Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday, January 31st!

YEAH!  I have made it.  As of midnight tonight I can eat processed foods....not that I'm planning to do that! :)

I am proud of myself and I think I will try to keep a better eye on labels and avoid foods where sugar is in it when it seems unnecessary.  Did I mention that I found that my canned corn had sugar in it!  REALLY!!! And they feel this is necessary!  So I do miss bread--I am excited to eat pancakes again.  I also miss cheese.  (I live in Wisconsin, what do you expect!)  And I lost a total of 5 lbs--which I wonder if I will gain back right away once I begin eating bread again.  We will have to see.

Despite my thankfulness that this was the last day of our Clean Eating, it was a rough morning for me.  We ran to Target this morning to pick up a few things and when we are on the opposite side of the store from the bathrooms, Talia begins to yell she has to poop!  UGH!  And when she goes at a store she takes FOREVER!!! She seems to lavish using a different lavatory.   I don't get it.  So off we go, running to the opposite end of the store so Talia could take care of business.  Yes--I was irritated and impatient.  I did not handle the situation so well.  If only she could have waited 10 more minutes.  Thankfully I at least had my phone to entertain me in the long wait.  Of course, these important matters have to be texted to Daddy--and it makes me feel better!

I wish I could say my morning got better, but I had a lot of things I needed to do before going to Ky's school to help out his teacher and then his concert.  Talia was clearly already tired and she was whining and just wanting attention.  Yeah--again, I didn't handle this in the best way.  I am thankful that I have many other days I can make up for my poor attitude (and that my children are forgiving.) 

Helping out at Ky's school was fun.  I met the new student teacher who told me that Ky's teacher had assigned her to come up with some special assignments for Kylan since he needs to be challenged.  Have I told you how much I love Ky's current teacher.  She was also his Kindergarten teacher and in Kindergarten she quickly realized that Kylan needed more than what the kids were being currently taught.  For example, Ky is currently in second grade and he already knows division and some basic algebra (i.e.  Jim has 3 friends and together they have 21 suckers, if everyone has the same amount of suckers how many does each friend have?)  Ky is also advanced in reading (Spanish and English!)  In fact, in December Ky was given a test in Spanish on reading and comprehension.  He scored 99%.  He missed 1 out of 117 questions.  He scored at the top of his class.  I am so proud of him and a little jealous that he picks up on things so quick!

Anyway--it was nice to hear that the student teacher was informed about Ky and already working on some special assignments for him.  Towards the end of my helping time, Ky's teacher asked if one of the students could read to Talia.  "Of course!" was my answer.  This was a student who was struggling in reading.  It worked out very well.  In fact, when he was done, another student who is a poor reader asked to read to her.  Ky's teacher and I then discussed how the students  could take turns reading to Talia when I came and how it would be a blessing to us both.  I am so excited about this.

After helping out, I went down to the gym with Talia and Rob met me for Ky's winter concert.  The kids were adorable.  And Ky did a wonderful job with his lines.  He was loud and proud.  (As always I will post videos and pics a bit later on this blog.)  I was very proud of him.  I am so thankful he had this opportunity.

I am also thankful that I had the courage (sometimes I have difficulty asking for help) to ask Terry to bring the kids home from school.  Because I was getting back late, I knew Talia would need the extra naptime--and let me tell you, she needed it today!

I also got a little work done in the basement (I am thankful for this time.)  I organized my pantry (yes, I have food like my canned goods and some snack foods stored down there) and all my jars.  I have decided that I will try to organize the basement in the month of February (since I did the rest of the house in January, I should be able to do this, right?!)  We will see.  I also still need to finish the trim on the girls' room.  I am hoping I will have some time on Sunday. 

After the kids got home, I messaged one of my friends for birthday present ideas for her little girl.  (The kids are going to her b'day party tomorrow.)  When I told Ky that he was invited he told me "There will be girls there, I don't want to go.  But if you force me, I will."  So cute!  He is playing the "gender" game now--but really does enjoy his girl friends (not girlfriends--too early for that!)

