Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday, February 28

Today I am thankful for health on the mend.  I am thankful that I was able to sub today and that my job was simple enough my body did not tire too quickly.

I am thankful honored to have the opportunity to work beside so many wonderful teachers and to see their dedication to the students.  Teaching is not just a job to them--it is their lives and they strive to make a difference.  I am thankful for the opportunity to work at a school I had not been to yet on the East side. 

I am thankful that despite the 1 hour of recess duty (comes with taking the easier job) my toes did NOT freeze off like I thought they had and I don't believe I suffered any frostbite.  I am thankful (and am jealous) that my son had indoor recess, because it seemed too cold to me to be outside and too dangerous with the ice.  The kids were told blacktop only--and yeah, it was like herding mice.  They kept wandering out towards the playgrounds or on the snow piles.  Recess duty is never anything I will enjoy.  (I am thankful,  I am a certified high school teacher so I don't have to deal with recess when I go back to work full time.) 

I am thankful that when I came home, Rob was doing okay.  He was feeling off that morning and while he was still feeling off--he was not sick.  We did have to call Nana though to let her know the situation.  She decided to come get the kids tomorrow instead of driving here tonight and spending the night.  (She doesn't want any of our germs!  Smart lady!)  I am thankful that Uncle Ryan still came and the kids were ecstatic to see him.  They even got to try on his fatigues.  Talia even told him he needed to come back soon. The kids sure love their Uncles. 

I am thankful bedtime is soon.  I am exhausted!  One more night of good sleep and I think I should be back to my old self--now let's just hope Rob can be fixed by tomorrow so we can have a great date night! 

3 John 1:2
Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday, February 27th

I am thankful for short posts--which this one will be.

Last night, I started to feel ill.  It appears I picked up Ky's bug from Monday.  I am feeling much better now, but I am tired.  I am thankful for tv to entertain the kids.  I am thankful for carpools, so I didn't have to pick up/drop off the kids.  I am thankful for children that can take care of the important things themselves. 

At one point, I didn't think I was going to get Alaina to school, but I am thankful that she listened and I was able to drop her off (even if I was in my bathrobe.)

I am thankful that because I was inside I didn't really have to experience the cold weather outside.  I am thankful that I have a teaching job for tomorrow which will hopefully be easier and not take too much physical energy (because right now I am wiped!) Here's to soaring like an eagle tomorrow....

Psalms 103:2-5
Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget none of His benefits; Who pardons all your iniquities; Who heals all your diseases; Who redeems your life from the pit; Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion; Who satisfies your years with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday, February 26

Today, I am thankful for good friends who listen and give advice.  I am thankful for friends that know me well and can tell me that I am "WAY OVERTHINKING THINGS!"  Because that is what I do--and while it is my strongest ally it is my worst enemy. 

I am thankful that I FINALLY finished Alaina's bedskirt and she LOVES it.  And now Talia wants one....Hmmm...I wasn't planning on making one for her bed since she probably wouldn't be in it that much longer.  I am going to have to think about that....

I am thankful for bananas!  LOTS OF BANANAS!  And inspirations from bananas!  (See picture below--if you are reading early, see the picture that I put up over the weekend.)

I am thankful that even though I went WAY over my food budget this week, I got enough good deals that I expect my next 3 weeks of shopping to be underbudget.  I am thankful that we have the "extra" to be able to go over budget when many don't.  I am thankful that I also have the next month of meals planned out and the groceries purchased for it.

I am thankful for kids that play, morning, noon, and night.  That are active and run around with glee.  I am thankful for neighbor friends that happily join in the games. I am thankful for overcrowded van carpools where we can still sing and laugh. 

I am thankful for Ky's teacher.  I am thankful that I get to work in my son's class every week.  I am thankful that she has added to my load of working with students in reading (even though I don't know Spanish!)  I am thankful to be used. 

I am thankful that she now takes 20 minutes a day to work with Ky in his Math to challenge him.  Today she showed me his results and he scored 3rd/4th grade level which is low (for him.)  She showed me the silly mistakes he made and how he should have been higher (5th maybe 6th grade).  She showed me how the proctor showed her that Ky thrives on story problems and can readily see how to solve and answer ALL questions in a problem.  Many kids struggle at that.  She doesn't know exactly where to go from here with his Math, but is waiting to speak to a referring teacher and for now is looking to continue to challenge him.  I am honored to have a child gifted in math--something Rob and I also enjoy so much.  It is exciting to share that talent with him.

