the older 2) while Talia and I ran to the Department of Human Services to get my fingerprints done for fostering.  Yup, we are moving along in the process--just a bit slower than I thought. 

After that we were back at home briefly.  I made the kids ooey gooey popcorn and let them watch a movie while I prepared for my book study that night--yeah, I kind of got behind.  And Thursday night I went to that while Rob took all 3 kiddos to Ky's b'ball practice.  Whew!  I have not been home to tuck my kids in bed the last couple of nights (and that is when I blog.)  Tonight will be different.

Today was another good day.  After the gym, the kids and I came back and did some coloring to earn free icecream coupons from the library.  Gotta love free icecream! We then went to Costco for lunch.  The kids loved all the samples. After that we had hotdogs and soda (well they had hotdogs and soda, I grabbed a smoothie.)  Man those hotdogs are HUGE!!!!  And Alaina ate all of hers!

We came back quite happy and full.  We then decided to "egg" some of our neighbors and began assembling the egg baskets.  Egging is simply hiding easter eggs with goodies in their yard, leaving a note on their door that says "You've been egged--find the eggs", and ringing the doorbell and running.  The kids LOVED it! 
We also made resurrection rolls (Jesus is the marshmallow, the crescent roll is the tomb, bake it--the tomb is empty.)  The kids enjoyed that.

At the end of the day our friend Karl came over.  He is going to give us an estimate of how much it will cost us to put an addition on our house.  (Make a master bedroom suite over the garage.)  We are still up in the air on whether or not to move eventually, so we figure we need to at least get an idea of how much it would cost to add on instead of move.  Afterall, we love our location and the schools--and our yard is pretty good (though I wouldn't mind a little bigger.) I guess we will see what he comes back with and then decide from there.

We missed the Good Friday service because of how long the estimate took (bummer). But it was nice to catch up with an old friend and we tried to spend some extra time talking with the kids today about Good Friday. 

Now the kids are tucked in bed.  Alaina has put on her night lipstick (seriously--she feels she has lipstick for night time).  And Rob and I can finally relax.  It has been a pretty good Spring Break, but I feel like it has been too busy to really enjoy the kids--unlike winter break.  Well, good thing we have a WHOLE summer to make up for it! :)

Later Gators!
Matthew 27:51-54
At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.
When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”

Proud puzzlin' together

the girls gave me a new "do"

Egging one of our friends

Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday April 14

I hope your taxes are done!

Hmmm...where did I leave off....

Yesterday, was a rough morning at church working with the 2 year olds.  However, I am thankful that I am able to be a help and work in Talia's class so parents can focus on God.  Yeah--it was a rough morning.  I think I will just leave it at that.  I will say that Taia needs to get over her jealousy and adjust to sharing mom with others.  She is plenty loved, and she knows that.  There is no threat to our relationship.

It was a busy Sunday--with LOTS of rain.  Thankfully after church and a quick workout, it did stop long enough for Ky to have his first baseball practice.  Rob is really happy with the new coach-so we are hopeful for a good season where Kylan will really learn and grow.  After that we went and looked at a house in our neighborhood that is for sale.  Square foot-wise, it is bigger than our house.  But after looking at it and the layout, it was smaller and would not work.  The master suite was awesome--and if we didn't need so much living space, I would have LOVED the house.  The dining room and living room were much too small though, which was a disappointment.  Once again, Rob and I are faced with the question--should we add on? or should we just continue to keep our eyes open.  Our friend, Karl, who is a contractor has agreed to meet with us soon to discuss adding on.  Our house works for us now, however, as the kids get bigger we need another bathroom with a shower.  And Rob and I have always wanted to have a master suite for ourselves (with bathroom and large closet.)  An addition would solve both of these problems.  Hmmm...

Ryan came shortly after visiting the house and we enjoyed a pumpkin pancake dinner with him.  It has been nice to have him stop in and stay a bit.  The kids love him.  And we will miss him next year when he moves to St. Louis for school.  For now, it is nice that we get to spend a little extra time with him as he goes to Ft. McCoy for his trainings. 

Today, Ryan was a wonderful blessing by watching the kids while I ran out.  The toy I want for Talia is not to be found ANYWHERE! So we had to decide on a different birthday gift for her.  It is purchased and will be shipped to our home soon.  I also stopped at the plant store and purchased 2 blueberry bushes!  YEAH!  I am excited I got one small and one large one.  MMMM....can't you just taste the blueberries!  I purchased ones that have beautiful brilliant colors in the fall. 