A few night ago at dinner (I forgot to write down this funny), Talia was grunting and looking like she had to go potty really bad.  So I asked her "What are you doing?"  And to that she replied in the most innocent voice, "I'm not pooping!"  It was very cute! These moments I am so thankful for--when I am getting frustrated I just need to remember these moments to help perk my spirits. 

Finally, I forgot to also update you on our Foster Care.  We did finally get a response.  We are attending a meeting on February 10 which will inform us on procedures and how things work, as well as answer questions.  From there, we get to start on paperwork.  I am excited and ready to move forward. 

Tomorrow is February 1st.  I am thankful for January and the weather that gave me extra bonding time with my kids as well as great snow to play in (speaking of which, we are supposed to get another 2-5 inches tomorrow!)  I am thankful for my Bible studies and my steps towards being more open to others and creating new relationships.  At the same time I have much to look forward to in February.  Until next month!

I Samuel 16:7
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday, January 30

Today was the second day in a row that the kids played Monopoly Jr. before going to school.  I am thankful that they get ready on time and that they enjoy playing together.  Kylan was off with a hug and a kiss and then the girls played nicely until I had vacuumed the house.  We then went to playgroup.  I am thankful that I had time to spend with my friends Ann, Rachel, and Cindi.  It had been a while since I had seen Cindi especially.  I loved the time the kids had to play and the time we had to connect and leisurely talk.  After playgroup, the girls and I came home and played together.  I had a lot of fun playing "guess what's in the purse" and dancing and singing with them.  Alaina is already too big to really pick up when we dance--so I have to enjoy my time with Talia while she is still small (though it makes Alaina jealous when I hold her and then I have to pick her up too.) 

Alaina then went to school and a beautiful snow began AND IT WAS WARM!  Over lunch I decided the kids and I were going outside after school.  We couldn't pass up this weather!  I am thankful for the beautiful snow and warm temps.  (I wish I had thought enough ahead to walk Alaina to school--but that's okay we enjoyed playing instead.) 

Talia took 50 minutes to eat.  I don't know what to do--she is just eating so leisurely AND she is actually eating so I don't want to cut her off.  She has been putting on some healthy weight.  For now, I will be thankful for her appetite and pray that she speeds up the eating process! 

After I put Talia to nap, I got to work on Ky's closet!  YEAH the last item on my "organize the house except the basement in one month" list!  So now the basement is even trashed more than before (since all the junk went down there!)  I am so thankful to be done.  I guess I will need to start an "organize the basement" list, but I really want to finish the girls' room first. 

After Ky and Alaina came home we all went out and played (well, I spent time shoveling while the kids played.)  I was getting hot and somehow the kids were getting cold---I think they weren't playing hard enough!  The neighbor kids came over to keep them busy though. 

I am thankful that I continue to keep up with my Bible studies even though I am not currently getting up early.  (I am still having exhausting dreams at night.  Last night I dreamed I was pregnant!  Oy VAY!)  I am thankful that after our devotion tonight, Alaina asked for us to read more.  I am thankful that Ky apologized a few more times today for his behavior yesterday (despite the fact that he was already forgiven.)  I am glad that it has weighed on his conscience and he understands that he made a poor choice. 

Psalms 9:11
Sing praises to the Lord, who sits enthroned in Zion! Tell among the peoples his deeds!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday, January 29th

Today I am thankful the day is really, I am.  Sometimes you just have days like that.  I am thankful for dreams as I had some quite exciting ones last night--however all that running has left me exhausted before I even woke up!   (Yes, it was one of those dreams.)  I have been dreaming a lot lately, and normally I don't. brain is trying to tell me something.

I continue to be thankful that my kids play so well together and that they get ready for school reasonably easily.  (Just a sidenote--it wasn't always like this--in fact Alaina used to drag and drag.  She is still the last one always downstairs, but she has the goal to make it in time for breakfast---yup a Schnake rule--if you come down too late and breakfast is over--well, sucks to be you.  Yeah, we have had very few missed breakfasts in this house--do it once and they don't forget!)  I loved that the kids (yes all three!) were playing the new cooperative game Lorayne gave them.  All too soon, we had to get moving.  I am thankful the neighbor kids were ready right away so I could get to the store quicker.  (Lots to do on Wednesday--such a busy day!)  I am thankful that it was warmer and I wasn't freezing cold in the van or going in and out of stores.  I am thankful for the HUGE bundle of bananas I bought.  I am thankful that I ran into a friend at the store and we had time to chat.  I am thankful for the girl's wonderful behavior at the store.  It took training--but man, they do really great now!