I am thankful for awesome neighbors (does this sound familiar?)  Yet another neighbor came over today to contribute to our neighbor with health problems.  I am also thankful that our other neighbor's knee surgery went well.  I pray that he will recover quickly and be back to walking soon. 

I am thankful that despite -10 degree wind chills, the kids still want to play outside.  What a blessing it is to have kids that enjoy the outdoors. 

I am thankful for our marriage seminar and having the time for Rob and I to connect. I am thankful for that time without kids.  I am thankful for other adults to related to.

I am thankful for Ky's excitement with AWANA's and how he wants to go every week.  I am happy that he enjoys it.  I am also very proud of my boy who picked out prizes for his sister today. He picked out lip gloss for Alaina and a fruit roll-up for Talia.  He is such a thoughtful boy.  I am so proud of him.

James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday, February 25

Today, I am thankful for all of my kids being healthy.

Everyone woke up this morning in good spirits and our day had a wonderful start.  I was especially touched when Ky yelled at me from the front door (while waiting for his ride to school), "Mom!  I forgot something!"  When I came to him he said, "I forgot to get my kiss from you."  Boy!  Doesn't he just melt your heart?!  I am so thankful to have such an affectionate boy.

I am thankful for lots of baking and cooking that was done today that left our house smelling YUMMY!  I am thankful for the opportunity to cook dinner for a friend.  I was even more thankful when I dropped it off and saw her smiling face and met her new daughter.  She is a beautiful little girl and in that 1 minute introduction, she reminded me much of Alaina.  I think our 2 girls will hit it off and I can't wait until they meet.  I am so thankful that the Lord has completed our friends' journey to adopt their final family member.  This little girl has no idea what a blessing she has already become in short 5 years.  And to think--this is just the beginning.

This morning, the girls and I made doll beds out of cardboard.  The girls had a wonderful time painting them and I loved watching them.  Talia was COVERED in paint.  I am thankful for washable paint.

I am thankful for the book reading time I had with both girls today as well as the special snuggle time with Talia.  I am constantly reminded that she is growing up fast so I have to enjoy them while I can.  I am thankful that while I snuggled with her today, I could still picture her as a little baby looking up at me with those same hazel eyes.  I am thankful there are certain images of our children we will never forget. 

I am thankful for chicken noodle soup for dinner and yummy bread with homemade preserves.  I am blessed by having the desire to cook as well as the time.  I do worry about the day I will return to full time work.  I don't think we will eat nearly as well.

I am thankful for fun games of "copy cat" that the kids can all enjoy.  I love little giggles and laughs.  I am thankful that we can find fun in the little things.

Philippians 4:8
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or preaiseworthy--think about such things.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, February 23

Today I am thankful that all puke made it in the toilet (VERY THANKFUL!).

I am thankful that this is the first "puke" of the winter season (I know--we have been VERY blessed this winter!) and I am thankful that it is Kylan who is good at getting to the toilet.  I am thankful that it has been a very mild bug and he actually had a very nice day despite his sickness.

I am thankful that I enjoy being at home, so the change of schedule didn't bother me.  I am thankful the girls played so nicely this morning while I got to work on laundry, dinner in the slow cooker, and read a chapter of my book study.  I am thankful for my old Tae-bo video from way back in the day.  The kids and I had a fun time working out with Billy Blanks (yup--even Ky--I told you he wasn't that sick!)  and I enjoyed reminiscing of my college days.  I sure do miss my old roomy-Tori!  I am thankful for even more reminiscing when I found our old College Freshmen yearbook and there was Tori and me sitting next to each other (her head affectionatly on my shoulder while I appeared to be strangling my good friend Allison.)  Such good times!

I loved it when Talia asked for Alaina to read her a naptime story.  And then Alaina took her to bed.  Those girls have such a special bond. 

I was very proud of Kylan completing the large amount of homework I gave him before he watched videos for the afternoon.  At this point I was sure he was well enough to go to his swim lessons tonight.  However, he took a turn for the worse and I knew he wasn't up to lessons shortly before dinner. 

Unfortunately, Alaina still had lessons and I had every intention of getting her there.  I am thankful that I called her "bluff" when she said she felt like puking too and couldn't go to lessons.  I was a little worried that she would vomit in the pool or something and she did miss dinner from all her drama, but it was a good call.  She was just fine. 