Ryan left shortly after I came back. I have to say, the day kind of fell apart after that.  I figured that since I had so many plans for the kids over spring break, that today would be a good day to get ahead of the housework so we could just enjoy the days to come.  Well--the kids didn't like my plans too much.  Let's just say it was a rough afternoon and I am thankful that the day is coming to an end.  (I type this as Talia is screaming  because she doesn't want to go to bed....ugh!  To be 3....Have I mentioned that 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 is my least favorite age.  Each kid goes through the same thing....they want to exert authority and well--they just aren't going to win, especially when it comes to going to bed.)

I'm exhausted, but am thankful that we have so much.  It snowed--which I think put us all in a bummer mood (for the first day of Spring Break.)  I spent much of the day sorting out summer vs. winter clothes.  (Which is ironic when it is snowing outside...)  I am thankful for the clothes, many which have been given to us by others.  I am thankful for a fun day ahead with friends.  I am also thankful that the laundry is ALMOST done!  Until tomorrow!
II Corinthians 4:18
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday, April 11

I am thankful for beautiful weather!
I am thankful for time to work outside.  I am thankful for my strawberry patch that looks AWESOME!  I am thankful that soon I will be gardening again.  I am thankful for others that are knowledgeable in raspberry bushes.

I am thankful that Rob's brother Ryan visited us today.  I am thankful that he helped me in the yard and played with the kids.  I am thankful for the gym--I needed it this morning, as well as the separation from my children.  I am thankful for neighbors that come over to play and to chat.

I am thankful for chocolate chip cookies!  I am thankful for leftovers --which give me more time to work outside.  I am thankful for the nice family walk.  I am thankful that Talia let me carry her on my back (I miss those days!)  I am thankful for her back snuggles and easy breathing as she fell asleep on my back. 

I am thankful for the start of spring break!  And the extra time I will get with my kids! I am thankful for friends to share this time with.  I am thankful for Daddy getting a day off to celebrate it with us.  I am thankful for a good night of sleep!

II Corinthians  4:7-9
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.  We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed, perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned, struck down, but not destroyed.

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Wednesday April 9

I am thankful for waking up to a beautiful sunshine-y day!  It was gorgeous!  The girls and I had a busy morning and the sun just made it seem wonderful.  It was also great to seen my good friend Julie (even if it was for TOO short of a time) and then visit with my friend Olesya. 

Olesya and I have decided to try to spend a few hours together each week and work on projects that we both want to get done in our houses.  Our girls play together so well--that we should be able to accomplish alot.  I am excited!

Today, I am thankful that even though Ky's teacher was not at school today, I was able to help another teacher during my volunteer time.  I am also thankful that Talia was flexible enough to be okay with not eating with his brother.

I am thankful for snacktime outside!  Did I mention it was a beautiful day?  I am hoping that on Thursday and Friday I will be able to work outside a bit on the raspberry bushes and plant the blackberry bushes I bought.  Did I mention that I bought blackberry bushes! YES I DID!!!!  So now fruit wise I have a cherry tree, an apple tree, a strawberry patch, a raspberry patch, and 2 blackberry bushes AND I plan to purchase a few blueberry bushes this summer too!  YIPPEE!!!

I am thankful for our marriage seminar.  Despite the fact it is the second time we have taken this seminar, we are continuing to learn and grow.  I am so blessed to have a husband that wants to keep our marriage strong and go to these meetings.

Hosea 2:19
And I will betroth you to me forever. I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy.

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Tuesday April 8th

Last minute plans turned Stay at home Tuesday into "Playdate with Friends" Tuesday.  It was great that my friend Olesya was able to come over with her girls.  We had a great time talking about gardening and organizing and decorating houses.  We are two peas in a pod with our interests.  She inspired me for curtains in the girls' rooms. 

She also came with good timing.  Alaina had asked me to french braid her hair and I was excited to do so.  Since her hair is short in the front, I knew I would have to do 2.  I did one side and then she began to freak out.  She was angry that I didn't do 1.  She tried ripping it out.  This of course made me upset since she had no appreciation of my time or my hard work, so I told her she needed to focus and relax.  She couldn't and so I sent her up to her room.  She was so angry.  This is an area we really need to work on.  She has a lack of empathy for others and if things are not exactly the way she wants them she gets angry (not caring about other people.)  She was up there 45 minutes or so before she became rational and would listen to me and what I was saying.  After that she let Olesya braid her hair.  (Olesya did a great job.) 

The girls were very cute--they had matching braids.  (Yup! I had braided Talia's hair as well.)  I enjoyed the braids and so did Olesya, even if Alaina did not.  They were both very cute. 

