Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 31

We just got back from a family walk--it was wonderful!  We haven't been on a family walk since October or November???

So many blessings today.

A college friend of mine just welcomed her 3rd son into the world!  I LOVE babies! (Have I mentioned that before?!)  I am so excited for her and her family.  I pray that that child is guided by the Lord and is just a blessing to everyone who crosses his path. 

I found a good potato masher at Saver's.  I know--doesn't sound exciting, but my other one broke and I use it ALOT!  (Not just for mash potatoes!)  Alaina and I made brownies for her class tomorrow.  (All a part of my preparations for tomorrow--he he he!!!)  I did LOTS of laundry.  I spent some time outside trying to help Alaina ride a 2-wheeler, swinging Talia, and reading. We had a fabulous dinner of pancakes--and then our walk.  Yup!  I am feeling pretty good!

Too bad tomorrow won't be as nice, but I will enjoy each day as they come. 

John 13:34
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday, March 30

I am thankful for the warm day today!  It started a little cooler than anticipated, but it worked out just fine.  The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and you could smell the plants waking up.  It was a wonderful day.

We met Julie and her girls at the zoo and I have to say the animals were the most active we had ever seen them.  We had a great time.  I am thankful for living in a city with a free zoo and for my good friend Julie whom I love so much!  We picnicked at the zoo and then left about the time Alaina started to lose it.  (yeah--pretty ironic since it is normally Talia.)  Needless to say, we put both girls down for a nap. 

After nap, I worked with Alaina on riding a two wheel bike.  Yeah--that didn't go so well.  She panicked that I was going to let go so much she didn't focus on learning.  AND I promised her I wasn't going to let go.  We will keep working on it.  For some reason we can't find training wheels that will stay on her bike, so she really just needs to learn to ride.  I lowered the seat down all the way and showed her how she could practice riding as a balance bike.  But she didn't seem too interested in that either.  I think it will take watching the other kid ride and wanting to join them to get the motivation to learn. 

We all played outside.  Rob, Ky & I played some basketball and then practiced hitting for baseball (which starts next month.)  We then grilled burgers and hotdogs outside for dinner.  Mmmmm...

And then I found my son hanging from the top of the doorframe.  Seriously, where does he get these ideas???  Kids definitely keep life amusing. 

Tomorrow is supposed to be warm too.  I am planning on having the kids play outside as much as possible.  We need to enjoy it while we have it!

Numbers 6:24 - 26
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday, March 29

Today was AWANA games for Kylan.  He was pretty excited.  I wasn't planning to stay, but when I took him it looked like too much fun to miss it.  Talia and I stuck around and watched.  It was a lot of fun. Ky helped his team win the animal zoo race and then his entire team won first place.  He was very proud. 

After the games were over we ran to JCPenny.  Ky had a gift card to spend and they had a $10 off $25 coupon and I also needed to pick up some baby outfits for a coworker of Rob's that is expecting.  Ky picked out a 10 pack of CARS for $40--seemed a bit overpriced, but he really wanted them.  Unfortunately, the coupon did not work (Disney was excluded from the coupon), but he said he would take the extra $10 out of his bank for them.  I have to say--this is when I really want to be a control freak and say--"Ky, let's go somewhere else.  This is a horrible deal."  I know I need to let go and let him learn though. I did advise that I thought he could spend his money and get something better elsewhere, but he really wanted them and bought them.  What was REALLY ridiculous is that when he got home he discovered the wheels on the cars didn't even move.  I told him we could take them back, but he said "No--they are fine."  ARGH--let go Jess--this is his decision and his money... Disney..what I have to say to you is "SPLLLLLTTTTT!"  What a rip off!

While we were at AWANA games Alaina had a nice morning with Dad at ballet and then playing games and making lunch at home. 

We had a nice afternoon--Ky and I did some spring cleaning while Alaina played outside.  The weather is really warming up. 