I am thankful that when Talia started yelling that she wanted to puke at the pool no one appeared to be paying attention.  I told her she could wait and puke at home and she seemed satisfied with that answer.  (You gotta love it when little ones start talking about things they hear about, but don't understand.)

I am thankful that we made it home before Ky puked again.  I am thankful he made it to the toilet and that Daddy was there.  I am thankful it was bedtime and we put the kids straight to bed. 

I am thankful for the day, it really was a nice one until the pre-dinner drama.  I was able to cook an additional meal for a friend in need and start one for another friend.  I washed a lot of laundry and worked some in the basement.  I did miss playing with the kids, but they got a tv treat.  (Normally only 30 minutes a day, but when they are sick we make exceptions.) 

I am thankful that overall our health is good and that this "bug" will be over all too soon.  I am thankful for Ky's knowledge of antibodies as he told me not to worry and that his antibodies were going to fight this.  And I am thankful that he is right.

Psalms 107:9
For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday, February 23

Today I am thankful for lazy mornings.  With Nana here, the kids were quietly entertained downstairs and Rob and I laid in bed until Talia beckoned for us.  Even she laid with us for a few minutes in bed.  I am so thankful for snuggles.  WONDERFUL snuggles!

I am thankful for the joy that my children have playing with Nana.  They colored, did puzzles, played basketball, and played games.  And all too soon she had to leave. :(  We all enjoyed the joy of her presence and being able to just be with her.

For lunch we had grilled cheese and tomato soup which the kids LOVE!  I am thankful that often the easy meals are the most appreciated meals by my kids.  I am thankful for making lunches for the week and not having to worry about putting them together each night.  I am thankful the kids help make the sandwiches and snack bags.

I am thankful for surprise visits from friends.  Today we got to enjoy Julie and her girls.  It had been a long time since I had seen them.  The kids loved playing with the girls.  It is always a blessing to see Julie--ooh...did I mention she brought custard!?

I am thankful for the chance to meal plan for the next month (YEAH!  Less to worry about later!)  And I am thankful for the opportunity to run to the store without the kids. 

I am thankful for breakfast for dinner and for bedtime stories. 

I am bummed that the weekend is over and so begins another week, but I know that there is much fun to come.

I Corinthians 10:12-13
If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.

Saturday, Feburary 22

Ooh ooh!  Date night!
Rob and I woke up to munchkins, but we were more than happy to get up because tonight we had a date night!  YEAH!  I am so thankful for date nights with my best friend!

I am thankful we had a leisurely breakfast and morning (and took Alaina to ballet.)  Well, maybe it was that leisurely--I made the kids clean up the downstairs.  (They had toys EVERYWHERE!)

Rob and I then went sofa shopping.  Yes--the time has come and with the going out of business sale we went to on Thursday, we (or maybe I) figured we should just do it and get it done.  

I have to say that furniture shopping is frustrating.  It is hard to know if the salesman is giving you the true story.  For example, we saw one couch we really liked and then went online and discovered that the material it is made of has horrible reviews.  Shortly after the warranty expires the material starts to flake off.  Seriously, we just want something that is going to last through our children.   We don't need lies, just give us honesty.  So we visited a fair amount of stores and I think at this point we know we need to get a microfiber or bonded leather (maybe?) couch. 

I still feel confused though because then we need to decide if we are getting plain old couches or a sleeper couch (for company.)  Well, for now we will leave the decision for next week.  I am thankful that we are in a position to buy a couch.

There was some fun in shopping for a couch--for example the kid figured out that the couches made their hair staticky and sticking straight up, so it was amusing watching them rub their heads on couches and laugh at each other.

Around 3:30, Nana arrived.  The kids were excited.  I am so thankful that we have a great mom that is more than happy to drive to our house and watch the kids.  The kids LOVE her!   Rob and I left around 5 to begin our date.  (BTW--I am thankful to my friend Julie for giving me a fabulous pair of boots--they worked out great!)

Every February, Rob and I go to a wine and chocolate show at our local indoor gardens.  This was our special date for that.  It was great!  There were all kinds of wine to taste (my favorite was Cherry Bounce by Von Stiehl) some liquers (sweet apple by Yahara Bay was my favorite) and some chocolate (though sadly not as much as in past years.)  It was a wonderful time.  We drank and ate a lot and enjoyed walking through the tropical gardens and dreaming of the warm summer yet to come. 