After we dropped Alaina off to school, Talia and I ran to Costco to purchase the infamous FROZEN DVD.  Yeah--I know...I'm a sucker too.  Really it is for Talia's birthday.  Talia and I enjoyed all the samples in our simple purchase of the movie.  I think when you pay for a membership, you are really paying for all the samples you consume.  Seriously--who needs to eat lunch?

So we have a dilemma with Talia's b'day present.  Over the weekend we decided we were going to puchase the movie and the 2 pack toddler dolls.  Well, over the weekend those dolls became out of stock.  Yup...now we can't find them ANYWHERE.  I spoke with several clerks today and they basically all wished me "good luck."  Hmmm....Not what I want to hear.  Well, I have 2.5 weeks left.  We will have to see if we can come up with them.

This afternoon we had the pleasure of attending Ky's Publishing Party at school. This was really just an opportunity for him to show me what he has written in class.  It is neat to have him show me what he has worked on.  We also saw some other parents and I got to see a few new babies.  YEAH!  I love babies!  We stuck around for the "overcrowding" discussion.  Wow!  Sandburg is crowded!  We really need the referendum to pass in the fall.  I love our school, but it is sad to think about losing an art and music classroom to temporarily solve the problem--what will happen next?  Losing the gym?  Seriously--if you are a Madison voter please vote "yes" to the referendum in the fall.  Well--that's all I've got for now!  Until next time.

Proverbs 9:9
Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.

Birthday Weekend!

We woke up early for the birthday boy's weekend!  We were on the road around 8:00.  (I was pretty proud of myself.)  We were all excited.  Rob and I were going to enjoy 27 kid-free hours and the kids were going to get to spend time with Grampa and Grandma Debi as well as Nana & Grandma Jan.  YIPPEE!!

After dropping the kids off and giving Talia extra squeezes (this was her first overnighter NOT at the house and without her parents), Rob and I took a scenic drive down the lakefront.  We also drove past our old house.  It was neat to see that even though the new owners had done a fair amount of work when they first moved in, it did not appear that they did anymore.  (Having kids clearly got in the way!) :) 

From there we went to the infamous Blue's Egg for brunch.  The food was DELICIOUS!  We really enjoyed it.  And even better it was FREE!  (Our food was a little slow to come out so they comped us the meal.  You have to LOVE a restaurant that wants to keep you happy.  We hadn't complained or anything!) 

From there we were off to Sprecher Brewery for a tour.  Rob had mentioned a while back that he wanted to go and relive some of his young memories, so I purchased tickets in advance.  The tour was fine; the beer was-eh; the soda was pretty yummy.  The tour gave Rob a chance to taste and rate 8 of their beers. 

From there we checked into our hotel and got ready for our next tour before dinner.  This was also a surprise as I hadn't given him any details.  We went to Milwaukee Brewing Company for a 2 hour tasting.  So..I was kind of duped by the whole thing. The website uses the words "more intimate" setting and a chance to "ask questions".  Yeah--it was CROWDED!!!  And the beer pours were OUTRAGEOUS!   I was a bit buzzed by the time we were done there.  Rob was able to taste and rate 8 more beers though-- so I felt pretty accomplished.  Thankfully, I had been smart enough to make our dinner reservations within walking  distance to the brewery. 

We went to Braise for dinner. MMMMMmmmmm... Rob and I went there 2 years ago for our anniversary and just LOVED the place.  The food is all home grown and DELICIOUS!  And once again they did not let us down.  Pork buns!  Carrot-ginger soup! Sorrel gnocci! Braised hangar steak!  Chocolate pot de creme! Caramel Chocolate tart! mmmm.... yeah we were stuffed when we left. 

We returned back to our room to watch the end of the Badger game.  I snoozed while Rob watched.  It was a sad loss.  Sadly, after the game, Rob wasn't feeling too well.  (Too much beer with rich food?)  I guess I overdid it a little... :)  But hey, it was fun!
The next morning we enjoyed a fabulous Irish brunch with GREAT Bloody Mary's.  They were awesome!  After that we walked on the lakefront before heading to Nana's to celebrate with them and the kids.  It was a great mini-getaway.  And a much needed one! 

At Nana's we got to see Jan's new studio (next door) that she had just purchased.  We are so glad that she was able to purchase this place.  It will definitely help her increase productivity time.  It was quite  a mess, and yet she had already done so much work on it.  I am excited to see the finished product.  And I am excited to be able to see her studio in action.

We had a wonderful walk and fun play time at the park with everyone.  The weather was wonderful!  Afterwards we came back and had some scruptious pie before leaving. 