We then took off for the gym and church and returned for pizza/movie night.  I am excited about tomorrow with warmer temps and a day of relaxation.  We are planning on meeting Aunt Julie at the zoo and then I am going to attempt to teach Alaina to ride a 2-wheeler in the afternoon.  We will have to see how it goes...

Ezekial 34:16
I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice.


Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday, March 28

YEAH! Our new couches are here!  Once we get the kids in bed we will finish putting the legs on them and enjoy them!  Goodbye 30 year old hand me down, hand me down couches!  It was nice to have you, but I am ready to move on!  YEAH!

It was a great day!  The kids had a half day and I went to my friend Kelly's and held her newborn baby!  OH!  She was SO TINY!  You forget so quickly how little they are at that age.  Oh, I miss babies that small and their little movements and their noises.  I wish I could have held her FOREVER!  (Well maybe not forever, but a little while longer... :)  )

After that it was a nice relaxing afternoon.  The kids and I moved the old couches out of the family room (okay really it was just me...) Then the kids stacked all the cushions and had fun jumping in them.  It almost made me want to jump in them! :)  They decorated sugar cookies with their friend Daniel and played Annie.  This was hilarious.  Ky was Punjab, Talia was orphan Annie, Alaina was Grace, and Daniel was Mr. Warbucks.  I love their imaginations and how they play pretend.

After Daniel left I taught Ky how to sew holes shut in his shirts.  We discovered another one today.  Yes, this chewing of shirts WILL stop.  He will sew anymore holes that I find and he will keep wearing it.  He did pretty good for his first shirt.  He then tried another shirt that was ripped pretty badly at the end of the sleeve and he ended up sewing the sleeve shut.  That was pretty fun.  He was done sewing after that. 

And now Rob has returned home with our couches, and after a LOT of maneuvering they are in.  YIPPEE!!!  Okay this blog is done I have to go enjoy my new couches!

Proverbs 17:22
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.



Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday, March 27

What a nice day!

I woke up the girls singing "Do you want to build a snowman?" from Frozen.  When I went in their room to get them up Alaina said, "Mom--your just in time for my coronation!"  Silly girls!

Despite the rain, it was a nice day.  I think the rain helped just to keep everyone calm and relaxed.  Playgroup came to our house and I had some activities for the kids.  They had a good time.  (I forgot to take pics...oops!)  The kids were great and it was some awesome reconnection time for the moms. 

What's even better is that clean-up was so quick.  The girls and I had time to play afterwards.  We danced together and had some fun before we took Alaina to school.  I am so thankful for times like this where I am just able to enjoy them and not have to worry about stuff to do. 

We had a nice walk to school--Alaina wore her ladybug rainboots.  I was sad to discover a tear in the side of them.  Every kid should have a pair of awesome rainboots (mental note---I need to get Talia some...)

Talia and i enjoyed a nice lunch together.  Her smile is so infectious.  She was in a great mood--it was kind of sad to put her down for nap, but necessary.  I called my Aunt over naptime and it was good to catch up with her.  I do miss my family.  Distance has made it difficult for us to be close, but it was really neat talking to her as a grown woman.  She is so full of life and has great stories.  I was and am blessed to have her as an aunt in my life.  She did so much for us/me when I was little.  She is a great woman who is a part of who I have become. 

Before the big kids came home I went upstairs and snuggled Talia awake.  Oh, the sweetness of those baby cheeks and cuddles of her warm arms as she wraps them around me.  I LOVE IT!  I don't think there is any better way to wake her up.  After we snuggled awake we hid from the big kids under the covers.  It was fun having Ky discover us all bundled up.

Yeah--it was a great day.  Ky is now working on long division with his teacher--the boy really impresses!  Alaina is writing books!  She has written 2--one about the movie Frozen and another with her and her sister.  They are really cute--and she is writing words!  Very impressive little girl!  Talia brushed the "yachts" out of my hair with her new Dora hairbrush while I helped the kids with homework.  Yeah--it was a great day!  Uneventful, relaxing, and blessed. 

Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday, March 26

I am thankful that bedtime will be in minutes.  Alaina is crying because she didn't get her teeth brushed first and I am glad that soon she will be asleep and won't remember this meltdown tomorrow.  It all began with the spilt popcorn--her night just went downhill.  Yeah--she definitely needs to go to bed.

I am thankful that the errands for the week are done.  I am thankful that the groceries are purchased and we will have filled tummies for the week to come.  I am thankful that I ran close to 4 miles today.  I am thankful that we were able to walk to school.  The weather may not be as nice as we would like it to be, but it isn't freezing cold.  I am thankful for Maestra Batesky who took the time to try to speak Spanish with Talia.  I enjoyed listening to Talia tell her "I don't speak Spanish" in her raspy voice. 

I am thankful for time to talk to friends even if it is just for a few minutes of the day.
I am thankful that the TAG teacher is now working with Ky once a week to challenge him in Math.  He is excited and showing me the new things he is learning (multiplying with big numbers now!)

Today, after school I struggled with the kids.  I think the transition is sometimes very difficult for them and they hit an emotional roller coaster.  It takes like an hour for them to be okay with being home.  I am thankful for the strike system and for bedrooms to send the kids to.  I am thankful for time to reflect and changed attitudes that sweetne my children and their demeanor afterwards.  I am thankful that I normally have at least one child that is not melting down when the others are.  I am thankful that sometimes I see my friends' children do the same thing and I know that this is normal.

I am thankful for our marriage seminar.  I am thankful for Rob who enjoys attending with me.  I am thankful for the time we will have to connect tonight after the kids are in bed.

I am thankful for playgroup coming tomorrow.  I am thankful that they will be understanding when I don't have everything ready--because at this point I know I won't. 

Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday, March 25

Well--today was stay at home Tuesday which I normally love.  Today, since I was home all day with the girls, I was tormented by their constant singing of "Let It Go" from the movie Frozen.  It is cute--really it is.  But they compete with their voices, are off key, and belt it as loud as possible.  AND they only really know a few lines, so those lines are repeated over and over and over....I will put up a video clip at the end of the week for you to see.

I did figure out that for incentive to get the girls to do things, I could show them YouTube clips of Frozen on the computer.  "Girls--go pick up the toys in the family room and I will play "Do You Wanna Build A Snowman" on the computer."  Boy--that family room has never been picked up so quick--and without arguing!  And extra bonus--they weren't singing since they were listening to it on the computer.  PHEW! 

The girls and I had fun making construction paper penguins too.  It seemed appropriate with the snow we received this morning.  It wasn't much---just enough to annoy just about everyone else.  I have lived in this state long enough that I knew it was coming, so it didn't really bother me.  (I am thankful I have a realistic viewpoint of the weather here.)

After taking Alaina to school, Talia asked if she was having "Pookie"  It took me a few minutes to realize she was asking about "Scoopie Night".  Scoopie Night is the school fundraiser at Culver's.  I told her we were--and corrected her grammar, but boy, Pookie was pretty cute.

While Talia didn't nap, I completed my application for graduate school as well as sent in my essay and resume.  YEAH!  I am now a grad school applicant!  I am so thankful for this opportunity to continue my education!  I am also thankful that I finally found all my college transcripts.  I had to dig them out to report all the credits at the different colleges I attended.  Thankfully the application limited me to 3 schools.  Looking at my transcripts, I realize I have credits at a lot of different schools--there is Valparaiso with my undergraduate degree, Concordia with my teacher certification, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology with graduate credits and then Madison Area Technical College, Louisiana State University, UW-Madison and UW-Learning Innovations Madison with additional undergraduate credits needed to round out my teacher certification in several science fields.  Wow--that means I have attended 7 colleges!  That is pretty impressive (or weird looking)!

I am thankful we did attend Scoopie night and the kids enjoyed ice cream.  After that Ky and I left for a survey to get his hair cut.  I was paid $75 to cut his hair and he was paid $50 to get his hair cut.  (Pretty good considering he REALLY needed a haircut.)  Afterwards I just pretty much gave my opinion about the clippers. 