After that we went to a local restaurant for dinner.  The establishment was small and so tables were VERY close together (we were less than a foot away from the next table.)  Rob and I had a nice time, but were constantly distracted by the couple next to us.  They were on their first date (having met from he was 20 years older than her and well--he definitely was hoping to get lucky tonight.  The guy was pouring it on thick--and well she seemed to be falling for all of it. 

I had been hoping that at some point he would go to the restroom and perhaps I could say something to her, but that never happened.  EGADS!  I am thankful that I am no longer in the dating scene.  WOW!  I am thankful that I have a wonderful man like Rob.  I am thankful he never had to "lay it on thick" and we could begin our relationship as friends and take our time enjoying it.  I am thankful we never rushed anything.  I pray that she was able to make some wise decisions last night and that she is able to find a man who truly wants to get to know her before moving into "the heavy" of a relationship. 

After dinner we came home to children bedded!  YEAH! Have I menitoned I am so thankful for Nana?  I am also thankful for a WONDERFUL evening with my man and just the time to escape and be together without the constant distractions of children.  The Lord has reminded me more than once today, just how blessed I am.

  Psalm 146:5
Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, February 21

I am thankful for NO SCHOOL!!!

And I am thankful for the extra 10 minutes I got to sleep this morning before the kids woke me up.  No really!  I was a little bitter at first, but then I thought about how they could have woken me up early or on 10 minutes is definitely better than the other possibilities.  (Could you tell I was trying to convince myself?--yeah...just a bit.)

I am thankful for the leisurely morning where I was able to take the time and bake a yummy breakfast for the kids.  I enjoyed reading a book while they drew pictures (Alaina is excited that she has learned how to make puffy lips, eye lashes, and a triangle shape nose.)  Ky got out a pirate secret code kit and wrote secret messages and Talia followed along.  I am thankful for a fun afternoone with friends. 

I am thankful that a friend told me about a free event (just bring a food donation for our local pantry) for the kids.  I picked up the neighbor kids and we all went to the event at an indoor soccer field.  We met up with several different friends there. The kids had a blast.  We were there for 3 hours and the kids didn't get to do everything.  There was indoor soccer, basketball, football, floor hockey, karate (yes both Ky and Alaina were taught to break boards!), 3 bounce houses, balance beams, trampolines, face painting, balloon animals, decorate your own cookie, indoor playground, badmitton with balloons, cornhole, bean bags, etc... The kids had a great time!  I am so thankful for a community sponsored event like this. 

I am thankful for the peaceful drive back (the sun was really pretty shining on the snow in the fields.) I am thankful that the kids watched the rest of Cars 2 in Spanish and I was able to do food prep during this time.  I am thankful that they played well together afterwards.

I am thankful that I saw my neighbor today and he looks GREAT!  I am thankful that his recovery is going so well and that he is in high spirits.

I am thankful for a hard lesson Alaina had to learn tonight. I know she is very sad and upset about it--but I know it will only make her a better and more thoughtful person in the long run.  (I am thankful she is in bed early because I know she is tired and overreacting a bit.  I think in the morning she will be able to understand things better.) 
Growing up is hard.

I am thankful for the snuggle time Talia and I had before Daddy starting their bedtime stories.  I tried snuggling with her this morning and she didn't want to.  It made me really miss when she was smaller and would curl up in my arms.  My babies are growing up so fast--hence the reason I blog.  I want to remember all this special moments and treasure them forever.

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.  They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday, February 20

Is it really Thursday?  I feel like this day has snuck up on me. 

Despite the nasty forecast, today was actually good.  Playgroup was cancelled since we were expected to have icy roads.  So instead I went to the gym and to the bread store (we LOVE the bread store) and then to the furniture store.  I found out this morning they were having a big "going out of business sale" and Rob and I need new couches in the family room.  The kids are literally pulling the stuffing out of the holes in our current couch.  Yeah--they had options, none that I loved, a few that I tolerated.  I figured I would come back with Rob later to reconsider.

After the runing around the girls and I walked Alaina to school.  We were very excited to find Talia's hat (it has been left on a bench by the office.)  She was very sad she had lost her kitty hat.  It was a nice walk, except that it did start to rain on us on the way back and Talia was NOT happy with that.  I was just happy and thankful that it was warm enough to rain! 