The kids were tuckered out.  2 days without naps for Talia.  It was a pretty quiet drive for a while and then Alaina started getting upset.  She was overtired.  It was a rough evening, but totally worth the time we had together. 

Today (Monday) was a CRAZY day.  I had lots to do.  The laundry was nuts!  And I was just trying to catch up with stuff from the weekend.  Not to mention Ky had a HUGE list of chores he had to do for past transgressions (he is in this phase of putting holes in his shirt--have I mentioned this?)  I have to say, by 5 I was done.  Exhausted!  In fact, I was late picking up the kids from school because I lost track of time (and that NEVER happens to me.) I enjoyed watching the girls play and eat outside though.  It was a BEAUTIFUL day.  Talia was scared of the bugs again.  But hopefully, in time, she will enjoy being outdoors a little more. 

So a few funnies from the day...Ky was folding laundry and asked me where he should put my "booby catcher" aka bra.  (oh my!)  And then he called the prongs of his fork, tonsils. Oh what a funny day! 

Ephesians 5:25
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Rob's 36th Birthday!

Happy Birthday to seriously--the most AWESOME guy in the world!  And he is ALL MINE!!!

Rob had the day off and I got to sub today.  It was a good and lazy sub job too.  That rarely happens!

He took Talia out for a special birthday lunch and I know she loved it!

After I got off of work I swung by Daisy's and picked up chocolate themed cupcakes.  I got home just in time.  Rob was still off doing the carpool thing and I put candles on the cupcakes and sang to him when he walked in the door.  (Ky and I sang in Spanish.) 

We divied up the cupcakes and enjoyed the yumminess as a family.  The kids gave Rob their cards and gifts.  Alaina had a storebought card and a homemade book for "Bad"  (yeah we are still working on those b's vs. d's.)  Talia had picked out (ON HER OWN) a card with a pint of beer on the front.  And Ky had made his own card displaying his math skills (18 + 18 = 36).  They also gave him taffy and a pair of Brewer's sleep pants. 

I gave him a card promising him 27 hours of kid free bliss--and well you will have to wait for my next blog entry to read about what we did with all this time.  I am excited.

We had a little time for relaxation and then we were off to the fun fair at Ky's school.  The kids had a blast--though Talia had no desire to pick the guy;s nose in one game (you have to see it to understand.) She also left a little traumatized from musical chairs.  I don't think she understood why there weren't enough chairs for her to sit down when the music stopped.  Poor kid.  Sometimes the concepts of these games are just a bit too much for them at this age.

Now the kids are getting ready for bed--and me too shortly.  I'm tired.  I think Alaina and Talia are too.  They were both having meltdowns.  I'm looking forward to tomorrow and truly celebrating with my husband!

Proverbs 5:18
May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.


Thursday, April 03, 2014

Thursday, April 3rd

I am thankful for my husband--whose 36th birthday is tomorrow!  I am thankful that he was created and that he is the wonderful husband, father, and friend that he is. 

I am thankful for library storytime and that the kids love Ms. Tracy as much as Kylan did.  We had a busy morning, but we had just enough time to squeeze in Storytime which the kids loved.  I loved watching them sit next to each other and listen attentively.  I loved watching them getting up and dancing to the songs and then popping the bubbles that Ms. Tracy blew.  I loved that several bubbles landed in Talia's hair and stayed there unnoticed.  I love the fact that I have decided to work on learning Spanish.  I am amazed by how much I have already picked up.  I can pronounce words pretty well and I can figure out what Ky's homework or books usually say.  I really need to learn how to hear and speak it though.  I am thankful for the Public Library so I could pick up some Spanish material.  (I keep telling Rob we should just move to Belize for 6 months and then I am sure I would pick it up quickly...Hmmm... I will have to keep working on that angle.) 

I loved having a peaceful afternoon to get things done.

I am thankful for a nice snack time with the kids and a chance to converse with Ky a little in Spanish.  He is helping me to learn!  (and I think I am helping him a little too!)

I am thankful that Rob enjoyed the chicken parmesan even though I burned it a little.  (He is a wonderful husband.) 

I am thankful that we only  had to cut out a little bit of Talia's hair.   I am upset with Alaina, and she knows she will not be getting gum again for a VERY VERY VERY long time.  We still have yet to find the rest of her piece of gum which is somewhere in the house.  (She told me she left it on the couch.....hmmmm....)

I am thankful for my sub job tomorrow.  It will be nice to be working at a school again.  I have been getting more and more excited about going back to teaching soon.  Today, it occurred to me that I should consider starting in middle school and then going back up to high school after a few years.  In middle school I would have a better support system with other teachers (teachers in the same house.)  I could teach math and science.  And I could be home by the time the kiddos get home (or close to it.)  (Middle schools release 45 minutes earlier than the elementary schools here.  Hmmm...so  much to think about!  And just imagine how much my Spanish knowledge will also help me when I get back to teaching. 