I am thankful we had this opportunity, however, I do need to go back and fix his hair (hopefully this weekend).  They had me cut one side with one pair of clippers and the other side with a different pair--and well you can tell the difference.  One side is cut nicer and more evenly than the other.  Thankfully at his age--he doesn't care.  He is just excited about the money.  He wants to buy one of those kid four wheeler trucks.  I keep telling him he is too big for one...I don't know, we will have to wait and see.

Alaina told me this week that she wants to be a police officer.  I like this choice in profession!  (Much better than a singer and easier to get a job!)  I can picture her looking all tough in uniform--at the same time I bet her nails will be nicely manicured and she will be wearing make-up and possibly heels....Hmmmm....She would be one interesting looking police officer. 

Deuteronomy 15:10
Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.
Watching Frozen on the computer



Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday, March 24

I love schedules.  I am blessed to be able to have a schedule now and keep it (for the most part) with my kids.  I struggled some when they were younger and now I am definitely more flexible when I need to be, however, I really love schedules.  Today was a typical Monday and I am thankful for that.

The girls and I ran to the store after the gym and I was inundated with Alaina's begging for just about everything possible.  She knows that when I say "No" I pretty much ALWAYS mean "No" and if she begs, then it becomes an even more emphatic "No" sometimes followed by a consequence.  Today, she even said to me, "But I don't have that, so we need to get it."  UGH!  The girl loves to shop, but has no concept of NOT needing to have everything and living on a budget. At one point, I had her stand in the corner of the store (with her nose in the corner) so I could finish my shopping.  I pray that we may be able to break through this "I want" stage and move on to just enjoying looking at things without feelin that we need it.    Despite all this, I am thankful that I understand a budget and will be able to teach my kids (when they understand the concept of money) how to plan ahead for purchases and always think things through.

I am thankful that I am pretty much done with my resume and cover letter now.  Tomorrow, I hope I can sit down and fill out the application for graduate school and send everything in. 

I am thankful that the survey lady offered me an additional $25 for traveling to take a survey tomorrow.  I am excited.  They will pay me $75 to cut Ky's hair and Ky will get $50 for receiving the cut.  (He REALLY needs his hair cut.)  I haven't cut it in several months because I was tired of hearing him whine when I cut it.  BLEH!  He doesn't mind having it cut, he just doesn't like sitting still.  I am so thankful for this opportunity and am excited to participate.

I am thankful that the toilet overflowed on Daddy and not on me! HA!  I'm sorry it happened and I thought I had fixed it, but apparently not.  I think Talia put something down the toilet.  She had been in there and then locked the door after she walked out.  Well--It's clear now. 

I am thankful that today was the last day of swimming for a while.  The kids did great, though both need to repeat their levels (which I am not surprised about--it was there first time in each level.)  I am thankful we won't have to drive them to and from lessons anymore.  Summer is coming soon and I look forward to enjoy our evenings in the warm air. 

Speaking of classes--I am still torn about signing Talia up for ballet or swimming this summer.  I really wanted to wait until fall when the big kids were in school, but she BADLY wants to take a ballet class.  UGH!  What to do, what to do...  I am so thankful that I can even consider such opportunities for my children.  We are truly blessed.  I pray that my eyes are opened and I can be used to pass blessings to others.

Philippians 2:1-3
So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus 

check out crabby Talia after naptime...this happens on rare occasion where she is just out-of-sorts...

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday, March 23

I am thankful we were on time to church today!  Yeah!  And by on time I mean that I actually sat down in the sanctuary before the music started!  Woo-hoo!  Hey--we may be getting somewhere with these kids.

It was cute that Ky picked out grey dress pants and then tried to wear a t-shirt with it.  We had him change his shirt and he picked out a sweater to match.  He wanted to look nice at church today.  (Hmmm...)  However, he did NOT want to brush his hair.  I am so thankful we are cutting it off on Tuesday.  Then there will be no more goofy looking hair and no more arguments to get him to brush.