After our walk, Talia and I enjoyed lunch together where our sandwiches talked to each other and then got eaten (you had to be there!)  I treasure these moments as I know she is getting bigger and soon she will be in school too. 

After I picked up the kids from school, the afternoon got messy.  The kids were crabby and not wanting to do their work.  I think their moods kind of reflected the weather which was very windy and wet.  We ate a quick dinner and then headed to the school Pajama Jam where the kids got their hair painted and enjoyed popcorn and cake and dancing.  I loved watching Talia attempt to dance like the big kids.  It was very cute.  Kylan spent his time chasing his friends and Alaina....well she seemed indecisive on what she wanted to do.

We had a good time and I am thankful that our school does these activities.  I am also thankful for the opportunity to meet several other moms at the school and talk with them.  I even exchanged numbers with one for a playdate in the future. 

We did go back to the furniture store, but Rob agreed with me--we just didn't love the couches so we just needed to look elsewhere.  UGH---I am not really looking forward to searching out a new couch, but I will be thankful when we get one.

I'm also a little sad that I missed my book study tonight.  Between the weather, the Pajama Jam, and a friend that needed a favor (which got cancelled later), it just wasn't going to happen.  Oh, well.  I am thankful there will be other opportunities to go and that I was able to spend time with my family and be there for a friend if she needed me.

Isaiah 55:12
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, February 19

Yeah--today was awesome.  I am just amazed by the outpouring of compassion from those around me.  Have I mentioned that my neighbors rock!?  And have I mentioned the staff at Ky's school?  WOW!  Okay...back track to the beginning...

Shopping Wednesday.  It really is nice to shop at the same times and to get to know the people who ring up your groceries and stock your food.  I really do enjoy seeing them and attempting to make small talk (hey--I have learned much! See--that social thing--I am starting to get it!)  I did have a small meltdown when the kids knocked down a display in the store.  But I am so thankful for cellphones.  I remembered that even though I am SOOOO Angry right now, I need to snap a picture and I will find it funny later.  So there I was snapping a picture--and after we cleaned up the mess and I walked on, I quickly became thankful that they only knocked over the chip display and not the GIGANTIC Olympic Rings display made of coke products. (Yeah--I stayed FAR away from that display.) 

I am also thankful that I caught Talia SEVERAL times today slipping things into the cart!  YUP!  I made NO EXTRA purchases today!  (The last several weeks she had slipped in some pricey merchandise that I did not discover until I got home.  But today, I won!  YEAH!) 

I am thankful for the AMAZING weather we had so we were able to walk to school.  It was BEAUTIFUL!  The birds were chirping, I saw some green grass--there was hope of spring in the air.  I was slightly tempted to open windows in the house. 

I am thankful for school staff that continue to ask about our neighbor and have put some things in place to help her family out over the next month or two.  I am thankful for Ky's teacher.  Today, she told me that Ky had taken the math Talented & Gifted test and that she would let me know when she got the results.  She also said that she was having him tested on a few other things in the coming weeks.  I guess I am torn on my thoughts about this.  The testing will  be on creativity--and well--Ky is very logical.  I guess we will see and then figure out where to go from there, if we need to go anywhere from there.   

I did talk to Ky about how the math test went.  He told me that the lady told him he probably wouldn't be able to finish it because it went up through 6th grade math.  I asked him how he thought he did and he said he finished it.  He said that the last couple of problems were tricky, but he just needed to do extra work to do them.  When I asked him to give me an example he gave me a basic Algebra problem with bigger numbers.  Yeah--he knows how to do that.  Now, I just hope he wrote things neat enough.  I should mention that Ky has very sloppy handwriting.  His 9's look like 4's, 6's like 0's.  I wish I had talked to him before he took this test about making sure he took his time to write the numbers correctly.  Geez--I think I am overworrying about this--but I do think that he needs to be more challenged in math, so that is all I want to see come out of this.  A program that meets his needs as far as challenging him so he doesn't get bored.  I need to just leave this in God's hands--he will work it out for the best. 

Anyway, I had a very nice time working in the classroom.  Noah, one of Ky's friends, even came over and told me how much he enjoyed playing with Ky at our house the other day and would love to come again.  That made me feel good.  I am thankful that our kids' friends like to come over.