HOWEVER, at the second store things did not go so well.  It didn't help that the store was out of the 2 main things I came for (though the manager apologized because of delayed trucks--go figure with the crazy weather lately--and gave me rainchecks.)  The girls were now becoming bored and began to become naughty.  I briefly became (in the words of Lysa Terkeurs) Unglued, but pulled it back together when I realized that they needed some consequences to help them remember their behavior and they were bored--poor kids, this trip should not have taken this long.  I was also touched by Alaina's heartfelt apology.  She has a wonderful heart that wants to make things right. 

After a biscuit mix-up (yeah the cashier was NOT happy with me--but hey--when things are incorrectly labeled...), we were done with errands!  YEAH! 

The afternoon was fine.  I finished up organizing my room and I am excited that I only have Ky's closet left in my "organize the house (except the basement) in less than a month" goal.  Talia did not nap which was irritating, but I know her napping schedule is off.  Hopefully, we will get back on it tomorrow. 

After I picked up the kids from school, I noticed Ky was not quite acting like himself.  I received a call from his teacher then that explained why.  Him and a friend were being "boys" and were getting a big rowdy at the end of the school day despite teachers telling them to call down.  (I know some of you are frowing at my use of "boys"--but seriously the poor kids have been locked inside from the freezing cold for a long doesn't excuse their behavior--but these kiddos have energy that needs to be burned and well they are still learning how to manage that and find the appropriate times to do so.)  Anyway--talking to Ky there were a lot of tears.  He knew he was wrong and regretted his choices.  I am thankful for his repentent heart.  After dinner we had him write an apology letter to his teacher as well as twenty sentences and he lost media time for a week (with exception of the SuperBowl and pizza/movie night.)  This is a pretty hefty punishment for him since he is obsessed with video games  (good thing he limited to 30 minutes a day!)  I am pretty confident he will turn this all around.

I am thankful that Alaina brought home her journal from school today.  It was fun to see all the words and pictures she has worked on in class.  I especially like her "jeep" in a jungle and pictured of snow women.  And tonight she colored me a special picture of the family--including a flying baby Talia, and a Kylan saying "NO!"--which she interpreted with an "X".  She is ONE smart cookie!

Finally, I am thankful that this clean eating diet is almost over (I think I have already stated this in a prior blog.) It is just becoming too much work.  Two more days to go--and then I will continue to eat even healthier than previously, but a little less obsessively in making sure we eat NO process sugar or dairy or soy or corn product or flour product!  Boy do I miss baking with my girls--and I bet they miss it too! 

Psalm 147:7
Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make melody to our God on the lyre!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday, January 28

Today was a wonderful day.  I slept in until 7:30 and went to get Talia up.  She was quietly talking to herself while lying in bed.  She lifted her arms for me to pick her up.  I will miss the day when my kids no longer reach their arms up to me.  We had a relaxing morning.  I did my Bible study while the kids did their homework.  Alaina is doing wonderful in math, and I am working on instilling confidence in her.  She will ask me how to write a "12".  I know that she knows, but she is not confident and does not want to be wrong.  I pray that she grows to trust herself and continues to learn that making mistakes is a part of learning and if she doesn't try then she will lose the opportunity to learn.  After school work we did a puzzle together.  (This was Talia's choice--I asked each kid what they wanted to do today.)  After putting the puzzle together we got ready and left for a playdate at Olesya's.  The kids had a blast as usual.  It is fun watching the girls play dolls together and the boys be obnoxious together (comes with the age...)