After church we went to Noodles for lunch.  I am thankful for my friend Dana who told me that Noodles was having a food drive.  If you bring in 3 canned goods you will receive a free entree.  We brought in 12 and had a wonderful treat for lunch.  The kids enjoyed it.  I got my favorite Japanese Pan Noodles and ate them with chopsticks.  Alaina wanted to use "chapsticks" as well.  I told her I never heard of anyone eating their food with chapstick. 

This afternoon I was blessed with quiet time to write my graduate school application essay.  YEAH!  Now I am just waiting for Rob to review it.  Tomorrow I will make corrections to it and my resume and then hopefully Tuesday I will fill out my application and send everything in.  I am excited to begin working on my Master's. 

It was a nice relaxing afternoon.  The boys watched basketball and the girls napped.  For dinner we enjoyed pumpkin pancakes and then we played a fun game of Sorry afterwards where Alaina won.  (She was ecstatic.)  During Sorry, we learned that Talia recognizes the numbers 1 and 2.  I didn't purposely teach her so that was entertaining to see.  I told her we needed a 1 or a 2 to get a guy out of home and she picked a 12.  I told her "Nope, we will have to try again."  She began arguing with me that it was a 1 and a 2.  What a smart girl!  I am very proud of my little lady!  It is hard to believe she will be 3 soon.

Tomorrow the kids have their last swimming lesson.  It will be nice to have quiet Mondays again.

Matthew 11:29
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Saturday, March 22

What a relaxing Saturday!  How blessed I am!  After Alaina's ballet lesson, we returned and just relaxed for a bit.  I worked on updating the blog with pics and videos (check it out!) and Rob read while the kids played.  We left for Costco around lunchtime.  The kids whined and complained, but quickly changed their mind about Costco when they got to try sample after sample! Mmmmm.... I was a light lunch by tht time we were done--and we left with the carrot cake muffins!  DELICIOUS!

When we returned home I was bummed to find out Julie couldn't come over for dinner with her girls.  Angela, her daughter, was sick. :(  When I told Talia she said, "That makes me sad."  Very cute. She loves Aunt Julie and Katherine and Angela. The afternoon was nice.  I worked on my resume (bleh--I know) while Ky and Alaina played, Talia napped, and Ky went for a run.  After a delicious snack of carrot cake muffins, Rob and I resumed our Foster Care Online training (which seems to be taking FOREVER!--but it is good info.)  We did learn some new things today and have more questions to ask our coordinator when we meet with her in the next couple of weeks.

For pizza/movie night we watched "Annie".  Aunt Julie had given the girls the book and Alaina has been obsessed with it, so it only seemed appropriate that we should watch it.  Wow!  It has been a long time since I have seen that movie and I enjoyed it.  And so did the girls.  They loved the singing!  Even Ky got into it.  So many memories came back to me of how much I loved the movie.  Yeah--I bet the kids will want to watch it again before we return it.  (Talia was so cute trying to dance to the music at the end.)

Which reminds me--I still have to decide if I am going to sign her (Talia) up for ballet this summer.  It is so far away and I know she would like it, but I was planning on waiting to sign her up for classes when the school year started.  Maybe, I should do it sooner so she has something special.  She LOVES dancing.

So that was our relaxing day which I am so thankful for.   I am off to tuck in the munchkins!

Psalms 118:24
This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday, March 21st

I am thankful for my new zebra slippers.  I found them on clearance today and I was excited!  I have been missing one of my slippers for 2 months (I blame the children), so when I saw them, I knew they would be mine.  Of course, the other slipper was found this evening by Alaina. It had been shoved in the kids' puzzle cabinet.  So now I have 2 pairs of slippers.  I guess my feet are doubly blessed!

I am thankful for a nice evening with friends.  It was great having Angela and Nathan over and connecting with them.  I enjoyed watching Rob discuss his beers with Nathan and then be able to discuss his fantasy books with Angela (I lack in these areas of conversation with him.)  We enjoyed watching the children play together and get excited about ice cream.  It was a wonderful evening--made even more wonderfully by my husband who also cooked dinner!  Fajitas!  Which he makes so well!  They were delicious.  And I got to use the tortillas that were bigger than my plate that I had seen at the store this week and could not pass up.