Speaking of which, after school I was thankful that the weather was so nice the kids played outside with the neighbors for a while before coming over and playing at our house.  They were speaking in Spanish to each other!  That doesn't happen too often.  It was really neat (though made me feel a bit like an outsider.) We are so blessed by the bilingual program at Ky's school. 

I was blessed by the visits of several neighbors.  The conversation and the gifts that they had given our neighbor with the heart attack was just amazing.  I LOVE seeing the community step in and help others.  Is there any better way to show Jesus' love?!  I am just elated by the generosity of others.  I also received several emails on the same token that just put a smile on my face.  The Lord has just surrounded me by amazing people and I am blessed by that. 

In all--my day was wonderful--and when it isn't wonderful, I remember to pull out my camera to help make it feel wonderful later!

Hebrews 13:5
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

--yeah I went King James on you! HA!




Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday, February 18

What a blessing it was to wake up to snowblowers!  Not just one, but 2 dueling snowblowers that were clearing the driveways of the cul de sac.  What wonderful neighbors! 

I was also blessed to learn that our neighbor is now home and relaxing and healing.  I am so thankful that this scary and stressful crisis has turned out so well.  I am thankful that he had this mild heart attack--because it revealed a big problem that needed to be fixed right away.  How amazing!  Who would have thought we could be grateful for such a scary thing!  I am so glad that his family can now be together--and on his youngest son's birthday!  Who could ask for a better gift!?

I was amused this morning as I listened to Ky & Alaina fight over who would get to take the "Princess Bride" movie when they move out.  I informed them that neither of them would be taking it and that they would have to buy their own.  The kids then freaked out and said  "But we won't know where to buy it!"  My response was "If you don't know where to buy it, then you are probably not ready to move out!"

After dropping the kids off at school the girls and I got to enjoy Stay at Home Tuesday.  I caught up on my Bible study (yes, I had gotten behind) while the girls caught up on Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.  Afterwards we made zucchini bread together and then painted bathing suits on the girls Barbies...yup, you heard me right...

So yesterday during Ky's playdate, Alaina decided she was going to play dress-up in the same room as Ky's friend.  Yeah--she is getting a bit old for this and STILL doesn't seem to get it.  So I used the Barbie activity as a chance to talk about modesty.  We discussed how our privates are made special and a gift from God--and therefore we should not show them to others.  That is something special to be shared with a husband.  I pointed out how the Barbie's were not setting a very good example and maybe we should paint on bathing suits that way they aren't ever laying around naked (how embarassing!)  Well the girls loved the idea--and hopefully gained some insight (*fingers crossed*).  And yes, they were one piece bathing suits! 

I am thankful for this wonderful bonding time we had together.  And the girls loved it.  Now I just need to buy nail polish remover at the store tomorrow to help fix the "mistakes".  BTW--I love Pinterest for giving me ideas like this!

After that it was off to school with Alaina.  I have to say I was READY to put Talia to bed.  She has been pushing the limits all morning.  She had already changed her entire outfit for an accident and then she has this new fascination with playing in the she soaked herself after telling her several times not to...and I wasn't going to give her another shirt, so she lost her shirt for the day (just in case you notice in the pictures.)  BTW--isn't that ironic, here I am teaching them about modesty and Talia is topless.  Looking back on this, I must have sounded a bit like a hypocrite.  Oy!

Okay--I just have to say that I find it amusing that all my children are smelling my feet right now....This is because Ky has stinky feet--UGH!  and I made the comment that I could smell him walking by.  Naturally--that made him want to smell my feet--and then get the girls to smell them.  I am thankful that my children are amusing.  I am not thankful that they are kind of gross. 

I spent "nap time" relaxing (and doing some basement cleaning and touch up on the dolls).  It was nice.  After school pick-up Alaina read me a story she wrote on her dog Bear.  I find this amusing because she shouldn't really remember Bear.  I think she remembers him through Ky's stories.  She was 1.5 or so when we rehomed him.  It was a cute story.  I was impressed. 