Olesya and I had a nice time talking about how we organize stuff, looking up bunk beds (we are both in the market for a set), and just chatting.  I am glad I came over and gave up "Stay At Home Tuesday."  And let me say, it wasn't that cold.  It was  a cold start to the morning, but by the time I left it was 1 degree.  (Hey, positive numbers are quite wonderful around here lately!)  We returned home and put Talia down to bed and the big kids and I played Monopoly Junior and drank hot chocolate (well--they drank it...I am still clean eating here..)  After playing for 30 minutes or so, I realized I must have messed up on the rules because this game was never going to end.  I decided to end it there (before Alaina grew tired of it.)  We then woke up Talia and watched the movie "Bolt" in the family room with popcorn.  (This was Ky's choice for what he wanted to do today.)  It is a VERY cute movie by the way!  Part of the way through the neighbor boy came over and I enjoyed watching the kids snuggle on the couch and watch the movie.  I am so blessed by having affectionate children and a good friend who is the same. 

After dinner it was bath time.  I gave the kid's "capsules" that they hatched in the tub (found in my house cleaning.)  They had a wonderful time.  When Ky got out of the tub, I heard Kylan say, "That's a birth mark."  Alaina then came to me and said "What's a birth mark?"  I told her it was a place God kissed before you were born.  (I know--good quick thinking on my part!)  Then Alaina ran down the hall to Kylan and yelled, "God kissed you on your butt!"  (Yeah, Ky doesn't have a birthmark on his butt, he does however have a freckle or mole.)  Here, I thought she had seen his birthmark...Oh, fun times!

Oh and we also have a new pet.  The kids have found a box elder bug in the house and have named it girlboy or boygirl (depending on who is talking about him.  They don't know if he is a boy or girl that is why they wanted a name that was gender neutral.)  They are keeping him in Alaina's jewelry box with a little flashlight so heshe has  light.  At one point Ky asked Alaina what the bug was doing and Alaina said, "Oh, he is having fun!!!  He's kicking his legs in the air and playing."  (Poor bug!) 

Tomorrow it is back to the same old schedule.  Today was a blessing and a gift of extra time with my children.  I am grateful for every moment I have with them (even when they are driving me crazy!)

I Chronicles 29:10 - 13
Therefore David blessed the Lord in the presence of all the assembly. And David said: “Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of Israel our father, forever and ever. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all. Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all. In your hand are power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, January 27

Brrrrr....It is cold.  Today I think we are the only school open in Southern Wisconsin.  The temp was never expected to be above 0 and wind chills are -30 to -45.  I am thankful for our warm home and warm clothes and a warm vehicle to get around in.  I know there are many families in need and I am keep them in thoughts and prayers. 

I was surprised school was in session today, but I know the district is feeling pressed for make-up days with 2 days already missed.  Tomorrow is suppposed to be worse, and the district has already cancelled.  I am thankful for the snow day!  And excited to get to spend Stay At Home Tuesday with all my kiddos!

This morning I let the van warm up for 20 minutes and it was pretty warm by the time we left to take the kids to school.  Since I was already out, I figured I may as well go about my usual day.  We went to they gym where I connected with a few friends and then to Saver's where we scored some great deals.  I got a small bin of legos, a pretty sweater, a nice shirt for Kylan, and a brand new princess calendar for Alaina (which I think I will frame some of the pictures (or make silhouettes) for her room.  The girls had a blast there--as they usually do.  Alaina found high heel bright red leather books that went all the way up to her legs.  (I wish I had gotten a picture of that!) 

Talia started having a meltdown and Alaina dumped the cart which told me it was time to go.  We had a nice lunch together and then had a little playtime before we picked up Kylan. I don't normally pick him up on Monday's because it interferes with Talia's naptime.  A friend of mine gets him and drops him off, but she couldn't today.  (I am SO thankful she does that for me on Monday's and I was reminded how thankful I was today.)  Talia wouldn't get ready to go (too tired, 2 year old meltdown) and during the 2 minute drive to school she fell asleep in her carseat.  I tried waking her up, but it was near impossible.  So of course once we got home, I put her down for a nap and she refused to sleep--which made for a VERY grumpy Talia for the rest of the day. 