I am thankful for my sub job today.  I was a reading specialist teacher at a middle school.  The kids were high needs and the day went really well.  I do feel that God has really helped me be gentle and to focus on loving the kids.  I know it is one day, but I do feel that I did well with the kids.  There were a few incidents as expected and I will keep those kids in my prayers.  School is the last thing that I think is on their mind and they need to have needs met in other places before they can focus on school.  I am thankful for the opportunity to also help out the librarian.  I do love books, so checking in and alpahbetizing was up my alley!  I am also thankful for the little bit of extra time I had at school that I started working on my resume and essay for my graduate school application.  I think I got enough done so I can finish it this weekend and send everything at some point this coming week. 

I am thankful for all three of my children who woke up early this morning and came downstairs to tell me goodbye. They make me feel so loved! 

Today I asked Ky where he got a scratch on his chest from.  He "cooly" told me, "Oh--that--that's been there.  That's a part of my muscle."  HA!
Yesterday (yes, I know, I didn't blog yesterday), I am thankful for Rob's mom who came to watch the kids so I could go to my ladies' meeting and Rob could watch his basketball games.  I am honored that she would rearranged her schedule so Rob and I could both do our activities.  I loved coming home and seeing her and Kylan playing Monopoly Jr. having fun.  I also loved seeing Talia hug Nana in her bed.  What a special relationship she has with the children!

And I am tired--so that is all I am blogging tonight! :)  Until tomorrow!
Proverbs 15:1
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday, March 19

Today was a fun day.

My friend Olesya met me at the grocery store and actually took all the girls (her 2 included) with her to shop and then to the bathroom (when all 4 claimed they had to go at the same time.)  I got to quickly do my shopping on my own!  WOO-HOO!  After that we discovered a clearance bin of DVD's where I scored Brave for $5!  Yippee!  It was good to see her.  My schedule has been pretty busy the last 2 weeks that I have been unable to get over for a visit.  BLEH!  Next week should be good though, since I won't have to teach.

As always it was good to work in Ky's classroom.  I have really grown fond of the teachers and the students.  As always, I am amazed by the dedicated staff.  I will be sad that one day I won't be able to help in the classroom (that will be because I am teaching in my own classroom again!)

Ky came home with a present for me.  It was cup he made in art class.  It was very cute with a tree and a bumble bee.  He said, "You can drink out of it too!  We can share it, you and Dad and me!"  Hmmm...sure is a small cup to share between the 3 of us, but it is the thoughtfulness that counts.

Alaina also brought home a fun picture of a "Shapes" dinosaur.  She was very proud.  (And she colored a picture of her and her friend Luke from school.  I think she secretly likes him.)  It is so amusing watching her play.  She gets married EVERY DAY--MULTIPLE TIMES a day.  Today I told her that we needed to meet her husband before she got married.  She told me, "Too late, I'm already married.  But don't worry he is handsome and nice."  Rob then remarked sarcastically,  "Well, I'm glad he is handsome."  Alaina then said, "He is VERY HANDSOME!"  It is so funny how our kids often don't get our sarcasm.  Oh Alaina....

After school, Ky had a bit of a meltdown.  I think he sometimes feels a little overwhelmed when he realizes that he doesn't have much free time after school.  This is why I don't want him to be signed up for too much stuff.  We have let AWANA's be his choice though and I am glad he wants to go, I just do worry it may be a bit much, especially when we don't get home from school until close to 4. 

Anyway, he was whining and complaining and saying "I'm not whining and complaining!"  It was hilarious!  I asked if I could tape him, but then he became belligerent. Oh, kids....