At dinner I introduced Manners Monday (okay so it's Tuesday--but you get the idea).  Our mascot, until I buy a monkey,was a pony.  The idea behind Manners Monday is that every Monday I introduce a new manner and we practice it at the table.  If the manner is broken, that person earns the pony (soon to be monkey).  Whoever has the pony at the end of the meal is responsible for cleanup--including putting food away, washing dishes, and vacuuming the dining room floor.  Tonight, the rule was "No interrupting".  The kids did great.  No one earned the pony, so Rob and I cleaned up (which we usually do anyway.)  The rule will continue through the week and then next Monday we will add a new thing will start to get complicated, but at least they had a week to practice the new rule before another one gets added.   Hopefully this goes well.  The kids need motivation and I need help in addressing their  manners more often.  With 3 kids, I don't always catch them--and it seems that because there isn't usually a consequence for their actions they don't care as much.  We will see how it goes. 

Well that is all for now.  Oh wait!  I forgot to say that I am thankful for the weather!  Yes I am!  42 degrees ABOVE zero!  Woo-hoo!  That is pretty exciting.  I am hopeful for spring soon!

John 15:9-12
As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you, now remain in my love.  If you obey my commands you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remian in his love.  I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.  My command is this:  Love each other as I have loved you.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday, February 17

This morning I was blessed by a call from my neighbor telling me that her husband will be coming home either today or tomorrow (since I haven't seen them, I am assuming tomorrow now.)  I am ecstatic that his recovery has been going so well.  I know the family will be so happy to have him home again.

I was blessed by the multiple friends I ran into at the store this morning.  (I should shop on Monday's more often!)  It is such a nice feeling to see  your friends and quickly catch up during the hustle and bustle of every day life. 

I am thankful for the snow.  I know it was heavy and people are growing tired of it, but it was beautiful at times with large flakes fluttering down.  I am also thankful for the warmer temps that made shoveling nice.  Speaking of shoveling--I am thankful for the neighbors that shoveled our sick neighbor's driveway.  Is there any better way to show love and compassion!?

I am thankful for the crockpot.  I just love prepping a meal earlier in they day and enjoying the smells of it in the afternoon and then devouring it at dinner with little work.  Today was meatloaf & potatoes--something we don't have very often.

I am especially thankful for the surprise phone call I received from my Aunt today.  I instantly recognized her voice.  It was great to hear from her and catch up on what has been going on.  Sometimes you don't realize how much you miss home until you have a connection to remind you.  I miss my extended family.  It has been too long since we all have been together.  Perhaps a reunion should be planned.

I John 3:1
How great is the love the father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are.

I am thankful for playdates.  Ky had a wonderful playdate with his friend Noah.  I had them do homework together first and I think it really helped them to see that they aren't the only ones with homework and it does take some time.  I am also thankful that his teacher continues to challenge him. He brought home addition of fractions and then addition, subtraction and multiplication with NEGATIVES!  WOW!  I haven't talked to him about it, but I am curious to see how he is doing with it. 

I am thankful for the time Ky and I had together shoveling.  It gave us time to chat.  I love my talks with him.  We also talked on the way to swim class tonight.  Our discussions were about antibodies and how they work and how antibodies ignore cancer and how heart attacks happen.  Yeah--he was full of questions. 

I am also thankful for videos that entertained the girls while we shoveled.  I am thankful for Alaina's hugs and "fill in the blank questions."  (i.e Mom gives me _____ before I go to bed.  Answer--kisses.) 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday, February 16th

Today I am thankful that depsite my loud children Grandpa was able to sleep peacefully this morning.  I am thankful that Rob and Grandpa took all three children to the train show.  I am thankful I had time to go to Saver's for their 50% off sale where I picked up shorts for Rob, pants for Ky, and 2 workout items for myself.  Did I mention I shopped ALONE!!??  I am so thankful--because that is rare.  I am thankful I got to enjoy lunch on my own and sew Ky his new curtains.  I am thankful I had time to vacuum the part of the basement I organized.  I am thankful for the easy going afternoon after everyone came back.  I enjoyed listening to the Bill Nye vs.  Ken Hamm debate (which I will not discuss my opinions here--but I did find it pretty interesting.)  I am thankful for breakfast for dinner.  I am thankful for Ky's quickness when it comes to math.  Ky told me tonight at dinner that we had 6 halves of children.  Wow!  His teacher just started talking to him about fractions on Friday.  That boy continues to amaze. me.  I am thankful that my neighbor continues to get better--he is doing more walking.  It is hopeful that he will return home in the next few days. 

Colossians 1:16
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.