Ky and Laina did their schoolwork as usual and then the neighbor boy called to come over and play. We told him "after Ky practices piano."  Which now meant piano time was stressful.  Ky wanted to rush and not play the notes in time.  As he "melted" down, I told him to go to his room and come back when he was ready to listen to me.  As he walked up the stairs he said (with tears dripping down his face), "Mom, God did not make me to be a piano player--that's not what he wants me to be."  HILARIOUS!  So--Ky loves the piano and I know he does because he has self-taught himselft beyond what I have worked with him on.  We do a 5 minute lesson on Monday's and then I just ask him to play the song I assign him one time a day for practice.  This literally takes him one minute and then he plays what he wants to play for fun.  I am thankful for this moment because I know that he knows that God has a plan for him.

Dinner was nice, but Talia continued to meltdown.  My friend Olesya also called and asked us to come over for lunch tomorrow. I am so blessed to have found a friend in her.  I have been praying and working on being more social.  I know I am naturally introverted and staying at home with the kids encourages that, but I know that God wants me to connect with others and be blessed by their friendship.  So tomorrow, I will most likely forego Stay At Home Tuesday (assuming the van starts!) to bond with a frined.  I am thankful that God has given me this new friendship and it continues to grow.

Hebrews 13:15
Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday January 26

Today was a quiet day and I am thankful for quiet days.

We woke up to several inches of snow.  It was beautiful.  We drove slowly to church and I am thankful the Lord kept us safe.  After service, we went to the gym and then home for lunch.  While Rob and Kylan were shoveling, Ky was attacked by a playful bird.  I guess it was chasing a companion and was confused by Kylan.  Very cute!
We packed lunches for the week and saw that school has not been cancelled.  I am expecting they will cancel on Tuesday.  The new blast of cold air does not look fun.  Monday night it is supposed to get in the -20's.  The kids played nicely while I finished up a gift I am making.  It took much longer than planned so we ended up having a late dinner.  I am thankful that Rob made it.  YEAH!  That gave me time to pick out kid's clothes for the week (which includes monitoring Alaina's choices--she doesn't seem to understand that when the temperature is not going to get above zero, dresses are a poor choice...) and I cleaned out the girl's closet.  Alaina needs to move up a pant size and Talia will soon too.  So I pulled out the small pants, which now commits me this week to pulling up the next size from the basement (this can be time consuming...pulling out new clothes with 2 girls that like to dress-up, yeah, can you picture this?) 

Alaina helped Talia get in her pajamas (she is such a wonderful helper and I am so thankful for her!)   We had a good dinner with Bible time and then got the kids ready for bed.  Like I said, a quiet day.  I am a bit bummed I didn't have "kid time" really today, but I hope to make up for that tomorrow. 

Malachi 3:10
Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 25, 2014

Another glorious day to give thanks for.

Rob and I slept in a little (7:30 is a little around here!) I came downstairs and saw Kylan reading to the girls.  LOVE these moments.  The girls then excitedly brought me pictures they had drawn for me.  Alaina had clearly drawn the person on Talia's picture for her to color in and also written "To Mom Love Talia" on it.  She is such a wonderful big sister, so loving and helpful with her younger sister. 

From there our relaxation ended as we made breakfast and worked to get Alaina, Talia & Rob out the door for Alaina's ballet practice.  Things were a little rocky, but they did finally leave.  (I think everyone just wanted to be lazy!)  I took Ky to basketball and enjoyed watching him proudly playing in his new shoes.  It was fun to watch him as he would look over at me periodically and smile.  I could see that he was thankful and proud that I was there.  That made me feel so good and loved. 

After the game, we ran home because Lorayne, an old friend of Rob & his mom, was visiting from Oregon.  When we arrived home it was excitement.  The girls were already clinging to Lorayne and Kylan was crawling in her lap shortly afterwards.  It was neat to see the kids bond with her so quickly when they did not know her.  We had a great time looking at pictures, reconnecting, playing games, trying on her jewelry (Alaina, of course) and sharing lunch together.  The time passed WAY to fast before she had to go.  It was a blessed time and I am thankful that we had this time to get to know each other better and share where our lives are at.

After Lorayne left (Alaina helped her with her coat and gloves) it was quick baths and pizza/movie night.  We watched Mary Poppins.  (We had just finished the book.)  The kids really enjoyed the movie, and I reminisced watching it with my own mother.  This, however, was Rob's first viewing which I interrupted by asking him if he wanted to get rid of any of his wrestling videos.  (Cleaning and Organizing month, remember?)  Well, that took a lot more time than I expected--but I have Mary Poppins DVR'd so he can watch it again if he likes.  It was a wonderful time we shared with the kids (except for all the farting...I don't know why I have a gassy family--but I do...) 