Speaking of AWANAs, so I found out the place is NOT the candy madness that we thought it was.  Kids earn a piece of candy for every Bible verse they learn.  And they learn 1 verse each week.  Well since we came in more than half way through the year, Ky had decided he was going to memorize all of them.  So, he has been going to class and telling the teacher 6-8 verses he has memorized each week to "catch up" (i.e.--get more candy.)  I am glad the teacher shared this with us, so now we know AWANAs isn't just a giant sugarfest.  I am also very amused that my boy is using his quick memory to its fullest. 

Ephesians 2:10
For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ky wanted to take this picture of me with the cup he made

Alaina's message "Fce Nac Prd" on her dress as a reminder she is going to wear it to her Fancy Nancy party

Alaina always draws pictures on her homework, swingset in upper right hand corner

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday, March 18

I am thankful for a full day of cooking, baking and canning and two of the cutest assistants I could ever ask for.

We made zuchinni banana bread, chocolate chip cookie bars, and canned oodles of cherry jam. mmmm....the house smelled heavenly.

We also practiced Alaina's ballet dance and played cards.  Alaina is doin so well with her numbers; she did fabulous with the card games.  She also completed her math workbook.  I am so proud of her!

Talia was happy to get her ballet outfit back from the laundry.  She is now back in full tutu mode.  She was delighted to dance to Alaina's ballet video and has been wearing her ballet slippers all day long (and yesterday, and the day before, and before get the picture.)  She is now obsessed with her birthday and asks everyday if it is her birthday.  She says, "I turn 3 on my birday right?!"  "I get a butterfly cake!"  Sometimes she says she is turning 4 or 5.  It's hard to believe that in a little over a month my baby will turn 3.  An official preschooler--the toddler years are over.  Humph!  I do miss having babies.

It was a relaxing day and we completed so much.  It is amazing how good I feel when I am not running around trying to get errands done as well as the usual hum drum.  I also see how those errands exhaust me.  Well, tomorrow is errand day, so I just have to enjoy Stay At Home Tuesdays while I can. 

Short blog today as I am now trying to prepare my grocery list for tomorrow.  Until then!

Mark 6:31
And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.


Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday, March 17

I am thankful that tonight I can try again for another good night of sleep! ;P  I just didn't sleep well last night.  My mind wouldn't rest.  ARGH!  I have a lot of things I know I need to get done in the next few weeks and I think they are starting to overwhelm me.  I know I just need to relax and take one thing at a time.  It isn't a big deal if I don't have time for everything.

Well we had the first sign of spring!  Our first skinned knee(s) and face.  You know when that happens we can see our sidewalk!  YEAH!

Talia had a nice fall today on the way to the gym.  I watched her fall on her knees and then bounce face first into the cement.  Poor girl.  She has a nice scrape on her face and nose and her knees are bruised.  I am thankful that it is nothing serious and it will heal just fine.

I am thankful for understanding friends for moving the Fancy Nancy party.  It turns out when I had scheduled it, Alaina's 2 best friends are out of town.  (They have a different spring break.)  We have decided to have the Fancy Nancy party around Talia's birthday and have a "Spring Party" for playgroup next week instead to make up for our party mix-up.  It will be fun!

I am thankful for the pants and shirts I found for Kylan today at Saver's.  They are like new and quality. I am so thankful that we can save money by buying second hand and use that money for other good.  I am also thankful about Alaina's enthusiasm in buying Talia a birthday present.  She doesn't have one yet for her, but is very excited about picking one out.

I am thankful for homework time with Alaina (she did fabulous!)  I am so proud of her.  Her math skills have come SO far!  She is adding and subtracting into double digits.  Today she did 15 + 5 in her head! 

I am thankful for playtime outside.  While it is still cold, I think the sun helps encourage the kids to get outside.  Ky and Alaina spent a fair amount of time outside today.  I can't wait until it is warm enough that I can open the windows and listen to their fun.

I am thankful for Rob's mom.  Today is her birthday and we love her MORE than I think she could ever know.  I am thankful that such a wonderful woman raised my husband.  Her thoughtfulness and compassion towards others has helped more people than I could ever imagine.  She always brings a smile to our faces and the kids ADORE her.  We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful woman in our lives.

Proverbs 31:28-29
Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.”