But for now, I will savor every moment I have with my kids at home.  I am so blessed and could not imagine trading spots with anyone!

Isaiah 9:3
You have multiplied the nation; you have increased its joy; they rejoice before you as with joy at the harvest, as they are glad when they divide the spoil.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Wednesday, April 2nd

I am thankful that this day is ending.  After dealing with an upset overemotional child who wanted to do too much after school, I am pooped!

Kylan loves his sports.  Now that the weather is getting warmer, he wants to play outside when he gets home from school.  But homework comes first.  However, he gets himself in a frenzy because he rushes things and then doesn't do them right.  EGADS!  Yeah--he never made it outside today, which I think was for the best and perhaps? a lesson?  Perhaps???

It was a good day overall.  Ky was excited to have frozen milk again for breakfast.  I packed him a "belated" April Fool's lunch of playfood.  Yup, I packed him the wooden Melissa & Doug food.  Oh--that was fun.  Since I worked in Ky's class I got to watch him open up the containers and see the expression on his face.  Totally worth it!  Oh the joy of being a mom of a boy who really enjoys my jokes.

After school pick-up the day was frustrating and I wasn't the best mom in my response.  I pray that God will help guide me to respond in a better way that will help my children grow in character. 

This morning was a amusing as Talia was screaming as the garbage man took away our old couches.  She was so sad.  It was cute.  I recorded some of it, but I wish I had pulled out the camera faster to get the video of her banging on the windows.  Those couches have been amongst 3 (maybe more) families in the last 30 years.  They serves us well, but it was time for them to go!  Good-bye couches!  And good-night!

Psalm 86:15
But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.

oh, to be more like God in my parenting....


Tuesday, April 01, 2014



Whoever created this day is a BLESSED creature allowing me to share many blessings with the ones I love...

Ahhh...where to begin.  Yes, I had been plotting for a few days....

My first joke did not work out so well.  I had inflated a balloon and stuck it in the doorframe and the closed door in Ky's room.  So when he opened it in the morning the balloon was supposed to take off and scare him.  Sadly, the balloon deflated overnight...Oh, well...

For breakfast, I served the big kids frozen milk.  Yeah, Ky complained that glass was dirty (the outside was frosting) and wouldn't drink it for the longest time.  It took forever to convince him that the milk was just simply so cold it was making the side of the glass frost over.  Then it was fun for him to watch him try to drink.  This is when I said "April Fool's" and he finally realized what the day was.

Ky wanted in on some jokes so I gave him one of my precious "Donut seed' packets.  Yes--plant the seeds and grow your own donut bush--glazed, sprinkles, filled...YUM!
(The packet was filled with Cheerio's.)  He had fun sharing those with his teacher.  I also fooled the neighbor girl Maelin with a packet of the seeds.

After we saw Ky off the girls and I had a fun morning baking bread, singing, and cleaning.  We also made marbled egg and buttefly cutouts using shaving cream and paint.  The girls had a lot of fun playing in the shaving cream. 

I sent Alaina to school with Brown-E's and Brown-e's, with real brownies hidden underneath for the class.  That was fun and she enjoyed that.

When the kids got home, I had posted a sign on the front door that said "Wet paint, use back door."  On the back door, I posted a sign that said, "Wet paint, use garage door." And well the garage was closed, so the kids were pretty confused running around the house.  Oh--the fun.  Yeah, even our neighbors stuck around to laugh at the kids running around with this joke.

The kids thought it was funny--and Ky figured I had more jokes to come, so when I laid out a bowl of white stuff for him for snack, he said, "I know this is an April Fool's joke."   I told him it was pudding.  He then took a big bite of, yeah, you guessed it mayonnaise!  YUCK!  But it was funny! HA HA!

Ky wanted more jokes, so I showed him how to bite down on raw pasta and pretend to crack his neck at the same time..,Yeah, I think he will be doing that one at school.  Like Mother like son!

So that was the last of my jokes for now....yup, more to come..you will have to wait until tomorrows blog to find out.  He he!

Oh man, it is so sad that this day is almost over.  WHAT FUN!  I love every minute of it!  Thank you Lord for having a wonderfully close family that can laugh with me.

Ecclesiastes 9:7
Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do.

(I am not endorsing that God approves of my April Fool's jokes--however, I do feel that God approves of us really enjoying life and celebrating it with others--which I feel April Fool's let me do! :) )