So the most wonderful and BLESSED part of my day was receiving an email from my friend Crystal letting me know her family has returned from China and with the email she included a picture of their beautiful new girl!  Oh, how my heart rejoices!  I am so thankful that God kept them safe and it appears that there little girl is adjusting.  I can't wait to hear more from her about their travels and their new daughter.  --And oddly enough, last night I no longer had dreams about them.  Perhaps, my prayers were answered and they were home safe so the dreams no longer needed to be there to remind me to pray for them and their journey.  At the same time, I know their journey is just beginning as a new family.  I am so excited for them. 

Psalm 147:7
Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make melody to our God on the lyre!

Anyway--off to got finish my cleaning of the video cabinet & snuggle with the hubby. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday, January 24

Today, was a wonderful day and I am thankful for that.  We were up and off to school without a problem.  I had a nice workout and we ran to the store to pick up a few items I had ordered.  I had ordered Alaina ballet shoes at Payless and it turned out they were too big so I had to exchange them.  When I exchanged them the lady informed me that I could get another pair half price since they were having the BOGO 1/2 off sale.  SWEET!  So I picked up Ky a pair of basketball shoes that he loves.  I am thankful for shoes for him.  (He wears out shoes so quickly!)

We then went to get Kylan since it was an early release day--yeah a blessing to have my boy home early and no school for Alaina.  I had arranged for my friend, Olesya to come over with her kids for a playdate.  We had a wonderful time.  Our kids play so well together AND they even went outside and played for a bit! YEAH!  I was blessed by great conversation with a wonderful friend and she blessed me by showing me how to better clean my stove and over---and she cleaned it!!!  WOW!!!  (I took pictures at Olesya's recommendation.  She said, "we don't get to appreciate our hardwork for very long when we have kids so we need to take pics to remember!  I think she is right!) 

We decided that we need to have these playdates more often and switch houses and help each other try to clean and organize.  It's so much more fun when you have a friend.  After they left, Talia went down for a nap and the big kids did school work.  This gave me an opportunity to do my Bible study.  What a blessing it was to have this time! 

The girls and I then did some puzzles before we headed over to our friend Nathan & Angela's house.  Once again the kids played together really well and I am thankful for the time of adult conversation.  It was a wonderful time of connection and friendship.  It's amazing how others can bring you such cheer.  It was a wonderful start of the weekend. 

Psalm 92:1
 It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High;

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thursday, January 23

I woke up to the screams of Talia.  After telling her it wasn't time to get up, she wanted a hug from me and then went back to sleep.  I love that my hug worked the magic of what she needed at that time.  LOVE IT!

This morning Kylan told me that when I am 90 and he is 60 he will take care of Rob and I--and maybe he would even take care of us when we are in our late 80's.  Such a sweet boy.  I am thankful that he is thinking ahead! :)  I am also thankful that at dinner tonight I got Alaina to agree to take care of Rob and I in our 80's.  And Talia agreed to take care of us in our 70's.  Now we just have to make it to 70 on our own!:)

I am thankful for Playgroup.  Our group of 7 moms have stuck together for the past 6 years ( a few of us have kids in school, but we still stay in contact.)  Despite the cold cold cold weather, I was able to meet with 2 friends and catch up with them.  We met up at a gym and the kids had a great time.  I loved watching the girls hanging on the rings and the the trapeze.  My favorite part was watching them try to do the Hokey Pokey.  They had a good time.  I am also thankful for libraries.  The girls and I explored a new one today and I found some new books that I am excited to read with them.  I am thankful for the warm van and the constant singing of the girls---even when it is off key.  Alaina told me she figured out what she wanted to do for a job today.  She wants to be a singer.

I am thankful for the excitement of new books and excited girls.  I am thankful for peanutbutter smeared faces that still want kisses.  I am thankful for playdates scheduled and upcoming birthday parties.  I am thankful for owies that don't really need bandaids--but we can bandaid them anyway.  I am thankful for the opportunity to kiss owies with the belief that it does make them all better.

I am thankful that I have Veggie stock bouillon cubes I was able to use for dinner because I forgot to make veggie stock.  (Though it is made now! :) )  I am thankful that even though I didn't get the beans rehydrated enough, they were edible enough by dinner and the leftovers will be just fine.  I am thankful that Ky made the salad tonight and chattered away with me even though I am feeling very tired.  (I am thankful that I will soon be in bed!)  I am thankful that Ky got a speaking part in the school music program next week.  He is so excited and again I am proud of him. 

I am thankful for Alaina's picture of a red jeep in the jungle and the fact that she wrote and spelled the word "jeep" correctly.  I am proud of her reading.  She is doing so well!

I am thankful that I was able to buy the Kindle version of my online book study book for less than $5.  I am thankful that I was able to participate in some of the online interactive FB session tonight.  I am thankful to know there are thousands of other women out there that see that they have much to improve on and they want to be better.  I am thankful that I learned about verse mapping.  I think this will be very insightful for me.

I am thankful that Rob has offered to rub my shoulders for me.  I have something wonderful to look forward to.  I am thankful for children fighting over me--asking "Will you carry ME upstairs to bed?"  And I am thankful for bed, because that is where they need to be and that is where I am soon to follow. (Can you tell I am tired?)

Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday, January 22

BUSY BUSY BUSY!  I thank God that despite all the business of the day, we were safe, warm, and accomplished all that we needed to and saw 2 wonderful friends I hadn't seen in a while.

So this morning we were off to a quick start with running to 2 stores and dropping off a gift for my birthday friend Julie and running to the gym before taking Alaina to school!  Whew!  I am exhausted just talking about it.  I am thankful that we were able to accomplish all and the girls were patient and kind.  They were helpful with unloading the cart and enjoyed seeing their friends when we ran into my friend Olesya at the store.  Sometimes the warm smile of a friend can really make your day--and she made mine when I was feeling overwhelmed!  To top it all off--my good friend Julie also came over this afternoon and was so helpful reading to Talia and putting her down for a nap while I unloaded the groceries.  She is such a blessing and I was thankful to have some girl time and chat with her.  It has been a long time since we have seen each other--too long!  (I also ran into a friend at the gym and the other store I went to.  I love how Madison is just small enough where you run into friends.)  I am so thankful that God has given me such wonderful friends. 

After the errands we went directly to school to drop Alaina off and help out in Ky's classroom.  I love seeing my boy.  He gave me a playful shove when he saw me and pulled Talia next to him to eat lunch.  I love the close relationships with my children.  I can tell that Ky is very proud of his little sister and likes to show her to his friends. 

I am thankful that this afternoon I had just enough time for my online Bible Study.  I am also thankful that they sent out the 2nd chapter online so I could keep up!  (I haven't gotten my book yet.)  I am thankful that the kids and I finished Mary Poppins.  They are excited to see the movie and I am excited for them to see it--especially since it is so much different than the book!

I am so thankful that I have a Christian Mom's group that I can message for advice on getting a new devotional for the kids.  We have finished reading through our children's Bible and we need to find something new to read at dinner.  I have several recommendations and I am excited to check them out. 

I loved that when we came home from school today, the big kids asked to go play on the snow hill in front of our neighbors house (even though it was -10 wind chill.)  "Absolutely!"   I said.  I am glad they took the opportunity to play even though it was only 10 minutes.  

I loved the fact that Alaina wanted to hurry out of the bath tonight because she was marrying Pooh Bear and had to get ready!  Ha!  I loved how her and Talia ran around in dress up clothes tonight--Talia mimicking most of what Alaina was doing.  I really enjoy their relationship!  I love kids.

The last week my thoughts have been with my good friends who are currently with their new daughter in China.  They will be bringing her home in a week.  I am excited for them and thankful that they had this opportunity.  I continue to pray that their daughter quickly attaches to them and is able to understand what is going on. 

My thoughts have also been with the foster agency we have sent our inquiry to.  We have not heard back yet, but I know the lady was out of town--so hopefully soon.  I am ready to get that process started and to get my many questions answered. 

James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.